Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The New Year's Resolution Dilemma II
December 2005
in this issue
-- Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma (Reprise)
-- Happy Anniversary!
-- Strengthening Your Personal Foundation: Women's Retreat Weekend
-- Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
Seasons Greetings!
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~ from Marianne Williamson's "A Return to Love", used in Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech (1994).
Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma (Reprise)
While it's an admittedly arbitrary tradition, making a New Year's resolution is as good a way as any to do some self evaluation and decide on ways to create more joy, authenticity, balance, and fulfillment in your life.
Having said that, have you ever felt the early-January, adrenalin pumping, I-can-do-it, this-is-MY-year determination, only to have your resolution deflate into little more than an adrenaline hangover and faint memory by mid-February?
When the next year rolls around, what do you do? Do you set a similar, yet slightly less audacious, resolution and deem it "more realistic"?
"This way," you say to yourself, "I'm not setting myself up for failure." Or, maybe you become a disgruntled New Year's humbug and decide to stop making resolutions all together!
Sometimes we actually convince ourselves that lowering our standards is an act of self-kindness! What tricksters we are!
This year, why not raise the bar on what's realistic? Why not set a goal for your powerful-beyond-measure-greater-than- you've-ever-imagined Self, and make the commitment? And why not start right now?
Dare to be nothing short of fabulous in 2006!
1. What's your New Year's resolution?
2. How does this resolution reflect the standards you've set for yourself?
3. In what ways would fulfilling your resolution impact your life?
4. Would sharing your resolution with someone who agrees to hold you accountable be helpful? If so, be specific in your request: for a month, a year, a lifetime?
Here's how hiring a coach can help....
As your Coach I will: * Challenge you to live your best life! * Help you clarify your goals! * Help bring awareness to your unique gifts and strengths! * Help you prioritize based on your Truths, not just your deadlines! * Encourage you! * Tell the truth about what I'm observing! * Celebrate your successes!
I wish you all a happy, healthy, loving, abundant Holiday Season & New Year!
Happy Anniversary!
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC celebrates its 1-year anniversary on December 15th! A warm THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your support, guidance, well wishes, challenges, feedback, referrals, encouragement, and time. With tremendous gratitude and excitement about the year to come, Tara
Strengthening Your Personal Foundation: Women's Retreat Weekend
Join us for a weekend focused on strengthening the foundation that your goals and dreams are built upon...YOU!
February 17-19, 2006 @ Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI
Strengthening your personal foundation is the first step in living a more authentic and fulfilling life. This retreat provides participants with the time, space and tools to clarify personal values, reconnect with heartfelt passions, and discover inborn gifts.
The beautiful outdoor setting at the Canoncius Camp & Conference Center offers the opportunity for a deeper connection with Spirit through nature. Canonicus provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a beautiful 20-acre lake. Group workshops, playful activities, and quiet time combine to make this experience the perfect opportunity for personal growth and revelation.
The principles and practices of life coaching guide the weekend activities, with influences from the work of several mind-body-spirit wisdom leaders, such as Louise Hay and Joan Borysenko. Spiritual connection from world religions also provides another avenue for inspiration during this retreat.
This all-inclusive retreat weekend offers: • Practical steps to recognize your values, gifts, and passions, and discover how to authentically share them with the world • Tools for making changes gracefully • Discerning how to live a more fulfilled life • Sharing stories and finding support in a community of women • Comfortable accommodations within a natural setting • Quiet time for introspection • And, of course, fun!
Interested in Registration? Simply send an email expressing interest, and I'll send you a registration form.
Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
Are you new to coaching and would like to find out more? Learn how having your own personal coach could benefit you, your work, your life! To arrange for a FREE session, see contact info below.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
December 06, 2005
November 13, 2005
Where do you look for what you want?
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Where do you look for what you want?
November 2005
in this issue
-- Article: Where Are You Willing to Look?
-- Register for my 'Learning Connection' course!
-- February Retreat: "Strengthening Your Personal Foundation"
-- Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
There is a story of a man under a street lamp searching for something on all fours. A policeman passing by asked what he was doing. "Looking for my car keys," replied the man, who appeared slightly drunk. "Did you drop them here?" inquired the officer. "No," answered the man, "I dropped them in the alley." Seeing the policeman's baffled expression, the man hastened to explain, "But the light is much better here."
~ from "Nonviolent Communication" by, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Article: Where Are You Willing to Look?
When coaching a client who is really struggling with something, I might ask, "HOW WILLING ARE YOU TO DO WHAT'S EASY?"
Even the most challenging circumstances, more often than not, have simple solutions. So, why do we have such a strong tendency to let our EXTRAORDINARY CAPACITY TO COMPLICATE THINGS light our path instead of the simple solution?
I believe, it's because that's where the light of our perspective is shining. When we're struggling, it seems only logical that the solution must be at least, if not more, complicated than the challenge at hand. But this is micro-logic.
Finding the simple solution while we're "in it," can be very difficult. A coach can help by providing the objective perspective we often can't provide for ourselves...A coach will hold the vision of your big picture goals, and the vision of you at your best, while simultaneously helping you to sort through the challenging details...A coach will hold up a mirror so you can see your own solution.
An Excercise:
1. Bring to mind something that you are currently "looking for"...something you want for your life...something that currently feels out of reach.
2. Then, ask yourself, "Could the solution be as simple as looking, not necessarily where the light is good, but where I'm likely to find what I'm looking for???"
Register for my 'Learning Connection' course!
Light Your Entrepreneurial Fire! [Course #510101]
What are the traits of a successful entrepreneur? Are YOU an entrepreneur and looking to flourish? Assess your personal qualities and discover strategies to cultivate your entrepreneurial spirit! Gain an increased sense of personal clarity and determine your approach to aid in the success of your business.
Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM; January 18, 2006 Cost $39, Member Cost $35, Materials Fee $5 Location: Providence - Learning Connection
Register online @
February Retreat: "Strengthening Your Personal Foundation"
We are pleased to announce the dates of our next Women's Retreat: February 17-19, 2006.
What is your personal foundation made up of? How can you strengthen it to support the life you want? What are your unique talents, passions, and core motivations? How do you apply these to make graceful changes and live a more fulfilled life? Come spend a weekend strengthening the foundation that your goals and dreams are built on...You!
*** THIS RETREAT IS GOING TO FILL UP FAST! If you'd like to be placed on our EARLY NOTIFICATION LIST, please send a blank email with "RETREAT PRIORITY REGISTRATION" in the subject header. This will entitle you to receive registration details and notification prior to the general public.
Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
Are you new to coaching and want to experience what it's like? Contact me to arrange for a coaching session "on the house."
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Where do you look for what you want?
November 2005
in this issue
-- Article: Where Are You Willing to Look?
-- Register for my 'Learning Connection' course!
-- February Retreat: "Strengthening Your Personal Foundation"
-- Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
There is a story of a man under a street lamp searching for something on all fours. A policeman passing by asked what he was doing. "Looking for my car keys," replied the man, who appeared slightly drunk. "Did you drop them here?" inquired the officer. "No," answered the man, "I dropped them in the alley." Seeing the policeman's baffled expression, the man hastened to explain, "But the light is much better here."
~ from "Nonviolent Communication" by, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Article: Where Are You Willing to Look?
When coaching a client who is really struggling with something, I might ask, "HOW WILLING ARE YOU TO DO WHAT'S EASY?"
Even the most challenging circumstances, more often than not, have simple solutions. So, why do we have such a strong tendency to let our EXTRAORDINARY CAPACITY TO COMPLICATE THINGS light our path instead of the simple solution?
I believe, it's because that's where the light of our perspective is shining. When we're struggling, it seems only logical that the solution must be at least, if not more, complicated than the challenge at hand. But this is micro-logic.
Finding the simple solution while we're "in it," can be very difficult. A coach can help by providing the objective perspective we often can't provide for ourselves...A coach will hold the vision of your big picture goals, and the vision of you at your best, while simultaneously helping you to sort through the challenging details...A coach will hold up a mirror so you can see your own solution.
An Excercise:
1. Bring to mind something that you are currently "looking for"...something you want for your life...something that currently feels out of reach.
2. Then, ask yourself, "Could the solution be as simple as looking, not necessarily where the light is good, but where I'm likely to find what I'm looking for???"
Register for my 'Learning Connection' course!
Light Your Entrepreneurial Fire! [Course #510101]
What are the traits of a successful entrepreneur? Are YOU an entrepreneur and looking to flourish? Assess your personal qualities and discover strategies to cultivate your entrepreneurial spirit! Gain an increased sense of personal clarity and determine your approach to aid in the success of your business.
Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM; January 18, 2006 Cost $39, Member Cost $35, Materials Fee $5 Location: Providence - Learning Connection
Register online @
February Retreat: "Strengthening Your Personal Foundation"
We are pleased to announce the dates of our next Women's Retreat: February 17-19, 2006.
What is your personal foundation made up of? How can you strengthen it to support the life you want? What are your unique talents, passions, and core motivations? How do you apply these to make graceful changes and live a more fulfilled life? Come spend a weekend strengthening the foundation that your goals and dreams are built on...You!
*** THIS RETREAT IS GOING TO FILL UP FAST! If you'd like to be placed on our EARLY NOTIFICATION LIST, please send a blank email with "RETREAT PRIORITY REGISTRATION" in the subject header. This will entitle you to receive registration details and notification prior to the general public.
Receive a Complimentary Coaching Session
Are you new to coaching and want to experience what it's like? Contact me to arrange for a coaching session "on the house."
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
October 19, 2005
Can You See In The Dark?
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Can You See In The Dark?
October 2005
in this issue
-- Can You See In The Dark?
-- Retreat Testimonials
-- Mark Your Calendar Now: February 17-19, 2006!
Can You See In The Dark?
