I have to share something with you, because I just KNOW that you will be so inspired by it too....
I had a truly extraordinary experience recently – one that left me feeling so overjoyed, inspired, and delighted, that it took a while for it to sink in – but once it did, I went into what Oprah would call “the ugly cry.” But really - what better feeling is there than joy to the point of tears?
I was moved to tears ... on behalf of one of my truly extraordinary clients (who graciously agreed to my sharing a bit of her story – seen with me below). I was also moved to tears on my OWN behalf, at the fact that I get to do this work in the world! :-)
Meet Laurie...

Laurie is a dental hygienist and single mother of 3 grown sons. She is as fun-loving as they come, a true lover of life who came to me with a dream in her heart ... to move to Costa Rica!
Laurie and I have been working together by phone for about 5 months now. We had never met in person - until this past Saturday.
You see... Laurie is just WEEKS away from fulfilling her dream. She is moving to Costa Rica!! Her beloved sister threw Laurie a surprise going away party on Saturday – and I was honored and thrilled to be invited!
In typical surprise-party fashion, folks mingled about with anticipation as we awaited Laurie’s arrival. There were people from all areas of her life... friends from high school, neighbors, her sister, niece, aunts, uncles, kids, soon-to-be daughter-in-law, the dentist she’s worked for the past 12 years....you get the picture. And me. Several folks asked: “How did you meet, Laurie?” To which I answered, “Actually... I’ve never met Laurie.” In response to the confused “well then what are you doing here?” look on their face, I went on to explain that Laurie and I have had a telephone relationship and that she and I would be meeting for the very first time. SO FUN, right!? :-)
THANKFULLY - someone was able to capture the moment (part 1 & part 2) because, in this case, a picture really is worth a 1,000 words....

To BE there, meet her, meet her friends and family, celebrate this huge milestone with all of them ... AND to be introduced the entire evening as “Laurie’s life coach who helped her realize her dream” ... was all-around extraordinary! Wow. Just wow.
I’m sharing this with you because: Whatever dream lives in YOUR heart, YOU can be the next success story.
No matter how big, small, silly, outrageous, or unrealistic your dream may feel to you right now ... no matter how many unknowns and questions you have ... and no matter how scared you may be at the moment ... the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain a mystery any more!
Laurie walked the path, and you can too. Her first step on this path was simply DECIDING that now was time to invest in her dreams ... that she was not going to wait and watch as another year, or another season, passed her by ... She decided to give herself permission to "go for it" with the full support to follow her heart, her joy, her dream. Laurie and I began our work together with the Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And one guided, supported, step-at-a-time ... Laurie moved beyond her fears and doubts and into consistent aligned action with her dream – and here she is now – just weeks away from LIVING it !
Tremendous. Thank you, Laurie! You are an inspiration to us all!
Now, I KNOW you are wondering how YOU can get on this path right away and claim one of the remaining (won’t last long) spots left in this dream-propelling, life-altering, powerful, (and don’t forget FUN!) 8-week program – all from the comfort of your home! The next Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts in just a few weeks! Here’s how to go about reserving your spot right away, with as little as $97.
Step 1: Visit www.DreamAccelerationProgram.com and read all about it.
Step 2: Select the payment option that serves you best (The special Early Bird price EXPIRES June 1!)
Step 3: You’ll receive your Welcome Packet and a personal welcome message from me right away! :-)
If you have even been considering this just a bit ... then it is time to take action. Register now and take advantage of the Early Bird savings!
Just for reading this far ... IF you’re curious about the program, BUT you have questions about whether or not this program makes sense for you: I invite YOU to reach out to me personally and schedule a complimentary call with me. Together, we’ll explore if this program makes sense for you and together we’ll get you on a path to LIVING your dreams. Not wishing your dreams ... or maybe-ing your dreams ... LIVING them. Sound good? And, as a reward for your swift action, you’ll also save yourself some ca$h – so, why not? What do you have to lose? If this speaks to you, EMAIL ME right now. I look forward to connecting for a private call. ;-)
Celebrating YOU!

PS - The link to reserve your spot right now (with as little as $97!) and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: www.DreamAccelerationProgram.com
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