January 12, 2011

This is ONLY for you

Hey there!

It's Tara.

I wanted to reach out and let you know that I have some time in my schedule, and I'd love a chance to connect with you personally. Because you've registered for one or more of my special teleclasses, I'm reaching out to offer YOU a complimentary Dream Discovery private telephone session with me!

This call alone can change the course of your year - putting you on a clear path and the fast-track to living your dreams! You CAN go way beyond surviving this New Year, and into thriving now and beyond... I know how to help you do that.

Now, again, because you already showed initiative by registering for a teleclass, I am sending YOU this special invitation to have a private one-to-one conversation with me.

To schedule your complimentary time slot, you simply need to reply to this message by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, January 14th.

If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and to increasing your joy-factor as the ONLY option for you - then connecting for this special call with me to get clear about your Next Steps is for you.

Space is limited. First come, first served.

So, here's what you need to do (by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, January 14th) to reserve this special call:

Email me personally: Tara@createyourlifeinc.com

Put "Dream Discovery Call" in the subject line.

Let me know you feel called to schedule this time directly with me because you are ready to seriously do what it takes to LIVE your dreams in 2011 and not let another year of "maybe somedays" pass you by.

Once I hear from you, a brief email questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and return right away and you'll be asked to send along some times that will work for you to connect over the next few weeks.

I look forward to scheduling YOU!


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