As most of you know, I, along with my two phenomenal colleagues, facilitated a women’s retreat over the Columbus Day weekend. One of the many activities we enjoyed was gathering around a campfire and sharing the story of what brought each of us to the retreat.
When we left the campfire, we walked back to our rooms in the dark. No lights shone the way, and the cloudy sky did not shed any starlight to help us home. It was dark. But, only moments later, we were walking with ease on the wooded path. I remarked at how well our eyes had adjusted to the dark. After another moment of contemplating the phenomenon, I corrected myself, saying, "actually, I guess our eyes adjusted to the light, not the dark" to which another summed it up with "Yeah, we can't see dark."
We can't see dark. Our eyes adjust to the light. Hmmm...
What if our attitude on life did this????
Retreat Testimonials
The Women’s Discovery Weekend was a full-fledged success! The goal of helping women discover what is next in their lives and providing the tools to meet and support that challenge was achieved. Everyone, including the facilitators, walked away with a greater sense of self, a lightness in her step, and an empowered vision for the future.
See what our attendees had to say:
"Thanks to this experience, I am ready and equipped to take on the challenges I have set for myself. I have received the support and tools I need to succeed. And I will succeed. Thank you!"
"This was a rewarding, fulfilling and focused retreat run by great facilitators whose skills and areas of expertise compliment each other beautifully. I discovered things about myself that I was not aware of. I am leaving with a "Road Map" of where I want to go with my life and how I am going to get there."
"I have been thoroughly enriched by this experience."
"It was a wonderful sharing experience - touching and exhilarating. I feel calm, restored, and exhilarated at the same time."
Mark Your Calendar Now: February 17-19, 2006!
We are pleased to announced the dates of our next Women's Retreat: February 17-19, 2006.
The topic is “Strengthening Your Personal Foundation.” What is your personal foundation? How can you strengthen it to support the life you want? What are your unique talents, passions, and core motivations? How do you apply these to make graceful changes and live a more fulfilled life? Come spend a weekend strengthening the foundation that your goals and dreams are built on...You!
This retreat is going to fill up fast! If you'd like to be placed on our early notification list, please send a blank email with "Retreat Priority Registration" in the subject header. This will entitle you to receive registration details and notification prior to the general public.
PS - For those of you who are either ineligible or uninterested in attending retreats, fear not! Future newsletters will cover a variety of topics that no doubt, will hold your interest. Stay tuned...
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Can You See In The Dark?
October 2005
in this issue
-- Can You See In The Dark?
-- Retreat Testimonials
-- Mark Your Calendar Now: February 17-19, 2006!
Can You See In The Dark?
As most of you know, I, along with my two phenomenal colleagues, facilitated a women’s retreat over the Columbus Day weekend. One of the many activities we enjoyed was gathering around a campfire and sharing the story of what brought each of us to the retreat.
When we left the campfire, we walked back to our rooms in the dark. No lights shone the way, and the cloudy sky did not shed any starlight to help us home. It was dark. But, only moments later, we were walking with ease on the wooded path. I remarked at how well our eyes had adjusted to the dark. After another moment of contemplating the phenomenon, I corrected myself, saying, "actually, I guess our eyes adjusted to the light, not the dark" to which another summed it up with "Yeah, we can't see dark."
We can't see dark. Our eyes adjust to the light. Hmmm...
What if our attitude on life did this????
Retreat Testimonials
The Women’s Discovery Weekend was a full-fledged success! The goal of helping women discover what is next in their lives and providing the tools to meet and support that challenge was achieved. Everyone, including the facilitators, walked away with a greater sense of self, a lightness in her step, and an empowered vision for the future.
See what our attendees had to say:
"Thanks to this experience, I am ready and equipped to take on the challenges I have set for myself. I have received the support and tools I need to succeed. And I will succeed. Thank you!"
"This was a rewarding, fulfilling and focused retreat run by great facilitators whose skills and areas of expertise compliment each other beautifully. I discovered things about myself that I was not aware of. I am leaving with a "Road Map" of where I want to go with my life and how I am going to get there."
"I have been thoroughly enriched by this experience."
"It was a wonderful sharing experience - touching and exhilarating. I feel calm, restored, and exhilarated at the same time."
Mark Your Calendar Now: February 17-19, 2006!
We are pleased to announced the dates of our next Women's Retreat: February 17-19, 2006.
The topic is “Strengthening Your Personal Foundation.” What is your personal foundation? How can you strengthen it to support the life you want? What are your unique talents, passions, and core motivations? How do you apply these to make graceful changes and live a more fulfilled life? Come spend a weekend strengthening the foundation that your goals and dreams are built on...You!
This retreat is going to fill up fast! If you'd like to be placed on our early notification list, please send a blank email with "Retreat Priority Registration" in the subject header. This will entitle you to receive registration details and notification prior to the general public.
PS - For those of you who are either ineligible or uninterested in attending retreats, fear not! Future newsletters will cover a variety of topics that no doubt, will hold your interest. Stay tuned...
September 14, 2005
Need it. Love it.
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Re-creation as Recreation
September 2005
I just returned from an amazing-beyond-description vacation in the barren desert of Nevada, at an art festival called Burning Man. It was a profoundly creative, expansive that has broadened my perspective of self, others, and the world.
Since my return home to a world of clocks, money exchange, and plumbing, I'd like to share the two primary concepts that have permeated my being as a result of the experience, and that I have vowed to integrate fully into my day to day life. I offer them in hopes that they bring you a quality of grounded joy and inspiration similar to what I've experienced.
#1. I have an overwhelming desire to get rid of "stuff."
This desire has taken hold of me so much so that no task feels more important than ridding myself of excess. I recognize like never before the influence of too much "stuff" acting as a literal weight and killjoy. Having an excess of things bogs down the energy field and limits the ability to experience just how expansive we are. It's important to note that prior to my vacation, I desired more, not less. Nothing but my perception and awareness has changed.
So, I've begun cleaning out, one room, or drawer at a time...and have set a new standard for what I keep. For me to rationalize keeping something, I must either love it or need it, or both. Otherwise, it goes. How lovely it will be to only own what I need and love!
#2. Re-creation as recreation...
This theme so thoroughly permeated my experiences, that it was as if someone was saying "Tara, pay attention!" Since we create and re-create ourselves in every moment, 'identity' is fluid and in a constant state of flux. Whatever mold we perceive ourselves to fit, is just that - our perception.
Based on this, it's clearer than ever to me that if an old model of Self no longer serves, we can create and re-create ourselves. This creative power to change lies within each and every one of us. How freeing, and fun...
Questions to Consider:
* What standards do you have for purchasing and keeping "stuff"? Is the standard serving you and the world?
*Is there a "new you" still working within an "old you" construct?
*How willing are you to embrace your power to re-create yourself?
Re-creation as Recreation
September 2005
I just returned from an amazing-beyond-description vacation in the barren desert of Nevada, at an art festival called Burning Man. It was a profoundly creative, expansive that has broadened my perspective of self, others, and the world.
Since my return home to a world of clocks, money exchange, and plumbing, I'd like to share the two primary concepts that have permeated my being as a result of the experience, and that I have vowed to integrate fully into my day to day life. I offer them in hopes that they bring you a quality of grounded joy and inspiration similar to what I've experienced.
#1. I have an overwhelming desire to get rid of "stuff."
This desire has taken hold of me so much so that no task feels more important than ridding myself of excess. I recognize like never before the influence of too much "stuff" acting as a literal weight and killjoy. Having an excess of things bogs down the energy field and limits the ability to experience just how expansive we are. It's important to note that prior to my vacation, I desired more, not less. Nothing but my perception and awareness has changed.
So, I've begun cleaning out, one room, or drawer at a time...and have set a new standard for what I keep. For me to rationalize keeping something, I must either love it or need it, or both. Otherwise, it goes. How lovely it will be to only own what I need and love!
#2. Re-creation as recreation...
This theme so thoroughly permeated my experiences, that it was as if someone was saying "Tara, pay attention!" Since we create and re-create ourselves in every moment, 'identity' is fluid and in a constant state of flux. Whatever mold we perceive ourselves to fit, is just that - our perception.
Based on this, it's clearer than ever to me that if an old model of Self no longer serves, we can create and re-create ourselves. This creative power to change lies within each and every one of us. How freeing, and fun...
Questions to Consider:
* What standards do you have for purchasing and keeping "stuff"? Is the standard serving you and the world?
*Is there a "new you" still working within an "old you" construct?
*How willing are you to embrace your power to re-create yourself?
August 06, 2005
Announcing: Women's Retreat Weekend!
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop, Columbus Day Weekend
in this issue
-- Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop!
-- When, Where & How Much?
-- Facilitator Bios
Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop!
A weekend of Insight, Growth, and Play in a natural setting
The Women's Discovery Workshop is a weekend retreat designed especially for women who are ready for a change. The retreat is a "time out of time," where each participant will discover the power within to effectively make changes & move ahead into a more positive experience of life.
The retreat consists of group workshops as well as time for individual reflection. Growth processes are based upon the work of Louise Hay; the principles of life coaching; and the value of spiritual expression. Relaxation & play include gathering 'round the campfire and a movie night.
We hope you'll join us for a weekend of fun and positive transformation!
To Download the Retreat Registration Form, go to
When, Where & How Much?
October 7 - 9, 2005 (with optional Oct 10th extended stay)
The Women's Discovery Workshop is being held at the Canonicus Camp & Conference Center in Exeter, RI. Canonicus provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a beautiful 20-acre lake.
Retreat participants may choose from 2-to-a-room or 3-to-a-room accommodations. Weekend fee for 3-to-a-room is $300/person. Weekend fee for 2-to-a-room is $345/person. And, for an additional $55, participants have the option of extending their stay through Monday, October 10th.
For those who register to stay through Monday, you may use the time as you wish. Some options include: use of the grounds and main facility for quiet time and hiking, one-to-one sessions with facilitators, and participation in the Canonicus "Fall Festival" events happening that Monday (a great opportunity to re-join your family and share time together after the retreat weekend).
