July 06, 2011

This really makes my heart hurt

I have a question for you...

Have you ever been told by someone you love, trust, and respect that your dream is unrealistic, impossible, or doomed to fail? And ... have you ever, because of the high regard you have for this person, BELIEVED THEM? Oh, how this makes my heart hurt to think about! And the truth is, this sort of thing happens ... every. single. day. OUCH!

Too often dreams die right there, in that very moment. Squashed. Squished. Suffocated. Deflated. Buried... deep deep deep down where it won't be easy to find again. Ugh - this truly makes me SO sad...

BUT - rather than wallow, I'm on a mission to change this.

The good news is: There is an alternative. You CAN share your dreams freely, hold others in high regard, AND keep your dreams alive! (It's not an either/or scenario.)

Here's what you can do, right away, on behalf of your dreams:

1. First, trust that IF the Universe couldn't fulfill the dreams in your heart, you wouldn't even be able to dream them! You got that?! So ... even if the details feel overwhelming and unknown, trust that the wisdom of the Universe is greater than even the most well-intentioned naysayer! :-)

2. Join me for my FR.E.E. 3-part Summer Teleseries! (To register visit: http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm) Learn how quickly and easily you can move forward on your dreams --> It's an absolute DON'T MISS .... especially if you have doubts or tend to believe the opinions of others before your own!

In this special 3-part Series, I'll be sharing ...

A Playful, Practical Path for Dream Realization: The 3 Essential Pieces to go from Dreaming to Reality

Reserve Your Virtual Seat Right Away at http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm

You'll learn how to:

* Dream freely and confidently!
* Stop putting your dreams off until "someday"!
* Not just dream, but LIVE those dreams, and a step-by-step proven path to get there!

You CAN go from doubtful and defeated to excited and on track! And I can't wait to share how!

To learn more, visit http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm

Did I mention I'm so excited about what I'll be sharing? :-) And it's all my GIFT to you as a special THANK YOU for being part of this extraordinary community of innovative, inspiring Create Your Life! dreamers.

“See” you on the calls! Oh, and of course ... feel free to invite a friend to join us too!

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. Your dreams ARE realistic! Click here to register right away to ensure that YOU receive ALL of the amazing, dream-propelling content I'm going to be sharing: http://createyourlifeinc.com/fromdreamtoreality.htm

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