STEP 1: Unlock Your Dreams
I'm big on horizons.
While on a recent vacation, my husband, Rocky, and I had the blessing of long walks on the beach with the waves lapping at our ankles. As we walked, he searched at his feet for beautiful shells, thrilled by each treasure he found. While I too picked up the occasional shell or sharks tooth that caught my eye, my energy was much more captivated by the enchanting horizon.
He and I often joke saying "Hurry! We're missing it!" while pretending to rush like we're late for something - the joke being the knowledge that the present moment is "it," and that there's no place to hurry up and "get to" aHorizon photot all.
Looking out as far as I could see, I considered my love of horizons (metaphorically and otherwise) and asked myself: Am I missing it? With so many beautiful treasures right at my feet...
No, silly. I wasn't missing a thing! As I savored the span of sky and earth in the distance, that horizon was as much a part of my present experience as those beach treasures were to Rocky. I was simply choosing my point of focus.
As a coach, I am an enthusiastic advocate for establishing the delightful balance of savoring and imagining...it is in this unique cradled balance of present and potential that dreams are born. Savor what's right in front of you AND take the time to imagine what's ahead. Imagination is not just for kids at play! It is through playful imagination that our desires for the future have permission to come into focus.
Dreams live in your heart - right now, in this very moment. One of my favorite quotes says it best: "If what's in your dreams wasn't already real inside you, you couldn't even dream it." Gloria Steinem
Recognizing and naming your dreams in your present experience is the absolute first step in manifesting them. Dreams are born of joy, passion, love, and excitement. Unlocking your dreams is Step 1, and Step 1 can be the most challenging step of all...
What's on your horizon?
Are you looking?
Are you excited about what's ahead?
Are you enjoying the process of moving into your future?
What is your lifelong dream, starting now?
For up-to-date listings of Create Your Life! events full of playful dream-propelling opportunities, visit our web site: www.createyourlifeinc.com
For a complimentary coaching session, contact Tara: Tara@createyourlifeinc.com
May your dreams be born of beauty and imagination,