To Download the Retreat Registration Form, go to
Facilitator Bios
Kathy a Transformational Workshop Leader and Life Coach who uses insight and enthusiasm to guide and encourage others in their personal growth. She is a Holistic Social Worker with certification as a Louise Hay "Heal Your Life, Achieve Your Dreams" Workshop Facilitator. The mother of two college-age kids, Kathy enjoys sharing her spiritual journey with her new husband and their cat.
Tara a creative, dynamic, heart-filled Personal & Professional Development Coach, Entrepreneur, and Landlordess (yes, she made that word up). To each of these, she brings her personality, love of collaboration, and fusion of Psychology, Business, and holistic health training. She is passionate about assisting others to set their ambitions high and live a life full of integrity, demonstrated through the alignment of authentic work and play.
Joanna a graduate of the New Seminary, a professional writer, and a listener extraordinaire. As an ordained interfaith minister, she specializes in counseling and education in the field of holistic spirituality and health. Her business, Tru Living Services, offers these resources and more. Joanna is also the spouse and mom of a fabulous family of three (five if you count the dogs). She believes that love, honesty, and humor are the keys for true living.
To Download Retreat Registration Form go to
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop, Columbus Day Weekend
in this issue
-- Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop!
-- When, Where & How Much?
-- Facilitator Bios
Announcing: Women's Discovery Workshop!
A weekend of Insight, Growth, and Play in a natural setting
The Women's Discovery Workshop is a weekend retreat designed especially for women who are ready for a change. The retreat is a "time out of time," where each participant will discover the power within to effectively make changes & move ahead into a more positive experience of life.
The retreat consists of group workshops as well as time for individual reflection. Growth processes are based upon the work of Louise Hay; the principles of life coaching; and the value of spiritual expression. Relaxation & play include gathering 'round the campfire and a movie night.
We hope you'll join us for a weekend of fun and positive transformation!
To Download the Retreat Registration Form, go to
When, Where & How Much?
October 7 - 9, 2005 (with optional Oct 10th extended stay)
The Women's Discovery Workshop is being held at the Canonicus Camp & Conference Center in Exeter, RI. Canonicus provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a beautiful 20-acre lake.
Retreat participants may choose from 2-to-a-room or 3-to-a-room accommodations. Weekend fee for 3-to-a-room is $300/person. Weekend fee for 2-to-a-room is $345/person. And, for an additional $55, participants have the option of extending their stay through Monday, October 10th.
For those who register to stay through Monday, you may use the time as you wish. Some options include: use of the grounds and main facility for quiet time and hiking, one-to-one sessions with facilitators, and participation in the Canonicus "Fall Festival" events happening that Monday (a great opportunity to re-join your family and share time together after the retreat weekend).
To Download the Retreat Registration Form, go to
Facilitator Bios

To Download Retreat Registration Form go to
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
July 18, 2005
An Exercise Exorcism
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
An Exercise Exorcism
mid-July 2005
in this issue
-- I'm Starting a No Exercise Revolution
-- Are you ready for a new approach?
"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states."
~ Carol Welch
I'm Starting a No Exercise Revolution
I can't think of a better time of year than July to start a No Exercise Revolution. Can you?
Ever notice how closely 'exercise' sounds like 'exorcise'? Coincidence? Now, with a name like that, is it any wonder the masses aren't doing it?!?
Maybe you're asking how I, a strong advocate for health and wellness, could be promoting an Exercise Exorcism. Well, it's because I'm offering a replacement that can make Exercise an Ex. :)
My suspicion is that the remedy for the lack of physical activity that has reached epidemic proportions here in U.S. of A, may be as simple as finding a new way to market the behavior. Hey, if marketing can make Coca-Cola seem like a good idea, imagine what it could do for exercise! As "proof of concept" I offer my first hand experience for your review...
It was almost a year ago that I decided I would never exercise again. And, not surprisingly, I've had no trouble whatsoever following through on my commitment. Contrary to the fact that I haven't exercised in almost a year, I feel more content in my body than ever. I've even decided to do a mini-triathlon next summer! How is this possible?
Exercise, for me, carried all kinds of external expectations, wishes, hopes, desires, outcomes, rewards. No matter how emphatic I was when I began an exercise program, eventually it began to lose its appeal, and then slowly (or sometimes abruptly) disappeared from my routine altogether. Only the remnants of guilt and discouragement remained as evidence of its passing existence.
With each repetition of this cycle of resolutions and motivation, turned disillusionment and self-pity, the feelings of guilt and discouragement would multiply, making it that much more difficult to motivate for the NEXT resolution for change. Relate?
But exercise wasn't ALL bad! I loved the feeling of exertion, of release, of feeling stronger, of walking taller, of pushing myself, of moving my body, of being IN my body. It's fun to move, and it feels good.
So, I renamed it - and for the sake of anyone who may also benefit, I'm sharing it. I "Move in the World," regularly.
I look forward to 'Moving in the World'. I feel good while I'm 'Moving in the World'. I feel good after I 'Move in the World'. I feel strong, powerful, alive, beautiful, capable, and connected. It's not a chore to feel these things. I'm eager. I look forward to it. I miss it if I don't do it. I don't need to talk myself into doing it. It's a pleasure to Move in the World!
So, I'm inviting you to also Move in the World with the knowledge that you're part of a revolution! (Or, for those who fear a revolution, you can call it joining a focus group.)
If what Carol Welch (quoted above) says it true, then creating change in the physical, emotional, and mental state of the world can begin with a simple walk around the neighborhood.
As with anything, things become easier with a little support. So, why not begin renouncing exercise by proclaiming it to others? Post a comment stating your very own Declaration of Independence from Exercise. Invite your friends to join you!
Post your Declaration of Independence from Exercise!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Are you ready for a new approach?
Want some help to truly and permanently integrate powerful lifestyle changes? Want help staying on track? Want someone to encourage you, hold you accountable and celebrate the benefits with you? Want someone to help you overcome challenges that threaten your success along the way? Want to explore how hiring your own Personal Coach can impact these changes?
Want to experience the powerful rippling effect that making one positive change can have on other areas of your life as well?
I want you to live your best life. To arrange for a complimentary coaching session, please call (401) 569-7017 or email I look forward very much to hearing from you!
An Exercise Exorcism
mid-July 2005
in this issue
-- I'm Starting a No Exercise Revolution
-- Are you ready for a new approach?
"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states."
~ Carol Welch
I'm Starting a No Exercise Revolution
I can't think of a better time of year than July to start a No Exercise Revolution. Can you?
Ever notice how closely 'exercise' sounds like 'exorcise'? Coincidence? Now, with a name like that, is it any wonder the masses aren't doing it?!?
Maybe you're asking how I, a strong advocate for health and wellness, could be promoting an Exercise Exorcism. Well, it's because I'm offering a replacement that can make Exercise an Ex. :)
My suspicion is that the remedy for the lack of physical activity that has reached epidemic proportions here in U.S. of A, may be as simple as finding a new way to market the behavior. Hey, if marketing can make Coca-Cola seem like a good idea, imagine what it could do for exercise! As "proof of concept" I offer my first hand experience for your review...
It was almost a year ago that I decided I would never exercise again. And, not surprisingly, I've had no trouble whatsoever following through on my commitment. Contrary to the fact that I haven't exercised in almost a year, I feel more content in my body than ever. I've even decided to do a mini-triathlon next summer! How is this possible?
Exercise, for me, carried all kinds of external expectations, wishes, hopes, desires, outcomes, rewards. No matter how emphatic I was when I began an exercise program, eventually it began to lose its appeal, and then slowly (or sometimes abruptly) disappeared from my routine altogether. Only the remnants of guilt and discouragement remained as evidence of its passing existence.
With each repetition of this cycle of resolutions and motivation, turned disillusionment and self-pity, the feelings of guilt and discouragement would multiply, making it that much more difficult to motivate for the NEXT resolution for change. Relate?
But exercise wasn't ALL bad! I loved the feeling of exertion, of release, of feeling stronger, of walking taller, of pushing myself, of moving my body, of being IN my body. It's fun to move, and it feels good.
So, I renamed it - and for the sake of anyone who may also benefit, I'm sharing it. I "Move in the World," regularly.
I look forward to 'Moving in the World'. I feel good while I'm 'Moving in the World'. I feel good after I 'Move in the World'. I feel strong, powerful, alive, beautiful, capable, and connected. It's not a chore to feel these things. I'm eager. I look forward to it. I miss it if I don't do it. I don't need to talk myself into doing it. It's a pleasure to Move in the World!
So, I'm inviting you to also Move in the World with the knowledge that you're part of a revolution! (Or, for those who fear a revolution, you can call it joining a focus group.)
If what Carol Welch (quoted above) says it true, then creating change in the physical, emotional, and mental state of the world can begin with a simple walk around the neighborhood.
As with anything, things become easier with a little support. So, why not begin renouncing exercise by proclaiming it to others? Post a comment stating your very own Declaration of Independence from Exercise. Invite your friends to join you!
Post your Declaration of Independence from Exercise!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Are you ready for a new approach?
Want some help to truly and permanently integrate powerful lifestyle changes? Want help staying on track? Want someone to encourage you, hold you accountable and celebrate the benefits with you? Want someone to help you overcome challenges that threaten your success along the way? Want to explore how hiring your own Personal Coach can impact these changes?
Want to experience the powerful rippling effect that making one positive change can have on other areas of your life as well?
I want you to live your best life. To arrange for a complimentary coaching session, please call (401) 569-7017 or email I look forward very much to hearing from you!
June 20, 2005
The Liberty of Freedom
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
the Liberty of Freedom
mid-June 2005
in this issue
-- Article: The Liberty of Freedom
-- Women's Discovery Workshop & Retreat
-- Learning Connection Course: Register Now!
