December 06, 2005

The New Year's Resolution Dilemma II

Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The New Year's Resolution Dilemma II
December 2005
in this issue
-- Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma (Reprise)
-- Happy Anniversary!
-- Strengthening Your Personal Foundation: Women's Retreat Weekend
-- Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session

Seasons Greetings!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

~ from Marianne Williamson's "A Return to Love", used in Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech (1994).

Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma (Reprise)
While it's an admittedly arbitrary tradition, making a New Year's resolution is as good a way as any to do some self evaluation and decide on ways to create more joy, authenticity, balance, and fulfillment in your life.

Having said that, have you ever felt the early-January, adrenalin pumping, I-can-do-it, this-is-MY-year determination, only to have your resolution deflate into little more than an adrenaline hangover and faint memory by mid-February?

When the next year rolls around, what do you do? Do you set a similar, yet slightly less audacious, resolution and deem it "more realistic"?

"This way," you say to yourself, "I'm not setting myself up for failure." Or, maybe you become a disgruntled New Year's humbug and decide to stop making resolutions all together!

Sometimes we actually convince ourselves that lowering our standards is an act of self-kindness! What tricksters we are!

This year, why not raise the bar on what's realistic? Why not set a goal for your powerful-beyond-measure-greater-than- you've-ever-imagined Self, and make the commitment? And why not start right now?

Dare to be nothing short of fabulous in 2006!

1. What's your New Year's resolution?

2. How does this resolution reflect the standards you've set for yourself?

3. In what ways would fulfilling your resolution impact your life?

4. Would sharing your resolution with someone who agrees to hold you accountable be helpful? If so, be specific in your request: for a month, a year, a lifetime?

Here's how hiring a coach can help....

As your Coach I will: * Challenge you to live your best life! * Help you clarify your goals! * Help bring awareness to your unique gifts and strengths! * Help you prioritize based on your Truths, not just your deadlines! * Encourage you! * Tell the truth about what I'm observing! * Celebrate your successes!

I wish you all a happy, healthy, loving, abundant Holiday Season & New Year!

Happy Anniversary!
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC celebrates its 1-year anniversary on December 15th! A warm THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your support, guidance, well wishes, challenges, feedback, referrals, encouragement, and time. With tremendous gratitude and excitement about the year to come, Tara

Strengthening Your Personal Foundation: Women's Retreat Weekend
Join us for a weekend focused on strengthening the foundation that your goals and dreams are built upon...YOU!

February 17-19, 2006 @ Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI

Strengthening your personal foundation is the first step in living a more authentic and fulfilling life. This retreat provides participants with the time, space and tools to clarify personal values, reconnect with heartfelt passions, and discover inborn gifts.

The beautiful outdoor setting at the Canoncius Camp & Conference Center offers the opportunity for a deeper connection with Spirit through nature. Canonicus provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a beautiful 20-acre lake. Group workshops, playful activities, and quiet time combine to make this experience the perfect opportunity for personal growth and revelation.

The principles and practices of life coaching guide the weekend activities, with influences from the work of several mind-body-spirit wisdom leaders, such as Louise Hay and Joan Borysenko. Spiritual connection from world religions also provides another avenue for inspiration during this retreat.

This all-inclusive retreat weekend offers: • Practical steps to recognize your values, gifts, and passions, and discover how to authentically share them with the world • Tools for making changes gracefully • Discerning how to live a more fulfilled life • Sharing stories and finding support in a community of women • Comfortable accommodations within a natural setting • Quiet time for introspection • And, of course, fun!

Interested in Registration? Simply send an email expressing interest, and I'll send you a registration form.

Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
Are you new to coaching and would like to find out more? Learn how having your own personal coach could benefit you, your work, your life! To arrange for a FREE session, see contact info below.

Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017

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