July 01, 2010

Juice the Lemonade of Your Dreams

Juice the Lemonade of Your Dreams!

In this issue:
How to Really Quench Your Thirst This Summer
A Special Message for Dream Circle Graduates
Our International Community of Dreamers
Over 70 Complimentary Gifts
Dream Party Tickets: On Sale Soon!
Apply for a Position on our 'Dream Team'

July 2010 issue
Supporting, inspiring & accelerating dream manifestation since 2004.

It's getting warmer!

But, feeling the heat doesn't have to mean feeling thirsty!
Let me explain...

As a Dream Realization coach, I know the beauty of dreaming and what it takes to make those dreams come true, but this certainly wasn't always the case.

I assure you...I know what it means to thirst, to feel stuck, overwhelmed, creatively stifled, and constrained by circumstances. Yet, I also know what it means to, in the midst of it all, harbor a deep knowing that life is to be enjoyed fully. Even during the most trying times, I've known in my heart-of-hearts that given the right tools, I could juice up a tall glass of lemonade from that pile of lemons that I kept tripping on!

And so, I set out to create a deliciously juicy life. I was ready to do whatever it took, not because I was especially brave but because I simply couldn't imagine that the journey to fulfilling those dreams could be any harder than staying put! Relate?

Now, it is my honor and privilege to coach you to juice your own lemonade! And, what better time is there for lemonade than summer?

ARE YOU READY to QUENCH YOUR THIRST & align your precious energy and effort with a fun, proven process to accelerate the realization of your dreams?

Johanna was ready. She was in a job that no longer inspired her and kept her away from her family, her 4-year-old daughter especially. She joined the Dream Circle with an inkling of what she wanted to do instead, but wasn't sure it could happen. That was in January 2009 and that August she left her job and started Familytopia, a business that provides family enrichment workshops to organizations. She now supports other parents who are juggling work and family, and she has gained the flexibility of working from home, setting her own hours, and doing what she's really passionate about.

Bonnie was ready. When she joined the Dream Circle, she dreamed of having a studio space to create and share her artwork - a big upgrade from her dining room table! And, just 5-weeks later we met...in her studio!

And many others were ready. Are you?

Whether you know what your dreams are, feel entirely unsure of what you dream of, or have some idea but the vision is still foggy... I believe your heart knows what it wants, and if you're ready to listen, I'm here to help.

"When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought
there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else."
~ Joseph Campbell

Summer in Newport is dreamy, and there are just a few seats remaining in the July/Aug Dream Circle meeting on Wednesday evenings. Don't miss out! Claim a seat for yourself and invite a friend for what promises to be another playful, powerful 5-week journey! (The lemonade is on me.)

The Dream Circle helps you gain the confidence and clarity of knowing that the life you want is not only possible...you'll have the full support to go about taking action to create it! Friendships are made, and dreams prosper...

"This program gives you the courage to recognize your dreams and act
on them - despite any preconceived doubts, barriers, or fears!
A must-do for anyone, at any age." ~ Jennifer Olson (Spring 2010 participant)

Visit www.CreateYourLifeInc.com for more details.
Register & receive a BONUS 30-minute Activation Coaching Call with Tara!


Are you a Dream Circle Graduate?

Dreaming together creates a very special bond, and I've recently been asked by several Dream Circle Graduates to offer a Phase II Dream Circle Program, for Graduates Only.

If you are a graduate, be on the lookout for an invitation to join me and other graduates for a special "Dream Circle for Graduates" program!

"The Dream Circle allows each person to voice their dreams with
no fear of put-down. It's exciting to see how seeds developed as each
session moved along and witnessing how dreams morph or become
far more defined. The inspiration is two-fold. It feels so very good to
help others by offering positive, constructive feedback, and in turn that
same constructive feedback helps you crystalize your own dream
more clearly. Together we created a circle where each other's ideas
evolved from concepts, to an outline, to attainability. It was magical."
~ Hilary, Newport, RI


And, for those of you from around the globe who are wishing for a Dream Circle that you could join, STAY TUNED for the unveiling of Dream Circle 2.0...Coming this Fall!

THANK YOU for being a member of our creative, inspiring, brave, international community. You are part of an ever-expanding movement towards a more joyful, loving, connected world.

To keep expanding our culture of dreaming, ask someone in your life today what they dream of. It could be a friend, family member, your hairdresser, a child, or even a stranger... Give them the gift of your full and present listening and be sure to share your dreams with them!

Apply for our Dream Team!

Dream Party 2010 Tickets on Sale Soon for the 5th annual Dream Party®!

"The ultimate Law of Attraction event!"
~ Linda Joy, Publisher, Aspire Magazine,
Sponsor for the 4th consecutive year.

Stay tuned for the unveiling of the 2010 Dream Team!

Are you...

* A heart-centered, New England-based entrepreneur who has an established business (generally 3+ years in business)?

* Someone who is truly passionate about serving others and holds a clear vision of belief and possibility on behalf of their clients?

* Interested in learning more about a unique, effective, collaborative marketing avenue to promote your business?

Do you...

* Offer a distinct, unique service that helps people realize a specific dream?

* Have a website and newsletter subscriber list, or other systematic way of connecting with your client base?

* Have a positive "can do" mindset, and enjoy collaboration?

Apply for our extraordinary Dream Team!
Contact Tara today to learn more.

Over 70 Complimentary Gifts!

along with your choice of over 70 complimentary gifts, visit aspiremag.net.

Summer sun,

Tara Sage Steeves
Dream Realization Coach,
Author, Speaker,
Founder & President
Create Your Life! & The Dream Party®

© Copyright 2010 Tara Sage Steeves. All rights reserved.

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