"Liberty can be bestowed upon us, as when a parent tells a child to go out and play. It means that we can lead our lives unhindered by restrictions. Freedom, on the other hand, must be achieved. It means we have no choice except to make a choice, that by so doing we create our lives." ~ Larry Harvey
Article: The Liberty of Freedom
(An aside: When I let them, these newsletters all but write themselves. The article by Larry Harvey from which I borrowed his quote "magically" found it's way into my hands just as I was contemplating coming up with a topic that would honor the upcoming 4th of July holiday. I love and embrace how consistently newsletter inspiration strikes when I don't force it into being...)
While our liberties are certainly in a constant state of political negotiation, freedom may be entirely within our control. 'Freedom' may have less to do with politics than it does with one's state of mind. Deciding to embrace, nurture, and express freedom is a powerful choice...critically important to one's personal and interpersonal development.
How would taking personal responsibility for your own freedom (or lack thereof) impact YOUR life? Let's not only celebrate our liberties, but also create our freedom.
All the liberty in the world won't elicit the experience of being free without the consent (choice) of the individual to engage and revel in it. A prisoner, for example, may possess a greater sense of personal freedom than an average citizen, and an average citizen may feel they live behind bars. Where are you on this spectrum?
To what degree does your liberty align with your experience of freedom?
A Challenge: Take the liberty to experience and embrace freedom in a new way.
How will you choose to manifest your freedom? Will you draw? Will you dance? Will you call your Senator? Will you listen to others more closely? Will you give something away?
As always, the choice is yours. And there are so many choices...
Women's Discovery Workshop & Retreat
A Weekend of Insight, Growth, & Play in a natural setting
MARK YOUR CALENDARS, LADIES! October 7 -10, 2005 (Columbus Day Weekend)
Location: Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI...set on over 300 acres of forest, meadows, and a 20 acre lake
I am thrilled and honored beyond description to be collaborating on the planning and facilitation of this retreat weekend with two phenomenally gifted friends & colleagues. Allow me to introduce...
Kathy a transformational workshop leader and life coach who uses insight and enthusiasm to guide and encourage others in their personal growth. She is a holistic social worker with certification as a Louise Hay "Heal Your Life, Achieve Your Dreams" workshop facilitator. The mother of two college-age kids, Kathy enjoys sharing her spiritual journey with her new husband and their cat.
Joanna a skilled writer, a graduate of The New Seminary (interfaith), and a holistic health counselor. She is also the spouse and Mom to a Fabulous Family of three (five if you count the dogs!). Her open and collaborative approach to spirituality and health are built on the values of love, honesty, and humor.
Canonicus Camp & Conference Center is an affiliate of the American Baptist Church. PLEASE NOTE that our workshop, while containing spiritual tones, is a non-denominational retreat and is thereby religiously unaffiliated. All are welcome.
More Info & How to Register Coming Soon...
Learning Connection Course: Register Now!
Making Successful Life Transitions (course #730057)
Life transitions come in many forms, new job, marriage, divorce, starting a business, or more. Making the transition successful can be one of life's challenges. Learn to look at your transition as an opportunity. This workshop provides you with the tools to find clarity and purpose.
Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Non-members: $45, Members: $35, Materials Fee: $5
Register at or (401) 274-9330.
Space is Limited!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
the Liberty of Freedom
mid-June 2005
in this issue
-- Article: The Liberty of Freedom
-- Women's Discovery Workshop & Retreat
-- Learning Connection Course: Register Now!
"Liberty can be bestowed upon us, as when a parent tells a child to go out and play. It means that we can lead our lives unhindered by restrictions. Freedom, on the other hand, must be achieved. It means we have no choice except to make a choice, that by so doing we create our lives." ~ Larry Harvey
Article: The Liberty of Freedom
(An aside: When I let them, these newsletters all but write themselves. The article by Larry Harvey from which I borrowed his quote "magically" found it's way into my hands just as I was contemplating coming up with a topic that would honor the upcoming 4th of July holiday. I love and embrace how consistently newsletter inspiration strikes when I don't force it into being...)
While our liberties are certainly in a constant state of political negotiation, freedom may be entirely within our control. 'Freedom' may have less to do with politics than it does with one's state of mind. Deciding to embrace, nurture, and express freedom is a powerful choice...critically important to one's personal and interpersonal development.
How would taking personal responsibility for your own freedom (or lack thereof) impact YOUR life? Let's not only celebrate our liberties, but also create our freedom.
All the liberty in the world won't elicit the experience of being free without the consent (choice) of the individual to engage and revel in it. A prisoner, for example, may possess a greater sense of personal freedom than an average citizen, and an average citizen may feel they live behind bars. Where are you on this spectrum?
To what degree does your liberty align with your experience of freedom?
A Challenge: Take the liberty to experience and embrace freedom in a new way.
How will you choose to manifest your freedom? Will you draw? Will you dance? Will you call your Senator? Will you listen to others more closely? Will you give something away?
As always, the choice is yours. And there are so many choices...
Women's Discovery Workshop & Retreat
A Weekend of Insight, Growth, & Play in a natural setting
MARK YOUR CALENDARS, LADIES! October 7 -10, 2005 (Columbus Day Weekend)
Location: Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI...set on over 300 acres of forest, meadows, and a 20 acre lake
I am thrilled and honored beyond description to be collaborating on the planning and facilitation of this retreat weekend with two phenomenally gifted friends & colleagues. Allow me to introduce...
Kathy a transformational workshop leader and life coach who uses insight and enthusiasm to guide and encourage others in their personal growth. She is a holistic social worker with certification as a Louise Hay "Heal Your Life, Achieve Your Dreams" workshop facilitator. The mother of two college-age kids, Kathy enjoys sharing her spiritual journey with her new husband and their cat.
Joanna a skilled writer, a graduate of The New Seminary (interfaith), and a holistic health counselor. She is also the spouse and Mom to a Fabulous Family of three (five if you count the dogs!). Her open and collaborative approach to spirituality and health are built on the values of love, honesty, and humor.
Canonicus Camp & Conference Center is an affiliate of the American Baptist Church. PLEASE NOTE that our workshop, while containing spiritual tones, is a non-denominational retreat and is thereby religiously unaffiliated. All are welcome.
More Info & How to Register Coming Soon...
Learning Connection Course: Register Now!
Making Successful Life Transitions (course #730057)
Life transitions come in many forms, new job, marriage, divorce, starting a business, or more. Making the transition successful can be one of life's challenges. Learn to look at your transition as an opportunity. This workshop provides you with the tools to find clarity and purpose.
Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Non-members: $45, Members: $35, Materials Fee: $5
Register at or (401) 274-9330.
Space is Limited!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
May 16, 2005
The Plight of Chickenhood
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The Plight of Being a Chicken
mid-May 2005
in this issue
-- The Plight of Chickenhood
-- I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection: Register Now!
-- Spreading the Word
"If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate." ~ Tom Watson
The Plight of Chickenhood
Of the entire animal kingdom, the animal I would least like to be is a chicken. From my perspective, there is no sadder, crueler existence than having tiny little legs, and wings that don't enable flying. While other birds, like the duck, turkey, and emu, are in a similar predicament, emu (I've learned) flap their wings as a mating call, turkeys have legs that at least lift them a little further off the ground, and ducks can swim. Chickens certainly have been dealt the lesser hand.
As you can see, I've given more thought to this topic than most would care to admit to hundreds of readers. But bear with me please, because these poor, underprivileged chickens have a story to tell...May their misfortune not be completely in vain. No doubt, there's a lesson here!
Questions to consider:
* Do you have "wings" that you don't use? (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)
* What tremendous potential lies dormant within you?
* What's preventing you from learning to "fly"?
* How many of these reasons are due to your fear? How many are due to circumstance?
* If you weren't afraid, what would you change?
Momma birds push their babies out of the nest to teach them how to fly. Rest assured, there is not one among us who is without neglected wings. Know any chickens who need a push? If so, why not take me up on a complimentary coaching session this month? This is a wonderful opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience and gain a clearer sense of how one-on-one coaching will help propel you forward towards the life you want. Since most of my coaching is done by telephone, you don't have to live locally for us to work together.
Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
The fine print: Do NOT attempt to fly. Said 'Life Coach' is not liable for any injuries that may result from attempts at flying. This includes any and all behavior related to the enactment of dormant superhero fantasies that may resurface as a result of this newsletter. :)
I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection: Register Now!
Making Successful Life Transitions [course #730057]
Life transitions come in many forms, new job, marriage, divorce, starting a business, or more. Making the transition successful can be one of life's challenges. Learn to look at your transition as an opportunity. This workshop provides you with tools to find clarity and purpose.
Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM; August 03, 2005, Space is limited!
Non-members $45, Members $35, Materials Fee $5
Instructor: Tara Gross, Location: Providence
Register @
Spreading the Word
Please take a moment to think of one person in your life who you know would benefit from receiving our bi-monthly newsletter, and forward this issue with an invite to subscribe.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The Plight of Being a Chicken
mid-May 2005
in this issue
-- The Plight of Chickenhood
-- I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection: Register Now!
-- Spreading the Word
"If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate." ~ Tom Watson
The Plight of Chickenhood
Of the entire animal kingdom, the animal I would least like to be is a chicken. From my perspective, there is no sadder, crueler existence than having tiny little legs, and wings that don't enable flying. While other birds, like the duck, turkey, and emu, are in a similar predicament, emu (I've learned) flap their wings as a mating call, turkeys have legs that at least lift them a little further off the ground, and ducks can swim. Chickens certainly have been dealt the lesser hand.
As you can see, I've given more thought to this topic than most would care to admit to hundreds of readers. But bear with me please, because these poor, underprivileged chickens have a story to tell...May their misfortune not be completely in vain. No doubt, there's a lesson here!
Questions to consider:
* Do you have "wings" that you don't use? (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)
* What tremendous potential lies dormant within you?
