June 23, 2011

Please don't do this

Joy to You!

As a member of the Create Your Life! community, I know that many of you innovative, creative dreamers have dreams in your heart that involve entrepreneurship.

This is why I wanted to be sure to share with you a very IMPORTANT video from my good friend, colleague, and mentor: EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success & Master Coach, Heather Dominick.

You see, at one point Heather was struggling to make ends meet in her business and if you are anything like Heather (and me… we’ve both “been there”) you’ve made this mistake before or you might even be making it now …

This mistake sneaks up on you … it can hit you when you are just starting out in business or even when you find yourself bumped up against an income ceiling, not able to break through …

You’re tired. You’re working long hours. You’re trying lots of marketing over and over, but getting either no results or low results and STILL you make this mistake: you try to do it alone.

Heather created a brand new video for you all about this. Click here to give it a good gander. https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/

After over almost a decade of being self-employed she has found the ONE marketing secret that will move you powerfully into 6 figure (& 7 figure profits) is the power of heart-centered collaboration. YES. Having other entrepreneurs market FOR YOU.

BUT – there is a definite formula to creating high-level, aligned, profitable partnerships and what Heather recently realized is that all of the high-level entrepreneurs we know of are doing this, but NO ONE is talking about HOW. At least not in a step-by-step-come-join-us kind of way…

Well, now, Heather is ready to share this ALL with you!

Having other entrepreneurs market for you and all the back-end systems you need for it all to run and work like clock-work is something she has mastered and now wants to share it all with you.

Why? Simple Answer: because this is the fastest way to healing. Yes, your bank account and also the planet.

Let Heather, herself show you more about what she means in this brand new video created for you, ok? Watch now at https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/ And then be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we will solve this marketing mystery - TOGETHER.

It can be a lot easier than it has been. Together - we really are so much more.

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. Please register for this call and tune in to what Heather has to say. I know you’ll agree her message is significant – especially now. Go here: https://energyrich.infusionsoft.com/go/jvspreview/Tara/

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