July 18, 2005

An Exercise Exorcism

Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
An Exercise Exorcism
mid-July 2005
in this issue
-- I'm Starting a No Exercise Revolution
-- Are you ready for a new approach?

"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states."

~ Carol Welch

I'm Starting a No Exercise Revolution
I can't think of a better time of year than July to start a No Exercise Revolution. Can you?

Ever notice how closely 'exercise' sounds like 'exorcise'? Coincidence? Now, with a name like that, is it any wonder the masses aren't doing it?!?

Maybe you're asking how I, a strong advocate for health and wellness, could be promoting an Exercise Exorcism. Well, it's because I'm offering a replacement that can make Exercise an Ex. :)

My suspicion is that the remedy for the lack of physical activity that has reached epidemic proportions here in U.S. of A, may be as simple as finding a new way to market the behavior. Hey, if marketing can make Coca-Cola seem like a good idea, imagine what it could do for exercise! As "proof of concept" I offer my first hand experience for your review...

It was almost a year ago that I decided I would never exercise again. And, not surprisingly, I've had no trouble whatsoever following through on my commitment. Contrary to the fact that I haven't exercised in almost a year, I feel more content in my body than ever. I've even decided to do a mini-triathlon next summer! How is this possible?

Exercise, for me, carried all kinds of external expectations, wishes, hopes, desires, outcomes, rewards. No matter how emphatic I was when I began an exercise program, eventually it began to lose its appeal, and then slowly (or sometimes abruptly) disappeared from my routine altogether. Only the remnants of guilt and discouragement remained as evidence of its passing existence.

With each repetition of this cycle of resolutions and motivation, turned disillusionment and self-pity, the feelings of guilt and discouragement would multiply, making it that much more difficult to motivate for the NEXT resolution for change. Relate?

But exercise wasn't ALL bad! I loved the feeling of exertion, of release, of feeling stronger, of walking taller, of pushing myself, of moving my body, of being IN my body. It's fun to move, and it feels good.

So, I renamed it - and for the sake of anyone who may also benefit, I'm sharing it. I "Move in the World," regularly.

I look forward to 'Moving in the World'. I feel good while I'm 'Moving in the World'. I feel good after I 'Move in the World'. I feel strong, powerful, alive, beautiful, capable, and connected. It's not a chore to feel these things. I'm eager. I look forward to it. I miss it if I don't do it. I don't need to talk myself into doing it. It's a pleasure to Move in the World!

So, I'm inviting you to also Move in the World with the knowledge that you're part of a revolution! (Or, for those who fear a revolution, you can call it joining a focus group.)

If what Carol Welch (quoted above) says it true, then creating change in the physical, emotional, and mental state of the world can begin with a simple walk around the neighborhood.

As with anything, things become easier with a little support. So, why not begin renouncing exercise by proclaiming it to others? Post a comment stating your very own Declaration of Independence from Exercise. Invite your friends to join you!

Post your Declaration of Independence from Exercise!

Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.

Are you ready for a new approach?
Want some help to truly and permanently integrate powerful lifestyle changes? Want help staying on track? Want someone to encourage you, hold you accountable and celebrate the benefits with you? Want someone to help you overcome challenges that threaten your success along the way? Want to explore how hiring your own Personal Coach can impact these changes?

Want to experience the powerful rippling effect that making one positive change can have on other areas of your life as well?

I want you to live your best life. To arrange for a complimentary coaching session, please call (401) 569-7017 or email Tara@transitioncoachinginc.com. I look forward very much to hearing from you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tara

An interesting, though not very convincing idea by Carol Welch on exercise exorcism - I'm not sure that simply calling exercise something else is not really exorcism is it?

In her own words, Carol states "Exercise, for me, carried all kinds of external expectations, wishes, hopes, desires, outcomes, rewards. No matter how emphatic I was when I began an exercise program, eventually it began to lose its appeal, and then slowly (or sometimes abruptly) disappeared from my routine altogether." Then, as if by magic, renaming it to "Moving in the World" enables her to say "I look forward to 'Moving in the World'. I feel good while I'm 'Moving in the World'. I feel good after I 'Move in the World'. I feel strong, powerful, alive, beautiful, capable, and connected. It's not a chore to feel these things. I'm eager. I look forward to it. I miss it if I don't do it. I don't need to talk myself into doing it."

The reason many people don't like to exercise is that it is hard work; it requires discipline and continued commitment. Marketing it under any other name doesn't change that.

Marketing doesn't make Coca-Cola a good idea, it maintains its competitive position against Pepsi [and others]; people drink soda because they taste good, not because they are a good idea.

Exercise is a good idea, just ask your GP. Calling it by any other name doesn't change that, nor does it make it any easier to stay committed.

Sorry to dampen Carol's enthusiasm!

Dream Coach,

Hi Glyn and thank so much for your feedback!
Want to clarify that the only piece of that newsletter that is Carol Welch’s words is the quote at the top. The rest is my personal experience, written by me. Renaming and thereby reframing the behavior has had a great impact on my own personal experience of physical activity. It’s a concept that I’ve shared with clients who’ve had a similar changes in thinking (and behavior). As a result of reframing the concept, they have been able to incorporate a regular physical activity routine into their life without the “heavy” expectations that exercise carried. My experience is that an altered frame of mind around anything...but for this example, movement, literally and figuratively "lightens the load" and lessens the need for discipline and difficulty in order to do what's good for one's body, mind, and spirit.
I agree with you that calling it by a new name alone, won't change anything - thank you for such an excellent point! But an important distinction to note is that when the name carries new thoughts. beliefs, expectations, and associations, then the result can be a new approach to the behavior. For me, it has been this new belief about the behavior and the pleasure of its immediate benefits, that has given birth to a natural sense of "commitment".