* What's preventing you from learning to "fly"?
* How many of these reasons are due to your fear? How many are due to circumstance?
* If you weren't afraid, what would you change?
Momma birds push their babies out of the nest to teach them how to fly. Rest assured, there is not one among us who is without neglected wings. Know any chickens who need a push? If so, why not take me up on a complimentary coaching session this month? This is a wonderful opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience and gain a clearer sense of how one-on-one coaching will help propel you forward towards the life you want. Since most of my coaching is done by telephone, you don't have to live locally for us to work together.
Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
The fine print: Do NOT attempt to fly. Said 'Life Coach' is not liable for any injuries that may result from attempts at flying. This includes any and all behavior related to the enactment of dormant superhero fantasies that may resurface as a result of this newsletter. :)
I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection: Register Now!
Making Successful Life Transitions [course #730057]
Life transitions come in many forms, new job, marriage, divorce, starting a business, or more. Making the transition successful can be one of life's challenges. Learn to look at your transition as an opportunity. This workshop provides you with tools to find clarity and purpose.
Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM; August 03, 2005, Space is limited!
Non-members $45, Members $35, Materials Fee $5
Instructor: Tara Gross, Location: Providence
Register @
Spreading the Word
Please take a moment to think of one person in your life who you know would benefit from receiving our bi-monthly newsletter, and forward this issue with an invite to subscribe.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
May 01, 2005
Is your life "made" or "grown"?
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Is your life "made" or "grown"?
May 2005
in this issue
-- Is your life "made" or "grown"?
-- Register Now! I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection in August
-- First Session Reminder
A warm welcome to our new subscribers!
The following excerpt is from "Let Your Life Speak" a book by Parker J. Palmer:
'Seasons' is a wise metaphor for the movements of life, I think. It suggests that life is neither a battlefield nor a game of chance but something infinitely richer, more promising, more real. The notion that our lives are like the eternal cycle of the seasons does not deny the struggle or the joy, the loss or the gain, the darkness or the light, but encourages us to embrace it all - and to find in all of it opportunities for growth.
If we lived close to nature in an agricultural society, the seasons as metaphor and fact would continually frame our lives. But the master metaphor of our era does not come from agriculture - it comes from manufacturing. We do not believe that we "grow" our lives - we believe that we "make" them. Just listen to how we use the word in everyday speech: We make time, make friends, make meaning, make money, make a living, make love.
I once heard Alan Watts observe that a Chinese child will ask "How does a baby grow?" but an American child will ask, "How do you make a baby?"
Is your life "made" or "grown"?
Whether you identify yourself as a "creationist" an "evolutionist," both, or neither, you are undeniably in the midst of a unique process, in constant flux, known as Your Life.
Parker J. Palmer is an extraordinarily intelligent and insightful educator, author, and activist. As I read his metaphor of the seasons and his observations about a culture steeped in a manufacturing model, a question rolled around in my head and heart, "Am I 'making' my life or am I 'growing' my life, and what's the difference?"
After some reflection, I see the distinction to be as follows. "Growing" is inherently is the process en route to an outcome. "Making" is results oriented, and therefore, by definition, dependent on an outcome.
Allowing something or someone to develop by way of a natural process vs. choosing to maintain the focus on the achievement of the desired outcome alone, "makes" a BIG difference in ones experience. The process of growing something supports individual moments of joy and sorrow, and leaves room for an organic, evolving, and flexible experience. In contrast, 'making' something can be rigid and stagnant because it doesn't always honor being in the midst of a itself.
Have you ever worked really hard on something you wanted, only to finally achieve it and realize you no longer want it? Such a situation can be prevented by staying connected to the process and your role in it.
It is to the detriment of our wellness and sense of purpose to be focused only on the outcome. When focused only on results, there is a tendency to view the process of getting there, as "in the way" of the goal, rather than embracing the fact that "getting there" is the crux of our lives.
The moment when something is 'made' is just that, a moment. And then, that moment's gone. But the many many moments that occur while leading up to making something...this is "the meat of life".
The focus of our perception is a choice. The outcome may be the same, but the joy of being engaged in the creation process increases exponentially when we honor the "getting there" process as rich all by itself.
Questions to Consider:
* What if you were to GROW time, GROW friends, GROW meaning, GROW money, GROW a living, GROW love...?
* Is your life "made" or "grown"?
* Are you "making" your life or are you "growing" your life?
* Does it matter? You decide.
Register Now! I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection in August
Making Successful Life Transitions [course #730057]
Life transitions come in many forms, new job, marriage, divorce, starting a business, or more. Making the transition successful can be one of life's challenges. Learn to look at your transition as an opportunity. This workshop provides you with tools to find clarity and purpose.
Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM; August 03, 2005
Non-members $45, Members $35, Materials Fee $5
Instructor: Tara Gross, Location: Providence
Space is limited. Register @
First Session Reminder
There is no charge for the first coaching session! This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience. Since most of my coaching is done by telephone, you don't have to live locally for us to work together. Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Is your life "made" or "grown"?
May 2005
in this issue
-- Is your life "made" or "grown"?
-- Register Now! I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection in August
-- First Session Reminder
A warm welcome to our new subscribers!
The following excerpt is from "Let Your Life Speak" a book by Parker J. Palmer:
'Seasons' is a wise metaphor for the movements of life, I think. It suggests that life is neither a battlefield nor a game of chance but something infinitely richer, more promising, more real. The notion that our lives are like the eternal cycle of the seasons does not deny the struggle or the joy, the loss or the gain, the darkness or the light, but encourages us to embrace it all - and to find in all of it opportunities for growth.
If we lived close to nature in an agricultural society, the seasons as metaphor and fact would continually frame our lives. But the master metaphor of our era does not come from agriculture - it comes from manufacturing. We do not believe that we "grow" our lives - we believe that we "make" them. Just listen to how we use the word in everyday speech: We make time, make friends, make meaning, make money, make a living, make love.
I once heard Alan Watts observe that a Chinese child will ask "How does a baby grow?" but an American child will ask, "How do you make a baby?"
Is your life "made" or "grown"?
Whether you identify yourself as a "creationist" an "evolutionist," both, or neither, you are undeniably in the midst of a unique process, in constant flux, known as Your Life.
Parker J. Palmer is an extraordinarily intelligent and insightful educator, author, and activist. As I read his metaphor of the seasons and his observations about a culture steeped in a manufacturing model, a question rolled around in my head and heart, "Am I 'making' my life or am I 'growing' my life, and what's the difference?"
After some reflection, I see the distinction to be as follows. "Growing" is inherently is the process en route to an outcome. "Making" is results oriented, and therefore, by definition, dependent on an outcome.
Allowing something or someone to develop by way of a natural process vs. choosing to maintain the focus on the achievement of the desired outcome alone, "makes" a BIG difference in ones experience. The process of growing something supports individual moments of joy and sorrow, and leaves room for an organic, evolving, and flexible experience. In contrast, 'making' something can be rigid and stagnant because it doesn't always honor being in the midst of a itself.
Have you ever worked really hard on something you wanted, only to finally achieve it and realize you no longer want it? Such a situation can be prevented by staying connected to the process and your role in it.
It is to the detriment of our wellness and sense of purpose to be focused only on the outcome. When focused only on results, there is a tendency to view the process of getting there, as "in the way" of the goal, rather than embracing the fact that "getting there" is the crux of our lives.
The moment when something is 'made' is just that, a moment. And then, that moment's gone. But the many many moments that occur while leading up to making something...this is "the meat of life".
The focus of our perception is a choice. The outcome may be the same, but the joy of being engaged in the creation process increases exponentially when we honor the "getting there" process as rich all by itself.
Questions to Consider:
* What if you were to GROW time, GROW friends, GROW meaning, GROW money, GROW a living, GROW love...?
* Is your life "made" or "grown"?
* Are you "making" your life or are you "growing" your life?
* Does it matter? You decide.
Register Now! I'm Teaching at the Learning Connection in August
Making Successful Life Transitions [course #730057]
Life transitions come in many forms, new job, marriage, divorce, starting a business, or more. Making the transition successful can be one of life's challenges. Learn to look at your transition as an opportunity. This workshop provides you with tools to find clarity and purpose.
Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM; August 03, 2005
Non-members $45, Members $35, Materials Fee $5
Instructor: Tara Gross, Location: Providence
Space is limited. Register @
First Session Reminder
There is no charge for the first coaching session! This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience. Since most of my coaching is done by telephone, you don't have to live locally for us to work together. Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
April 15, 2005
The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
mid-April 2005
in this issue
-- The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
-- Questions to Consider
-- First Session Reminder & Spreading the Word
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~Leonardo DaVinci
For this newsletter, I've decided to include a story that someone shared with me...
The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
An American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna.
The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while. The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?
The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The American then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, Senor."
The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?" To which the American replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, senor?" The American laughed and said that's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions. "Millions, senor? Then what?" The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
- Anonymous
Questions to Consider
How would applying the wisdom of the Mexican fisherman benefit you and your life?
What can you do to ensure you have more time for what you really enjoy?
Why put it off another day?
First Session Reminder
There is no charge for the first coaching session! This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience. Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
mid-April 2005
in this issue
-- The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
-- Questions to Consider
-- First Session Reminder & Spreading the Word
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~Leonardo DaVinci
For this newsletter, I've decided to include a story that someone shared with me...
The Integrity of Fishing for "The Good Life"
An American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna.
The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied only a little while. The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?
The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The American then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, Senor."
The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?" To which the American replied, "15-20 years." "But what then, senor?" The American laughed and said that's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions. "Millions, senor? Then what?" The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
- Anonymous
Questions to Consider
How would applying the wisdom of the Mexican fisherman benefit you and your life?
What can you do to ensure you have more time for what you really enjoy?
Why put it off another day?
