May 27, 2011

She made me cry...

Joy to You!

I have to share something with you, because I just KNOW that you will be so inspired by it too....

I had a truly extraordinary experience recently – one that left me feeling so overjoyed, inspired, and delighted, that it took a while for it to sink in – but once it did, I went into what Oprah would call “the ugly cry.” But really - what better feeling is there than joy to the point of tears?

I was moved to tears ... on behalf of one of my truly extraordinary clients (who graciously agreed to my sharing a bit of her story – seen with me below). I was also moved to tears on my OWN behalf, at the fact that I get to do this work in the world! :-)

Meet Laurie...

Laurie is a dental hygienist and single mother of 3 grown sons. She is as fun-loving as they come, a true lover of life who came to me with a dream in her heart ... to move to Costa Rica!

Laurie and I have been working together by phone for about 5 months now. We had never met in person - until this past Saturday.

You see... Laurie is just WEEKS away from fulfilling her dream. She is moving to Costa Rica!! Her beloved sister threw Laurie a surprise going away party on Saturday – and I was honored and thrilled to be invited!

In typical surprise-party fashion, folks mingled about with anticipation as we awaited Laurie’s arrival. There were people from all areas of her life... friends from high school, neighbors, her sister, niece, aunts, uncles, kids, soon-to-be daughter-in-law, the dentist she’s worked for the past 12 get the picture. And me. Several folks asked: “How did you meet, Laurie?” To which I answered, “Actually... I’ve never met Laurie.” In response to the confused “well then what are you doing here?” look on their face, I went on to explain that Laurie and I have had a telephone relationship and that she and I would be meeting for the very first time. SO FUN, right!? :-)

THANKFULLY - someone was able to capture the moment (part 1 & part 2) because, in this case, a picture really is worth a 1,000 words....


To BE there, meet her, meet her friends and family, celebrate this huge milestone with all of them ... AND to be introduced the entire evening as “Laurie’s life coach who helped her realize her dream” ... was all-around extraordinary! Wow. Just wow.

I’m sharing this with you because: Whatever dream lives in YOUR heart, YOU can be the next success story.

No matter how big, small, silly, outrageous, or unrealistic your dream may feel to you right now ... no matter how many unknowns and questions you have ... and no matter how scared you may be at the moment ... the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain a mystery any more!

Laurie walked the path, and you can too. Her first step on this path was simply DECIDING that now was time to invest in her dreams ... that she was not going to wait and watch as another year, or another season, passed her by ... She decided to give herself permission to "go for it" with the full support to follow her heart, her joy, her dream. Laurie and I began our work together with the Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And one guided, supported, step-at-a-time ... Laurie moved beyond her fears and doubts and into consistent aligned action with her dream – and here she is now – just weeks away from LIVING it !

Tremendous. Thank you, Laurie! You are an inspiration to us all!

Now, I KNOW you are wondering how YOU can get on this path right away and claim one of the remaining (won’t last long) spots left in this dream-propelling, life-altering, powerful, (and don’t forget FUN!) 8-week program – all from the comfort of your home! The next Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts in just a few weeks! Here’s how to go about reserving your spot right away, with as little as $97.

Step 1: Visit and read all about it.

Step 2: Select the payment option that serves you best (The special Early Bird price EXPIRES June 1!)

Step 3: You’ll receive your Welcome Packet and a personal welcome message from me right away! :-)

If you have even been considering this just a bit ... then it is time to take action. Register now and take advantage of the Early Bird savings!


Just for reading this far ... IF you’re curious about the program, BUT you have questions about whether or not this program makes sense for you: I invite YOU to reach out to me personally and schedule a complimentary call with me. Together, we’ll explore if this program makes sense for you and together we’ll get you on a path to LIVING your dreams. Not wishing your dreams ... or maybe-ing your dreams ... LIVING them. Sound good? And, as a reward for your swift action, you’ll also save yourself some ca$h – so, why not? What do you have to lose? If this speaks to you, EMAIL ME right now. I look forward to connecting for a private call. ;-)

Celebrating YOU!

PS - The link to reserve your spot right now (with as little as $97!) and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is:

May 17, 2011

Allow me to clarify something...

I had a conversation this week that really got me thinking and made me realize something that could easily delay - even derail(!) - the realization of your dreams.

As you know, I am an avid freedom-fighter on behalf of you and your dreams (even the ones you might not know yet). And maybe you've heard me say that "creating a life you love is your BIRTHRIGHT". That just by the very fact that You Were Born, you have the right to create and live a life you love.

I was sharing this with someone recently who asked: Tara, how is this is different from entitlement?

A terrific question - right?!?

Her question made me see just how EASY it would be to group 'birthright' and 'entitlement' together, creating a whole lot of confusion when, in actuality, they are so very very different...

So, allow me to clarify this critical distinction with a breakdown of my statement, "creating a life you love is your birthright."

"Creating" What this means is that it's up to YOU! This is key because you are the creator of your own experience, and one way or another you are always creating something. And knowing this, well... why not put your precious energy into creating "a life you love", rather than one you don't! I mean really... why would you continue to knowingly create more struggle for yourself?!

