June 27, 2011

She believes in your dreams

Joy to You!

Just a quick friendly reminder that it’s not too late to sign up for Heather Dominick’s gift call on June 30th! https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/

I know that you’re a person who has a passion for joyfully living into what's possible, and quickly and easily connecting with people who support, inspire, and believe in your dreams (a.k.a. your Dream Team). That’s why I want to remind - especially you entreprenuerial dreamers - to be on this very important teleclass …

I’m sure you sense that there is a monumental shift taking place in the world. I know you feel this. You may have secretly begun to believe that this is a shift into greater darkness and have experienced fear, worry and some concern about what’s to come. There is a sense of doom and desperation in some circles …

But this is not the truth.

The Truth is this shift is poised for major light.

And it’s always my intention to serve you fully and completely on your path of s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g into LIVING your dreams ... This is why I MUST introduce you to my good friend, mentor, and a member of MY very own personal Dream Team: Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach.

This shift into light is about YOU stepping out of going it alone and into to BEing the magnificent person that you are naturally coded to be.

This call is about the power of collaborating versus competing in this new world. Heather and I both stand behind this as a key to our missions and belief about what is going to change the world.

Be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we tap into the powerful energy of creating aligned partnerships & heart centered collaboration.


By the end of this call you will know how to get over the biggest “How Hurdle” – how do you ask someone to partner with you? Guaranteed. Because Heather’s going to coach you right through it on the call (and you will be blown away by her Master Coach energy.) Just click here to watch the training video Heather created to see more.

I am so confident of the impeccable, easy to understand and implement information you’re going to get. Heather’s presentation style is fused with uplifting energy - you will begin to experience an energetic shift the second you step on to this call! Seriously.

I truly see this as a gift for you and highly recommend that you reserve your spot on this revolutionary interactive-training teleclass now.

“See” you on the call!

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. You are going to love the full tele-training Heather prepared for you. In addition to it being chock-full of content she is going to have great experts lined up who are going to add their incredible wisdom right on the call! Click here to watch the video and register: https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/

P.P.S. Oh, and Heather will be giving away TWO Private 60 minute coaching calls! (valued at over $2000!) BUT – you must be on the call to win!

June 23, 2011

Please don't do this

Joy to You!

As a member of the Create Your Life! community, I know that many of you innovative, creative dreamers have dreams in your heart that involve entrepreneurship.

This is why I wanted to be sure to share with you a very IMPORTANT video from my good friend, colleague, and mentor: EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success & Master Coach, Heather Dominick.

You see, at one point Heather was struggling to make ends meet in her business and if you are anything like Heather (and me… we’ve both “been there”) you’ve made this mistake before or you might even be making it now …

This mistake sneaks up on you … it can hit you when you are just starting out in business or even when you find yourself bumped up against an income ceiling, not able to break through …

You’re tired. You’re working long hours. You’re trying lots of marketing over and over, but getting either no results or low results and STILL you make this mistake: you try to do it alone.

Heather created a brand new video for you all about this. Click here to give it a good gander. https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/

After over almost a decade of being self-employed she has found the ONE marketing secret that will move you powerfully into 6 figure (& 7 figure profits) is the power of heart-centered collaboration. YES. Having other entrepreneurs market FOR YOU.

BUT – there is a definite formula to creating high-level, aligned, profitable partnerships and what Heather recently realized is that all of the high-level entrepreneurs we know of are doing this, but NO ONE is talking about HOW. At least not in a step-by-step-come-join-us kind of way…

Well, now, Heather is ready to share this ALL with you!

Having other entrepreneurs market for you and all the back-end systems you need for it all to run and work like clock-work is something she has mastered and now wants to share it all with you.

Why? Simple Answer: because this is the fastest way to healing. Yes, your bank account and also the planet.

Let Heather, herself show you more about what she means in this brand new video created for you, ok? Watch now at https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/ And then be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we will solve this marketing mystery - TOGETHER.

It can be a lot easier than it has been. Together - we really are so much more.

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. Please register for this call and tune in to what Heather has to say. I know you’ll agree her message is significant – especially now. Go here: https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/

June 13, 2011

Do you remember this?

Do you remember what this feels like?