First Session Reminder
There is no charge for the first coaching session! This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience. Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
April 01, 2005
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
April 2005
in this issue
-- Article: S-T-R-E-T-C-H!
-- Coaching Testimonial
-- First Session Reminder
-- Archives & Spreading the Word
-- Have feedback?'s finally here!
Article: S-T-R-E-T-C-H!
While taking care of my friend's baby one afternoon this past week, it was bath time for little Caleb, who just recently started crawling.
Sitting at one end of the tub, several toys within arm's length to play with, I watched as he eyed the toy at the opposite end. It was Ernie in a sailboat. To Caleb, this was enticing. Rather than hand it to him, I decided to wait and see what he'd do on his own.
After some thought, he maneuvered his body around, positioning himself directly facing the object of his desire, all while never taking his eyes off of Ernie. An extended pause followed. It was clear that he was contemplating and calculating his next move. Then, slowly...with great focus...he made his small movement at a time, to the other end of the tub.
Caleb's first few attempts at grabbing hold of Ernie in his little boat were unsuccessful. Ernie was sailing, and remained just out of reach. But Caleb was not giving up! Yes, there were other easier to reach options to play with, but those options just weren't going to satisfy. He knew what he wanted and he was determined to get it.
Caleb never lost faith or looked up for me to help, and after several more attempts, he took charge of the situation and grabbed Ernie by the head. Head in hand, he sat up, placed the boat on his lap, looked up at me, and started clapping. He...was...proud! And, rightly so. We celebrated together, clapping with our ear-to-ear grins.
Questions to consider:
1. What's your "Ernie in a sailboat"? What do you want that's currently out of reach?
2. Are you willing to s-t-r-e-t-c-h & reach & keep at it until you have a firm grip?
3. How would it feel to have found a way? As proud as Caleb felt?
4. Who will you celebrate with?
In closing, a challenge: Go for it, baby!
Coaching Testimonial
My coaching experience with Tara has been incredibly productive, more so than I ever imagined when I began the process. She has offered me a number of valuable tools to assist me in refocusing my life, so that I have more time & energy to reach my goals. She has offered a clear perspective that has assisted me in releasing old patterns that were no longer serving me. Her positive encouragement & affirming attitude has provided me with the accountability I needed to stick to my plan and get to where I want to be. I would strongly encourage anyone to hire a personal coach, and highly recommend it be Tara!
~ Kathy, Program Director
First Session Reminder
There is no charge for the first coaching session! This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience. Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
TO OUR NEW SUBSCRIBERS: CATCH UP ON MISSED NEWSLETTERS! All past newsletters are archived on the Newsletter page of our website. READ ON SUCH TOPICS in abundance; identifying your gifts, needs & wants; authentic goal setting; the joys of masterful hedonism; turning complaints into requirements; attracting our teachers...and more!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
April 2005
in this issue
-- Article: S-T-R-E-T-C-H!
-- Coaching Testimonial
-- First Session Reminder
-- Archives & Spreading the Word
-- Have feedback?'s finally here!
Article: S-T-R-E-T-C-H!
While taking care of my friend's baby one afternoon this past week, it was bath time for little Caleb, who just recently started crawling.
Sitting at one end of the tub, several toys within arm's length to play with, I watched as he eyed the toy at the opposite end. It was Ernie in a sailboat. To Caleb, this was enticing. Rather than hand it to him, I decided to wait and see what he'd do on his own.
After some thought, he maneuvered his body around, positioning himself directly facing the object of his desire, all while never taking his eyes off of Ernie. An extended pause followed. It was clear that he was contemplating and calculating his next move. Then, slowly...with great focus...he made his small movement at a time, to the other end of the tub.
Caleb's first few attempts at grabbing hold of Ernie in his little boat were unsuccessful. Ernie was sailing, and remained just out of reach. But Caleb was not giving up! Yes, there were other easier to reach options to play with, but those options just weren't going to satisfy. He knew what he wanted and he was determined to get it.
Caleb never lost faith or looked up for me to help, and after several more attempts, he took charge of the situation and grabbed Ernie by the head. Head in hand, he sat up, placed the boat on his lap, looked up at me, and started clapping. He...was...proud! And, rightly so. We celebrated together, clapping with our ear-to-ear grins.
Questions to consider:
1. What's your "Ernie in a sailboat"? What do you want that's currently out of reach?
2. Are you willing to s-t-r-e-t-c-h & reach & keep at it until you have a firm grip?
3. How would it feel to have found a way? As proud as Caleb felt?
4. Who will you celebrate with?
In closing, a challenge: Go for it, baby!
Coaching Testimonial
My coaching experience with Tara has been incredibly productive, more so than I ever imagined when I began the process. She has offered me a number of valuable tools to assist me in refocusing my life, so that I have more time & energy to reach my goals. She has offered a clear perspective that has assisted me in releasing old patterns that were no longer serving me. Her positive encouragement & affirming attitude has provided me with the accountability I needed to stick to my plan and get to where I want to be. I would strongly encourage anyone to hire a personal coach, and highly recommend it be Tara!
~ Kathy, Program Director
First Session Reminder
There is no charge for the first coaching session! This is a great opportunity to get a taste of the coaching experience. Call or write to schedule a time that works for you.
TO OUR NEW SUBSCRIBERS: CATCH UP ON MISSED NEWSLETTERS! All past newsletters are archived on the Newsletter page of our website. READ ON SUCH TOPICS in abundance; identifying your gifts, needs & wants; authentic goal setting; the joys of masterful hedonism; turning complaints into requirements; attracting our teachers...and more!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
March 15, 2005
Masterful Hedonism
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Masterful Hedonism
mid-March 2005
in this issue
-- Article: Masterful Hedonism, a study
-- Women's Wellness Workshop 2005
hedonism: n. 1. the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the highest good 2. devotion to pleasure and self-gratification as a way of life
hedonics: n. the branch of psychology that deals with pleasurable and unpleasurable states of consciousness
~ "Webster's Random House College Dictionary" (1991)
Article: Masterful Hedonism, a study
Hedonism has received an undeservedly bad rap. As a rushed, outcome-driven culture that all-too-often views pleasure as a distraction from "getting things done", I'm convinced there's a whole lot we could stand to learn from hedonistic wisdom, and I, for one, am committed to the study...
At the turn of the year, I decided that a primary New Year's Resolution was to become masterfully hedonistic. As spring nears, my quarterly check-in reveals a maintained, even renewed, commitment to this noble goal. Now for those of you with hesitation and concern swimming through your veins at such an idea, might I first point out that you're still reading? :) Next, let me assure you that I have an important distinction to make between masterful hedonism and careless hedonism. My goal is not to be a careless hedonist, but a masterful one.
A MASTERFUL HEDONIST chooses his/her actions based on what serves his/her HIGHEST pleasure. A CARELESS HEDONIST doesn't consider the distinction between highest and lowest pleasure. To a careless hedonist, pleasure is pleasure is pleasure....and that, as we all know from our varying degrees of personal experience with carelessly hedonistic behavior, can lead to trouble.
Masterful hedonism, on the other hand, is's living our's sharing our's letting true passions guide true's savoring what's's mastering's allowing fun to be a primary factor in's not being's not complaining about a situation we could be changing...
An act of Masterful Hedonism can be as simple as taking a nap when you need one.
It's about tuning into what you REALLY want and need in order to feel truly alive, fulfilled, and loving. And then, (this is key) it's giving yourself permission to LISTEN and DO something about it!
This could mean eating a great big savory piece of cake and, at other times, it may mean NOT eating that piece of cake. Or maybe what you really want are three bites, and to have that fourth bite would be careless. Part of the beauty of Masterful Hedonism is that you decide. It puts you in the driver's seat of determining who and how you want to be.
Only you possess the innate wisdom of knowing when you've crossed the line from masterfully to carelessly hedonistic behavior. Only you know if your life has a pleasure deficit.
My theory (with research on the topic currently underway) is that Masterful Hedonism just might cure cancer, world hunger, and disgruntled-employee syndrome. At the minimum, it has a shot at making life more joy-full.
How could YOU benefit from a little more joy? How 'bout a lot more joy? How much would be too much? Where's your joy edge? Are you living on that edge? Or, are you playing it "safely" well below your capacity to fulfill your personal joy potential? If you're someone who feels selfish, in a derogatory sense, for even THINKING about how it would be to have more pleasure in your life (eek!), you need this message most of all.
A byproduct of being truly joyful is the desire to share it. And, a byproduct of sharing it is the experience of that much more joy. (You, no doubt, see where this is going.)
By the way, how's YOUR New Year's Resolution coming along? Does it embody the goal of living your highest joy? If not, why not make one that does, and take note of how doing so changes your motivation level?
YOUR HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT (which, if you need to rationalize it as such, can be nothing more than a generous act to further the reaches of my research project) IS: Make the commitment to do your own pleasure-filled act(s) of Masterful Hedonism this week, and report your findings to someone...anyone...
In closing, I hereby announce having made an adjustment to my title, which now reads: Tara Gross, Life Coach & Hedonics Case Study Researcher.
All data & case study findings are to be shared unabashedly for maximum benefit to all concerned.
Open enrollment study participation...
Women's Wellness Workshop 2005
The "Women's Wellness Workshop 2005," is a conference on women's health, sponsored by The Miriam Hospital. This daylong event seeks to empower women to have the information needed to stay healthy. It is being held on Saturday, March 19, 2005 at the Crowne Plaza at the Crossings, 801 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island from 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC will have a booth at the event. If you're going, be sure to stop by and say hello!
