July 11, 2011

Tag! You're it!

Joy to You!

Ever feel like you are playing a game of hide-and-go-seek with your dreams? Like you're looking, looking, looking ... sense you're close ... but never quite seem to reach that "There you ARE!" moment?!?

Well, you are NOT alone.

I find that one of the biggest misconceptions folks often have about the dream realization process, is in thinking that you must get absolutely clear - all by yourself - about on WHAT you want before you can begin. When, in truth, getting clear is often what requires the most support! (And trust me, very FEW people know exactly what they want when they first come to me...)

Now, I know how frustrating - even hopeless - it can be to feel like you’re always lagging behind, and always in the heat of the chase, but despite ALL that effort and sincere longing ... you STILL come up short of having the joyful clarity of vision and the sheer exhilaration(!) of making a real connection with your heart's deepestest desires.

If you're ready to stop the game (and I know you are) ... I have good news for you!

The good news is that IF you:

===> Have wondered where to start and HOW to get clear on what your dreams ARE ...

===> Are READY to not just dream, but make those dreams REAL ...

===> Are TIRED of waiting for "someday" ...

Then, YOU are cordially invited to JOIN ME for this special, comprehensive, F.REE(!), 3-part Summer Tele-series:

"A Playful, Practical Path for Dream Realization: 3 Essential Pieces to go from Dreaming to Reality" http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm

In this 3-PART SERIES I will be going in-depth about how to put the 3 essential pieces of the dream realization puzzle to work for you so that (no matter how big, small, silly or vague you may think your dreams are) you too can go from dreaming to LIVING those dreams - and, f-a-s-t!

Ooooo..... I am SO gosh-darned excited about the material I'll be GIVING away on these calls because I KNOW how powerfully and quickly it can change the course of your future - for more JOY, more EASE, and more FUN.

Would it be okay with you if you had more joy, ease, and fun? :-)

You CAN live your dreams - now, not later. Register immediately at http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm to join me for this Special Summer Tele-series, to be sure YOU receive EVERYTHING it has to offer! (And feel free to invite a friend!)

“See” you on the calls!

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. You are going to LOVE what I've prepared for you! Click here to register right away to ensure that you receive ALL this amazing content - my GIFT: http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm

P.P.S. Oh, and I will be giving away TWO Private 45 minute coaching calls! BUT – you must be on the call to win!

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