Believe me when I say that I know how challenging (and tiring!) it can be to juggle life's many many "to do's" and still manage to keep things moving forward in the direction that you want to be heading. I also know how difficult it can be to have a dream in your heart yet have others telling you it'll never work and advise you to "be realistic."

AND - I also know the value of holding tight to your heart's calling and not ... giving ... up!

Dreams are your life fuel. And when you put this fuel to use, you'll be amazed at how efficient this energy is, and how far you can go on it.

However ... here's the thing - You must get IN the driver's seat! You must put this fuel to USE. It's as if your dream-mobile is sitting in your driveway with a full tank, ready to go, but it's waiting ... and waiting ... for YOU to get in, set the GPS, and put your foot on the gas.


You've got all the fuel you need, an open road ahead, and you get to choose which direction to go. Now ... if part of WHY you haven't started your journey yet is because you don't want to go it alone ... I am here, with bags packed, ready and willing to go for the ride with you ... every mile, helping you navigate around potholes, enjoying the freedom of your very own "road less traveled", and guiding you each and every step of the journey to help you reach your destination! It's all available for you in the Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And what better time than summer for the ultimate road trip?

Remember the pure excitement of summer when you were a kid? The sun shining bright ... the energy high. This is the road trip of your life.

And, there are just 2 seats left! Register now: www.DreamAccelerationProgram.com

Here's what you get ...

* Weekly 60-min. class training calls
* Weekly 60-min. mastermind calls
* Weekly call recordings
* Weekly Action Sheets, Exercises and Resources
* Members Only Discussion Board & 24-hour support
* A Create Your Life! Coaching Buddy
* A powerful, Group Laser Coaching session
* An in-Depth, dream-propelling Bonus Call (about how to deal with those Nay-sayers)...

And so much more...

Today I came across a quote (author unknown) that made me smile: "Someday is not a day of the week." Isn't THAT the truth. :-)

So, will YOU decide to hit the gas now? Just imagine ... where you will be by summer's end if you say YES !

Your dreams are asking you to take action - now, not later. The engine is warm and ready to take you exactly where you want to go.

Join us and make today your "someday".

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


PS - The link to reserve one of the last 2 remaining spots now and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: www.DreamAccelerationProgram.com After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.

June 07, 2011

Maybe you can relate?

Can you relate to this?

This next group of Dream Acceleration™ Program members that are coming together are SO inspiring, and my bet is that you will likely see yourself in some of them. The dreams that we are going to be giving focus to, have already blown me away...

==> There's a member who's ready to make her business idea a reality.

==> There's a member who is ready to share her artistic talent in a way that supports and inspires others.

==> There's a member on a mission to achieve ultimate health and wellness, while also creating nourishing, sustainable habits that support her shining in all areas of her life.

==> There's a member who has a calling to be of service in a way that creates a deep connection to life's milestones.

==> There's a member who is determined to finally write and publish the book that lives inside of her.

==> There are partners teaming up to co-create both their individual and shared dreams.

==> There are members ready to take action on exciting new career changes...

And, there are members who aren't necessarily fully clear on what their vision is, but they are ready for that clarity to be now.

I am so excited for these dreamers!

I truly cannot wait to support these folks in stepping into their dreams - now not later. And it's interesting because ... almost every single person in this next Dream-Acceleration™ Program has shared that they recognize how detrimental it would be to wait.

And so, this had me thinking of you, because I know how quickly things can happen, and I know that the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain "a someday" or an out-of-reach mystery any more ... There is no dream too small or too large that we can't get on an accelerated path for you. Why would YOU wait?

We're starting on June 13, and we have a few spots left. Here’s how to join us and reserve your spot right away with as little as $97!

Step 1: Visit www.DreamAccelerationProgram.com and read all about it.

Step 2: Select the payment option that serves you best.

Step 3: You’ll receive your Welcome Packet and a personal welcome message from me right away! :-)

If you are tired of the same-old-same-old, and if you know in your heart-of-hearts that there has GOT to be another way ... then it's time for you to take action. Register now and take advantage of special savings!

No more living for later. Join us and make today your "someday".

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


PS - The link to reserve your spot right now and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: www.DreamAccelerationProgram.com After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.