All workshop attendees will receive complimentary gifts and will also have the chance to win great prizes, one of which is ONE-MONTH OF FREE COACHING!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Masterful Hedonism
mid-March 2005
in this issue
-- Article: Masterful Hedonism, a study
-- Women's Wellness Workshop 2005
hedonism: n. 1. the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the highest good 2. devotion to pleasure and self-gratification as a way of life
hedonics: n. the branch of psychology that deals with pleasurable and unpleasurable states of consciousness
~ "Webster's Random House College Dictionary" (1991)
Article: Masterful Hedonism, a study
Hedonism has received an undeservedly bad rap. As a rushed, outcome-driven culture that all-too-often views pleasure as a distraction from "getting things done", I'm convinced there's a whole lot we could stand to learn from hedonistic wisdom, and I, for one, am committed to the study...
At the turn of the year, I decided that a primary New Year's Resolution was to become masterfully hedonistic. As spring nears, my quarterly check-in reveals a maintained, even renewed, commitment to this noble goal. Now for those of you with hesitation and concern swimming through your veins at such an idea, might I first point out that you're still reading? :) Next, let me assure you that I have an important distinction to make between masterful hedonism and careless hedonism. My goal is not to be a careless hedonist, but a masterful one.
A MASTERFUL HEDONIST chooses his/her actions based on what serves his/her HIGHEST pleasure. A CARELESS HEDONIST doesn't consider the distinction between highest and lowest pleasure. To a careless hedonist, pleasure is pleasure is pleasure....and that, as we all know from our varying degrees of personal experience with carelessly hedonistic behavior, can lead to trouble.
Masterful hedonism, on the other hand, is's living our's sharing our's letting true passions guide true's savoring what's's mastering's allowing fun to be a primary factor in's not being's not complaining about a situation we could be changing...
An act of Masterful Hedonism can be as simple as taking a nap when you need one.
It's about tuning into what you REALLY want and need in order to feel truly alive, fulfilled, and loving. And then, (this is key) it's giving yourself permission to LISTEN and DO something about it!
This could mean eating a great big savory piece of cake and, at other times, it may mean NOT eating that piece of cake. Or maybe what you really want are three bites, and to have that fourth bite would be careless. Part of the beauty of Masterful Hedonism is that you decide. It puts you in the driver's seat of determining who and how you want to be.
Only you possess the innate wisdom of knowing when you've crossed the line from masterfully to carelessly hedonistic behavior. Only you know if your life has a pleasure deficit.
My theory (with research on the topic currently underway) is that Masterful Hedonism just might cure cancer, world hunger, and disgruntled-employee syndrome. At the minimum, it has a shot at making life more joy-full.
How could YOU benefit from a little more joy? How 'bout a lot more joy? How much would be too much? Where's your joy edge? Are you living on that edge? Or, are you playing it "safely" well below your capacity to fulfill your personal joy potential? If you're someone who feels selfish, in a derogatory sense, for even THINKING about how it would be to have more pleasure in your life (eek!), you need this message most of all.
A byproduct of being truly joyful is the desire to share it. And, a byproduct of sharing it is the experience of that much more joy. (You, no doubt, see where this is going.)
By the way, how's YOUR New Year's Resolution coming along? Does it embody the goal of living your highest joy? If not, why not make one that does, and take note of how doing so changes your motivation level?
YOUR HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT (which, if you need to rationalize it as such, can be nothing more than a generous act to further the reaches of my research project) IS: Make the commitment to do your own pleasure-filled act(s) of Masterful Hedonism this week, and report your findings to someone...anyone...
In closing, I hereby announce having made an adjustment to my title, which now reads: Tara Gross, Life Coach & Hedonics Case Study Researcher.
All data & case study findings are to be shared unabashedly for maximum benefit to all concerned.
Open enrollment study participation...
Women's Wellness Workshop 2005
The "Women's Wellness Workshop 2005," is a conference on women's health, sponsored by The Miriam Hospital. This daylong event seeks to empower women to have the information needed to stay healthy. It is being held on Saturday, March 19, 2005 at the Crowne Plaza at the Crossings, 801 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island from 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC will have a booth at the event. If you're going, be sure to stop by and say hello!
All workshop attendees will receive complimentary gifts and will also have the chance to win great prizes, one of which is ONE-MONTH OF FREE COACHING!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
March 01, 2005
Abundant Abundance
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Abundant Abundance
March 2005
in this issue
-- Article 1: A Failure Deficiency?!?
-- Looking for One Perfect Client
-- Article 2: Abundance Consciousness
-- Coaching Testimonial
-- Help Spread the Word
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into."
~ Wayne Dyer
Article 1: A Failure Deficiency?!?
As a budding entrepreneur, I make a point to go to as many entrepreneurial events as possible. So, last weekend, I attended an Entrepreneurship Forum held at Brown University. It was there that I had the privilege of hearing Mr. Frederic Alper's statement quoted below.
"One of my greatest failures is that I didn't fail enough."
~ Frederic M. Alper, lifelong entrepreneur & educator
What struck me about this concise and profound statement was how drastically it conflicts with mainstream thinking...where "risky" is presumed derogatory, and "security" is one of the most sought after goals. Not enough failure??!!? Wow! I, for one, found this idea so freeing!
An exercise:
1. What are you afraid to do that, one day, you too may regret NOT failing at?
2. And, what about the possibility that you won't fail at all? Are you more comfortable never knowing than you are with finding out?
3. If not, when will you decide NOW is the "right" time to make your move?
Looking for One Perfect Client
I'm looking for the perfect client: A focused individual with an appetite for creativity, abundance, authenticity, and straight talk. If you are an emotionally intelligent, spiritual adult who is ready to take on a dream with vigor and commitment, and you want to be doing it in six months or less, email or phone to schedule a free first session.
Article 2: Abundance Consciousness
Living in abundance is an idea I've been giving a lot of thought to lately. Abundance...of love, friendship, joy, wisdom, passion, patience, creativity, faith, freedom, and money.
Eeek! If you just had an uncomfortable visceral reaction to the word "money" being included in that list, you are not alone, for sure. As the topic of money consistently arises in discussions with my clients, I have become more and more eager to explore why it is that money elicits such a gamut of complicated feelings, including shame, greed, guilt, anxiety, anger...just to name a few.
What is this about?!?
While it's difficult to explain the phenomenon, what I've observed is a built-in, often unspoken, pervasive belief that, more often than not, results in a subtle but powerful influence over the way we think about money and our relationship to it.
A challenge:
Consider the possibility that, like love, friendship, joy, wisdom, passion, patience, creativity, faith, and freedom...there is no shortage of money to be had.
I encourage you to explore, with me, the possibility that there is nothing noble or ethically superior about embracing poverty consciousness over abundance consciousness, in any aspect of your life. Money included.
Will you give yourself permission to say, out loud, without guilt or hesitation, "I'm creating a life of FINANCIAL abundance too!"?? (Just in case you won't give yourself permission, I'm giving it to you, and hope you'll accept.)
1. To what degree would making a simple shift in your money consciousness change your financial situation? Are you ready to find out?
2. If so, what action(s) will you take to support your vision of financial abundance?
Coaching Testimonial
"Meeting Tara was an intensely positive experience. Through our sessions, I gained the courage to see what I really want to do. My confidence grew as Tara helped me to recognize how many skills I have, while also giving me the tools I needed to take control of the transition in progress. I even began to really enjoy the transition process! I now have the tools to manage both my personal and professional life, and by applying them every day, my life has changed for good...
Tara always kept a positive attitude! She was always calm, which was good because I was not calm. She had total confidence that I was going to get what I wanted, and I began to think: 'If she thinks I can do it, then it must be true.' Parts of my personality that I had forgotten resurfaced, and with renewed confidence, I began to face my fears and overcome them with a positive attitude. Now, I'm on a fast-track to the career I've always wanted."
~ Cecilia, small business owner
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Abundant Abundance
March 2005
in this issue
-- Article 1: A Failure Deficiency?!?
-- Looking for One Perfect Client
-- Article 2: Abundance Consciousness
-- Coaching Testimonial
-- Help Spread the Word
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into."
~ Wayne Dyer
Article 1: A Failure Deficiency?!?
As a budding entrepreneur, I make a point to go to as many entrepreneurial events as possible. So, last weekend, I attended an Entrepreneurship Forum held at Brown University. It was there that I had the privilege of hearing Mr. Frederic Alper's statement quoted below.
"One of my greatest failures is that I didn't fail enough."
~ Frederic M. Alper, lifelong entrepreneur & educator
What struck me about this concise and profound statement was how drastically it conflicts with mainstream thinking...where "risky" is presumed derogatory, and "security" is one of the most sought after goals. Not enough failure??!!? Wow! I, for one, found this idea so freeing!
An exercise:
1. What are you afraid to do that, one day, you too may regret NOT failing at?
2. And, what about the possibility that you won't fail at all? Are you more comfortable never knowing than you are with finding out?
3. If not, when will you decide NOW is the "right" time to make your move?
Looking for One Perfect Client
I'm looking for the perfect client: A focused individual with an appetite for creativity, abundance, authenticity, and straight talk. If you are an emotionally intelligent, spiritual adult who is ready to take on a dream with vigor and commitment, and you want to be doing it in six months or less, email or phone to schedule a free first session.
Article 2: Abundance Consciousness
Living in abundance is an idea I've been giving a lot of thought to lately. Abundance...of love, friendship, joy, wisdom, passion, patience, creativity, faith, freedom, and money.
Eeek! If you just had an uncomfortable visceral reaction to the word "money" being included in that list, you are not alone, for sure. As the topic of money consistently arises in discussions with my clients, I have become more and more eager to explore why it is that money elicits such a gamut of complicated feelings, including shame, greed, guilt, anxiety, anger...just to name a few.
What is this about?!?
While it's difficult to explain the phenomenon, what I've observed is a built-in, often unspoken, pervasive belief that, more often than not, results in a subtle but powerful influence over the way we think about money and our relationship to it.
A challenge:
Consider the possibility that, like love, friendship, joy, wisdom, passion, patience, creativity, faith, and freedom...there is no shortage of money to be had.
