What will YOU be doing/thinking/feeling on May 19, 2011? Write as if you're already there...a powerful step in its creation!
May 19, 2011: It has been two years since my first novel was published. I am amazed at how much it has changed my life! Some for the better, some for the worse, and all totally worth it. What I like best about my life right now is the sense of peace. I've finally stopped scrambling after this goal and that. We're totally settled into our "new" apartment, and people treat us pretty much the same - maybe there's a little more friendliness, a little more "best behavior". There's a little bit more jealously, but hey, any time there's a parade, there's someone nearby to fart on it. No reason not to have a parade! Life is better now that I've met two of the biggest goals I've ever set for myself. What next? How about a vacation?!? :) Best wishes to everyone and their "future" selves. Why wait????
May 19, 2011: Fatter, balder, and with a kid who's 5 years old!
May 19, 2011: What an exciting day! My first book, "Squeezing Juice From a Berry" has just been published. I'll be heading out for a 2-week book tour next week - reading excepts from my book. Along the way, I'll be working on the poems in praise of the human body. My experience having a baby has contributed enormously to that book. My husband and daughter are my greatest blessings!
May 19, 2011: Wow, I can't beleive everywhere I've been! There is so much to see that is so different than what I've experienced in my first 33 years. Who knew I'd feel so happy and complete as I do now!
May 19, 2011: What a great day! Finished up the annual retreat in St. John's and am ready to get back to New England. Over 50 women at this year's event - a fabulous success! I'm so excited to be doing this kind of empowerment work with so many talented people. My next adventure begins in three weeks when my husband and I head to Australia for a month. We love getting back to the rhythm of that place. And are so glad that the kids can join us this year. Now that we've managed to settle at the retreat center and feel comfortable traveling, the sky's the limit!
May 19, 2011: First, thanks for the fortune cookie... There. Started writing - now try to stop me. Wow, thank god for that party in 2006! How quickly the years pass... I remember creating those buttons for each of my dreams, and as I accomplished each one, I "stuck it" in my bulletin board - the travel, fabulous adventures and fun - all balanced with down time - to do my nails, to play a game, to learn to sail and the day I put the key to my BMW325 convertible, I thought of Tara and smiled. What a life! Here's to the next five...
May 19, 2011: I LOVE my life! I also feel empowered in my ability to communicate powerfully to my partner, my family and my co-workers. It's so nice that I am able to spend 50% of my time creating and 50% of my time leading and empowering future leaders! I am designing my own home to be a spiritual haven and I travel internationally four times a year. I love, trust and empower myself.
May 19, 2011: Things are going well. I have a great family, my business is taking off, and my wife might even leave her job to help run the business. Our son Max is just a laugh riot. He's almost 4! Time flies!
May 19, 2011: Well, I've done what I thought was impossible. I am happy. I've found sustainable love. I am ready for the rest of my life. I WILL survive. Anything is possible. I can be happy for the rest of my life. I never thought it.
May 19, 2011: I am finally where I want to be. I love my career, my home and my life style. My little girl just graduated high school. I can finally feel happiness in my life.
May 19, 2011: I have multiple beauties all over the country where I can really make an impact on the industry and help people change their lives. I keep growing and learn more about myself every second of every day. I really start helping people find themselves.
May 19, 2011: It's so nice spending time with my family. The kids are at an age where we can have fun and be together. I know that the teenage years will come, but right now, it's perfect. Work is good. My family's doing great and we're where we should be...a happy family. Maybe not everything in this world or my life or the "way" is perfect, but I'm happy with the little piece of this life that I've carved out. Thank you.
May 19, 2011: Wow. I didn't give up; now look at us.
May 19, 2011: Trying to decide where to spend the summer painting...Greece, Amsterdam, India. Looking forward to our daughter/son's birth in January! Feeling happy, motivated, inspired, and healthy. And so in love ~
May 19, 2011: Change is what I needed and I can say it's kept me alive for another 5 years. Discovery, adventure, connections, and lasting memories. I feel free and open to the next 5 years of peace, happiness, and love!
May 19, 2011: Change, embrace, celebrate, evolve, flow.
May 19, 2011: Thank you Tara for being a wonderful friend and inspiration. I love you. It has been an amazing 5 years and I can't wait til your next awards ceremony!
May 19, 2011: I am in a much better place than I was 5 years ago. I found a new love, which I never thought possible. I learned to love myself and take care of myself. I am happy I went to that party and got to write this!
May 19, 2011: Although I don't like all the things my body is doing, I'm happy to say I'm in the best shape of my life. That's nothing but a minor point. My main joy is in my work and the face of my newly pregnant wife. Every day is a blessing. I don't know how to say it better.
May 19, 2011: Aahhhh.... Peace at last! Getting ready for my move to Portugal!
May 19, 2011: Dual residences: RI & Spain. Happy, complete. Still in love...
May 19, 2011: I am in the dream machine. I wish someone was with me.
May 19, 2011: Hello. Wow! I can't believe I am still doing whatever I want! I am so glad my creativity has been able to support my utopian visions and leisurely lifestyle. So many people bike now!
May 19, 2011: Doing something creative for cash. I can't wait.
May 19, 2011: I can hardly believe I did it! Thanks to God!
May 19, 2011: I am teaching children to feel success through their art!!
May 19, 2011: I'm feeling proud of my life. Peaceful and happy to have been here and grateful for all the people who have entered my life and touched me in so many ways. Hopefully I have many more years beyond this time to fulfill my dreams and hopes for the future!
May 19, 2011: I think that life is good because it is now balanced with work that I love and the replenishment that I get from time with family and time to work my body outdoors. I feel blessed to be among people that are gentle souls. I now rarely hurry.
May 19, 2011: Life is about oxygen. Oxygen is the water of life. You need it for clarity, purity, humanity, and completion. It is about human destiny and compassion. My life will mean absolutely nothing if I do not have a positive control over the factors that determine it's quality. That quality is you!!
May 19, 2011: I'm breathing, learning, growing, experiencing. Creating life with every breath in. Creating space for new life with every breath out. I'll be feeling everything with fluidity, openness, acceptance, and love. I will Be.
May 19, 2011: Traveling, finding new adventures in Asia, Europe, Australia. It's a whirlwind tour. I am living truthfully, openly, honestly, in good health - physical, financial, and abundant friends in my life. Namaste.