November 14, 2007

How The Dream Party™ was Born

In the summer of 2005, I decided to go on a 10-day trip to Nevada to connect with some friends for a grand art festival. I was feeling up for an adventure and eager to get away. With my business under one year old at the time, thanks to also being a “landlordess,” I managed to squeak by on the combined monthly income. From a bookkeeping perspective, going on this trip was a bad idea. In addition to the expense of the trip itself, I was running the risk of halting momentum due to no internet or phone access for the full ten days. All logic said no – yet my intuition said yes.

On faith, I chose intuition as I have done so many times in my life. What transpired over those 10 days in the Nevada desert was transformative, joyful, challenging, cathartic, and most of all, profoundly HEART-OPENING. A sense of expansiveness, timelessness, and present-moment focus gently pervaded my experience with such depth, that the inevitable end of the festival and return home wasn’t given any thought or concern. I was just blissfully “in the experience”. What a gift!

When the time came to return home, I did so happily, savoring the heart-space that I was in. However, once home, things changed quickly and dramatically. I found myself crying in parking lots simply because they were parking lots, claustrophobic in cars and even my own living room, acutely aware of the sadness of strangers passing by, and in attempts to describe the experience to friends, I was using phrases like “I feel suffocated,” “I’ve expanded,” and “I no longer fit my life.” When weeks passed and these symptoms showed no signs of letting up, I knew something had to change, and I all but decided to sell my house and buy a one-way ticket anywhere to begin a nomadic lifestyle. I professed angrily, “There just aren’t enough places to dream here!” Friends who had been trying to persuade me to stay, reluctantly surrendered to my deep need for change and instead offered to help me pack. I had narrowed my options down to two choices, fight or flight…either create what I longed for, or travel the world looking for it.

Alas, The Dream Party™ was born over the next 48 hours, thankfully faster than I could pack! It came to me in chunks. I was awakened in the night by “ideas” and was at the kitchen table writing them down within minutes. The Party was “an excuse for me to stay,” I said. While I suspected that others felt a need for such an event, I was admittedly doing it because I needed it. My efforts paid off when over 100 people attended the first Dream Party™, and thank you’s and testimonials were received.

As you move forward toward your dreams, consider that you can’t know whether your next step will be big or small, or even a “step” at all in terms of where you’re heading. The organic creation of this trademark event has given me the opportunity to reach a national audience of dreamers. I never could have predicted that going on an out-of-budget vacation would prove to be a giant step in propelling my business forward! What’s your next inspired action?

May all your dreams come true,

Tara Sage Steeves

Tara Sage Steeves is Founder and President of Create Your Life! and The Dream Party™. She is also author ofthe book ‘Are You Pregnant With a Dream? Birthing a Dream, Conception to Age 5’. To arrange for acomplimentary coaching session or to find out more about our events, products, or services call (401) 569-7017, email, or visit

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