4 Steps to Awaken Your Dreams
As Published in aspire...Magazine
April 2007
In This Issue
* Visit Our Booth on April 29
* Article: 4 Steps To Awaken Your Dreams
* View 2011 Party Photos!
* Your Recommendation is Needed
* Reserve Your Tickets
Dream Party Sponsors
aspire... Magazine - www.aspiremag.net
The Sassy Ladies - www.thesassyladies.com
Groove Paradise Productions - www.grooveparadise.com
Stacey Doyle Photography - www.staceydoylephotography.com
Dare Devil Studios - www.daredevilstudios.com
Is Your Dream Dormant?
If you know what you want your life to be like in 5
years, great! But, be assured that you do not need
to know what your dreams are in order to attend this
unique event. This 2012 Party in 2007 is an
opportunity to awaken the dormant dreamer within!
Sleeping dreamers awaken!
* Visit Our Booth on April 29
Come visit the Create Your Life! booth at Love, Light, and Laughter on April 29, 2007 where you'll:
* Find Dream Team literature and contact info
* Have the opportunity to purchase Dream Party tickets
* Get information about our August 3-5, 2007 Women's Retreat
* Enter to win $100 Create Your Life! gift certificate
* Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session, and
* Learn about other upcoming Create Your Life! workshops
Love, Light, and Laughter - www.lovelightlaughter.net
* Article: 4 Steps To Awaken Your Dreams
Act 1 – (January, 2002)
Curtain comes up on woman who: hates her job, (correction: jobs), is buried in debt, has low credit scores, lives in a basement apartment (this, ironically, is one of the few things she is proud of), has a tumultuous love life, and is deep in the throws of therapy working on strained family dynamics that run painfully deep. This woman has dreams of having her own business, doing work she loves, owning her own home, healing life-long wounds, and finding love. She’s ready for
change and willing to do whatever it takes to make her dreams become reality!
Act 2 – (January, 2007)
Curtain comes up revealing the same woman, now with a mysterious twinkle in her eye and a glow that seems to emanate from her core. This is a woman who: independently owns two rental properties (with skylights), has wonderful tenants, great credit, a restored connection with her family, is married to her soul mate, lives on 35 acres within walking distance of the ocean, and has a business of her own, doing what she loves...coaching people toward living their dreams. She knows the beauty of dreaming and what it takes to make those dreams come true—that’s what she’s all about!
- - -
Welcome to my life! I’m living proof that 5 years is enough time to make significant life changes.
I want this for you! For everyone!
How would you like your story to go? What script would you write for your life five years from now? What’s YOUR dream?
It takes real bravery to admit that you’re afraid, and pursuing a dream can be very scary! I meet and talk to people every day who express fears about sharing their dreams, dreams that hide just beneath the surface. Many report having historically shared their dreams only to find little support or encouragement, much less celebration! Sharing a dream can certainly
be risky. Yet, a question to consider is, what’s at risk when our dreams remain a secret, something locked away, deep within us?
I, personally, love the way dreams are fueled by a strange desire often difficult to explain. I love the contemplative stages: 1) recognizing a desire for something currently out of reach; 2) wondering if you’re capable of making it happen, 3) debating
yourself on whether to pursue this desire/dream or remain in the safety of wonder. Let me assure you that in pursuing my dreams, I am not without waves of terror! But I know that overcoming fear makes the fruition of a dream that much sweeter.
Here are 4 powerful steps that have helped me and others to connect with the dormant dreamer within, and begin to take pro-active steps towards making dreams real.
1. Get honest with your self. We’re all in a constant process of creating and re-creating our lives, whether actively or passively. Are your actions creating the life you want in this very moment? If not, it’s time to make new choices.
2. Allow yourself to confront your fears and explore. What’s the worst-case scenario? What’s the likelihood of this scenario happening? Pinpoint what you are really afraid of. What might be the cost of going for your dream? Then ask yourself, how does that compare with the cost of not pursuing your dream? Keep in mind that costs are not just monetary. Consider the cost of your happiness and how that will impact all areas of your life.
3. Look ahead. Five years from now, how will you feel if you still haven’t taken action on pursuing your dreams? Five years from now, how will you feel when you look back and celebrate the decision you made five years prior? Five years from now, what will have been the best decision?
4. Take a step. Decide what pro-active steps you can begin to take towards your deepest desires and give yourself a deadline. And lastly, decide when you will begin to take these pro-active steps towards your deepest desire. When is NOW going to be the "right" time?
May all your dreams come true!
* View 2011 Party Photos!
To see fun photos from last year's Dream Party, visit Stacey Doyle Photography Online Gallery, and at the prompt enter ID:
Stacey Doyle Photography - www.staceydoylephotography.com
* Your Recommendation is Needed
Do you know a Travel Agent? I am in search of an enthusiastic Travel Agent to highlight at this year's Dream Party. If someone you know comes to mind, please let me know!
* Reserve Your Tickets
Farewell for now dreamers, whether fast asleep or fully awake. But first, I leave you with this bit of Gloria Steinem wisdom to chew on: "If what's in your dreams wasn't already real inside you, you couldn't even dream it."
Most sincerely,
Tara Gross, Founder & President
Create Your Life!, LLC & The Dream Party™
email: tara@createyourlifeinc.com
phone: 401-569-7017
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