December 16, 2004

Gifts, Needs & Wants

Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Gifts, Needs, & Wants
mid-December 2004

Article: Gifts, Needs, & Wants
Seeing as we are in the midst of the holiday season, I thought it would be interesting to explore some of December's most frequently used words: Gifts, Needs, and Wants. Take a moment to ask yourself, "What are my Gifts? What are my Needs? What are my Wants?" Your answers might surprise.

First, consider what gifts you have to yourself, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, the world. While I imagine many of you have some fabulous material goods to offer your friends and loved ones, what if you were to scratch those off your list? What would be left on the list? Maybe even read the remaining list aloud, and pick your top three - the ones that feel primary for you. What are they? Are you giving these gifts freely to others? What would it be worth if you did?

If you're anything like me, it's not at all challenging to make a list of Wants...a new car, a personal chef, a cost-is-no-object wardrobe, a lifetime supply of Godiva chocolates, a video library full of stand-up comedy...just to name a few. Instead, ask yourself, "What are my Needs?" And, I don't mean food, shelter, clean water, etc. since I'm assuming that if you're reading this on your computer, you are as privileged as I am to have all these basic needs already met. What else is a Need for you?

Here are some of my needs: I need to feel connected to others. I need to inspire and facilitate dreams. I need creative freedom. I need the adventure of exploring beyond my comfort zone. I need to contribute to the world. I need to make an impact. I need to be comfortable in my body. I need time for pure, schedule-free fun... When I live in such a way that honors these needs, I feel most alive! And, as some of you have had the unique pleasure of witnessing, these are nothing short of Tara Needs...for when they aren't being met, I feel misaligned, uninspired, stifled, and disconnected.

So, what are your Needs? Are they being met? If not, what one thing could you do (that you aren't doing now) that if you did on a regular basis would make a tremendous positive difference in meeting one of your unmet Needs? How might doing this snowball and have a positive effect on other parts of your life? Are you willing to find out?

To quote a favorite celebrity of mine, "It can poison you if you have success and you're not a successful person." Yes, that's Angelina Jolie talking... : ) I'd like to suggest that a "successful person" is someone who gets their Needs met.

For when Needs aren't met, no amount of fulfilled Wants will ever substitute. And, the fewer unmet Needs you have, the more generous you are with your Gifts!

Isn't it amazing how that works?!?!

I wish the Happiest of Holidays to each of you.

Off the Bookshelf
"Neither Wolf nor Dog" by, Kent Nerburn. A fabulous read. Gives tremendous insight into an Indian elder's perspective on being Indian, white people, and what life is about. The book provides a personal account, while dispelling myths and stereotypes about the Native American experience. One snippet that really stood out to me was the elder's parallel about the white man's concept of ownership. He gave the analogy that just because your mother's mother is your grandmother, doesn't mean you "own" grandma. In the same way, the concept of land ownership was equally as foreign to Native Americans. This book was recommended to me (thanks Becki!) to increase my understanding of the culture that gave birth to the Blessingway ceremony, while deepening my respect for the fact that I am borrowing a tradition that is not my own.

"The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by, Deepak Chopra. A simply profound how-to guide for applying the metaphysics of success by making conscious choices in each moment that attract and create the life we most desire. By honoring the heart as our "cosmic computer," Chopra explains how to create abundance, with ease, by focusing on what you are here to give.

Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2004.

Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017

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