Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop, Columbus Day Weekend
in this issue
-- Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop!
-- When, Where & How Much?
-- Facilitator Bios
Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop!
A weekend of Insight, Growth, and Play in a natural setting
The Women's Discovery Workshop is a weekend retreat designed especially for women who are ready for a change. The retreat is a "time out of time," where each participant will discover the power within to effectively make changes & move ahead into a more positive experience of life.
The retreat consists of group workshops as well as time for individual reflection. Growth processes are based upon the work of Louise Hay; the principles of life coaching; and the value of spiritual expression. Relaxation & play include gathering 'round the campfire and a movie night.
We hope you'll join us for a weekend of fun and positive transformation!
To Download the Retreat Registration Form, go to
When, Where & How Much?
October 7 - 9, 2005 (with optional Oct 10th extended stay)
The Women's Discovery Workshop is being held at the Canonicus Camp & Conference Center in Exeter, RI. Canonicus provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a beautiful 20-acre lake.
Retreat participants may choose from 2-to-a-room or 3-to-a-room accommodations. Weekend fee for 3-to-a-room is $300/person. Weekend fee for 2-to-a-room is $345/person. And, for an additional $55, participants have the option of extending their stay through Monday, October 10th.
For those who register to stay through Monday, you may use the time as you wish. Some options include: use of the grounds and main facility for quiet time and hiking, one-to-one sessions with facilitators, and participation in the Canonicus "Fall Festival" events happening that Monday (a great opportunity to re-join your family and share time together after the retreat weekend).
To Download the Retreat Registration Form, go to
Facilitator Bios

To Download Retreat Registration Form go to
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Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017