And if you think the pursuit of joy is selfish (in a bad way), let me challenge that. Consider: How available are you to help/support/give back/create a ripple effect of joy when you are caught up in your own struggles? Hmmmm....?

Let's look now at the word birthright. The pursuit is your birthright. BUT - this comes with no guarantees. Which brings us back to the intentional "creating" part... :-)

Entitlement and birthright are worlds apart. Birthright is inherently about your participation in the process, the pursuit of what YOU truly desire.

Birthright doesn't guarantee delivery. It simply means you, by the very fact that you were born, need no more "permission" to, from where you are - right now - begin right away to move in the direction of your own happiness. It is up to you to engage NOW ... to BE an active participant in the creation of a life you love and can't-wait-to-get-up-and-out-of-bed-for-in-the-morning!

To do anything less is where the true risk lies.

I'm reminded of a quote by Elizabeth Gilbert, from her book Eat, Pray, Love:

"...People universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will maybe descend upon you like fine weather if you're fortunate enough. But that's not how happiness works. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it, you must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it."

*** AND (This is so key!): Giving yourself the time and permission to dream, and to pursue those dreams... THIS is how you honor your birthright. ***

Children know this. They don't ask permission to dream. They don't question whether or not they are "qualified" to dream or waste their energy on wondering if their joy or excitement will make someone else feel uncomfortable. They know they have full permission to dream BIG ... yet, somewhere along the line, far too many adults adopt the idea that dreaming is for other people and that JOY is for other people too.

Have you asked yourself: Who am I to dream? Who am I to create a life I love?

Who are you not to? Let this message be your reminder of what your soul already knows: That it's not only your BIRTHRIGHT to dream unabashedly - but, right NOW, exactly where you ARE - you are being called to engage with your dreams in a way that puts you on the fast-track to LIVING them. (Yes, you.)

It is time to unleash your dreaming self - and I have the perfect way to support you in this. It's called The Dream-Acceleration™ Program ( It's starting again soon and spaces have already begun filling.

It is time to turn down the volume on that voice that says it's selfish to invest in your JOY, and tells you all the reasons that this program is for other people.

Just check it out: AND, if you have any questions, or would like to connect one-to-one to explore if it's a good fit for you, then contact me directly ( and we'll set up a time for a complimentary chat.

In this program:

* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!

* You'll receive step-by-step support to move forward confidently and expeditiously!

* You'll enjoy and celebrate the unique dreams of others, gain inspiration to dream even bigger and bolder, AND receive the tools and courage to take action to LIVE those dreams!

It is time - for YOU - to step into what's possible (and always was) and receive personalized support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams NOW. Now. now...

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. The direct link to learn more about this special program and claim your spot is Have questions? Let me know... I'd be delighted to connect with you!

May 06, 2011

Do you believe in luck?

Do you believe in luck?

In my family, 13 is considered a lucky number (as is 31). We have a rather uncanny list of momentous events that have fallen on the 13th and 31st in my family... these include birthdays, graduations, weddings, house closings, and even a few "Friday the 13th" births! My grandmother in particular, whose 3 children were born on the 13th, the 13th, and the 31st will tell you with absolute certainty that 13 is, in fact, a very ... lucky ... number. :-)

Why in the world am I telling you this?!?

BECAUSE - since I consider members of the Create Your Life! community to be part of my extended family ... I am very excited to share that: YOUR Friday, May 13th just got a little luckier!

Here's how:

I am devoting the ENTIRE DAY to supporting YOU! This is a unique, no-strings-attached opportunity to find out how a private, complimentary, 30-minute Dream Discovery telephone coaching session with me, can powerfully and quickly propel you and your dreams forward...

AND - (because I announced it on Facebook first) spaces have already begun to fill! To claim a spot for yourself, click here right away and you'll be directed to put yourself directly into my calendar.

I love when things are quick and easy, don't you? There's no back and forth needed about when works for you and which slots are still available for me... Simply go right into my calendar and schedule yourself! :-)

Especially for those of you who feel skeptical about how a brief telephone conversation could possibly be effective ... this is your chance to learn first-hand why Beau (a fellow CYL dreamer), wrote the following about a call he and I had together:

"Thanks to you I can consider working with a coach by phone,even if I've never met them in person. Our brief conversation was more convincing than any number of articles or testimonials."

Do you remember your New Year's Resolutions?

At the very start of 2011, I shared with you that one of mine is to be more accessible and intimately connected to YOU, the Create Your Life! community. Far too many organizations, when they grow, lose touch with the people who first inspired them to service. I invite you to take full advantage of this LUCKY FRIDAY THE 13th offer, as an extension of my commitment to keeping it intimate and keeping it real, regardless of how fast we grow...

Will YOU join me for a private 30-minute call that can set you on a clear, joy-filled path and on the fast-track to living your dreams?

Don't drag your feet on this one ... first come, first served.

Claim your spot on my calendar right away.

If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and increasing your JOY-factor now - then connecting for this special call, is for you.

Can't wait!

Feeling lucky,


PS - Share the luck! Invite your friends to also claim a Dream Discovery session. The direct link to get on my calendar right away is