I encourage you to explore, with me, the possibility that there is nothing noble or ethically superior about embracing poverty consciousness over abundance consciousness, in any aspect of your life. Money included.
Will you give yourself permission to say, out loud, without guilt or hesitation, "I'm creating a life of FINANCIAL abundance too!"?? (Just in case you won't give yourself permission, I'm giving it to you, and hope you'll accept.)
1. To what degree would making a simple shift in your money consciousness change your financial situation? Are you ready to find out?
2. If so, what action(s) will you take to support your vision of financial abundance?
Coaching Testimonial
"Meeting Tara was an intensely positive experience. Through our sessions, I gained the courage to see what I really want to do. My confidence grew as Tara helped me to recognize how many skills I have, while also giving me the tools I needed to take control of the transition in progress. I even began to really enjoy the transition process! I now have the tools to manage both my personal and professional life, and by applying them every day, my life has changed for good...
Tara always kept a positive attitude! She was always calm, which was good because I was not calm. She had total confidence that I was going to get what I wanted, and I began to think: 'If she thinks I can do it, then it must be true.' Parts of my personality that I had forgotten resurfaced, and with renewed confidence, I began to face my fears and overcome them with a positive attitude. Now, I'm on a fast-track to the career I've always wanted."
~ Cecilia, small business owner
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
February 15, 2005
The Power of the Pink Pajamas
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The Power of the Pink Pajamas
Mid-February 2005
in this issue
-- Act 1: The "To Be" List
-- Intermission: Help Spread the Word
-- Act 2: The Power of the Pink Pajamas
-- Act 3: Happy February 14th
"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"It is?"
"Yes," said Eeyore.
- from the Winnie the Pooh series
Act 1: The "To Be" List
You can KNOW yourself as a kind person, but until you perform an act of kindness, it's all speculation. It is only through BEING kind that kindness it is experienced.
I read that somewhere, and it stuck..the distinction between KNOWING and BEING. (Note: The words "kind" and "kindness" can be replaced with any other words, and the statement will still be true.)
I once went on a date with a man who was highly intellectual and extraordinarily well read. While we were walking to a restaurant, he commented that the area reminded him of Paris. I said, "Oh, you've been to Paris?" "No" he replied enthusiastically, "but I've read about it." He wasn't kidding.
I made a mental note of it as an example that beautifully illustrates the distinction between Knowing and Being. For those of you who are familiar with the Federal Hill area of Providence, that's where we were. Maybe it "reminded" him of the Italian section of Paris. Ha!
While KNOWING is wonderful, it is through the experience of BEING that we become known.
Exercise (Part 1):
1. Review your current "To Do" list, then set it aside.
2. Create a "To Be" list stating how you want to BE or continue to BE.
3. Then, make a "To Do" list of only those actions that will create the EXPERIENCE of your aspired Ways of Being.
4. Now, look again at your original "To Do" list. You may feel inspired to make some adjustments.
Act 2: The Power of the Pink Pajamas
Mid-February is a generally agreed time when, with the exception of maybe devout skiers, most New Englanders are feeling restless and could use a boost. I would like to share what one of my clients did to create a better situation out of what she calls "the cruelest month".
(On a side note, to rub salt on the wounds, those who find themselves Valentine-less tend to identify February as especially cruel. Who in the world decided that the isolationist month of February would be a good time to throw in a Valentine's Day?!? Anyone who shares my objection to this and wants to join me in starting a revolution to move Valentine's Day to the blossoming, socially-energized end of April, please let me know.)
For the benefit of those who live where winters are warm, I hope you won't disregard this opportunity. Take a moment to consider your "metaphorical winter." What part of your life is colder than you wish it was? When do you find yourself opting to hibernate instead of dance in the sun?
Here are the two small efforts that one Rhode Island resident made, resulting in "the cruelest month" feeling less cruel:
#1. She bought herself a special pair of striped pink pajamas that apparently have powerful, mood enhancing properties.
#2. She sent out a mass invite to friends and colleagues for a standing event, every Monday evening for the month of February, at a local restaurant/bar for food, drinks, and to play pool. Her initiative proved to be just enough incentive for not only herself, but also for others, to come out of hibernation.
In response to the invite, people wrote and called to share their sheer excitement and untamed gratitude for her simple, but none-the-less tremendous, act of community. Based on reports from the first of these Monday gatherings, it had all the makings of the perfect party.
Exercise (Part 2):
What does this story inspire YOU to do? What small creative action can you take to brighten your (metaphorical) winter, and the winter of those around you? How would doing so bring to fruition something on your "To Be" list?
Act 3: Happy February 14th
To those of you who will be celebrating Valentine's Day, I wish you a day of genuine celebration of all the wonders of Love's greatness.
To those of you who will be celebrating International Quirkyalone Day (an underground holiday that is building momentum with each passing year), I wish you a day of genuine celebration of all the wonders of Love's greatness.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
The Power of the Pink Pajamas
Mid-February 2005
in this issue
-- Act 1: The "To Be" List
-- Intermission: Help Spread the Word
-- Act 2: The Power of the Pink Pajamas
-- Act 3: Happy February 14th
"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"It is?"
"Yes," said Eeyore.
- from the Winnie the Pooh series
Act 1: The "To Be" List
You can KNOW yourself as a kind person, but until you perform an act of kindness, it's all speculation. It is only through BEING kind that kindness it is experienced.
I read that somewhere, and it stuck..the distinction between KNOWING and BEING. (Note: The words "kind" and "kindness" can be replaced with any other words, and the statement will still be true.)
I once went on a date with a man who was highly intellectual and extraordinarily well read. While we were walking to a restaurant, he commented that the area reminded him of Paris. I said, "Oh, you've been to Paris?" "No" he replied enthusiastically, "but I've read about it." He wasn't kidding.
I made a mental note of it as an example that beautifully illustrates the distinction between Knowing and Being. For those of you who are familiar with the Federal Hill area of Providence, that's where we were. Maybe it "reminded" him of the Italian section of Paris. Ha!
While KNOWING is wonderful, it is through the experience of BEING that we become known.
Exercise (Part 1):
1. Review your current "To Do" list, then set it aside.
2. Create a "To Be" list stating how you want to BE or continue to BE.
3. Then, make a "To Do" list of only those actions that will create the EXPERIENCE of your aspired Ways of Being.
4. Now, look again at your original "To Do" list. You may feel inspired to make some adjustments.
Act 2: The Power of the Pink Pajamas
Mid-February is a generally agreed time when, with the exception of maybe devout skiers, most New Englanders are feeling restless and could use a boost. I would like to share what one of my clients did to create a better situation out of what she calls "the cruelest month".
(On a side note, to rub salt on the wounds, those who find themselves Valentine-less tend to identify February as especially cruel. Who in the world decided that the isolationist month of February would be a good time to throw in a Valentine's Day?!? Anyone who shares my objection to this and wants to join me in starting a revolution to move Valentine's Day to the blossoming, socially-energized end of April, please let me know.)
For the benefit of those who live where winters are warm, I hope you won't disregard this opportunity. Take a moment to consider your "metaphorical winter." What part of your life is colder than you wish it was? When do you find yourself opting to hibernate instead of dance in the sun?
Here are the two small efforts that one Rhode Island resident made, resulting in "the cruelest month" feeling less cruel:
#1. She bought herself a special pair of striped pink pajamas that apparently have powerful, mood enhancing properties.
#2. She sent out a mass invite to friends and colleagues for a standing event, every Monday evening for the month of February, at a local restaurant/bar for food, drinks, and to play pool. Her initiative proved to be just enough incentive for not only herself, but also for others, to come out of hibernation.
In response to the invite, people wrote and called to share their sheer excitement and untamed gratitude for her simple, but none-the-less tremendous, act of community. Based on reports from the first of these Monday gatherings, it had all the makings of the perfect party.
Exercise (Part 2):
What does this story inspire YOU to do? What small creative action can you take to brighten your (metaphorical) winter, and the winter of those around you? How would doing so bring to fruition something on your "To Be" list?
Act 3: Happy February 14th
To those of you who will be celebrating Valentine's Day, I wish you a day of genuine celebration of all the wonders of Love's greatness.
To those of you who will be celebrating International Quirkyalone Day (an underground holiday that is building momentum with each passing year), I wish you a day of genuine celebration of all the wonders of Love's greatness.
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
February 01, 2005
Point Positive
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Point Positive
February 2005
in this issue
-- Article 1: Point Positive
-- Article 2: How Does the Teacher Know When to Arrive?
"When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else." Joseph Campbell
Article 1: Point Positive
Recently, I read a book called "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain, which discusses ways to apply the concept that the Universe responds by giving you more of whatever it is you are putting your energy into...that the Universe does not differentiate between whether you're saying Yes or No, only that you've invested energy there. She suggests ways to intentionally streamline this force as a means of creating what you DO want, rather than haphazardly creating what you don't. I recommend this book for anyone interested in exploring this topic further.
One way to apply this, (and something I often encourage my clients to do), is to make a practice of rephrasing complaints you may have about your life. In other words, rather than voice a complaint, state a requirement about what you want. Consistently making this subtle shift will reap surprisingly positive results!
Courtesy of my dear and fabulous friend Susan, the following is a paragraph from an email she sent to me a few months back. It displays, with perfect simplicity, an example of this concept:
"I am reminded of a time when I went river rafting up in Alaska and the rafting guide, this uber-athletic sister, was giving us the safety orientation speech, and she's warning us about the 34 degree glacier water that is not only a recipe for instant hypothermia but is also full of glacial silt, which will weigh you down and pull you under. In other words, not a place to be careless about safety--and she says, "If we get into danger, look to me and I will point positive. I'll tell you where to go, where it's safe. I'm not going to point at the jagged rocks or the whirlpools, but at the smooth waters, ok? So go where I point." I'll always remember that as an "all I need to know about life I learned river rafting"--just focus on what you DO want, don't waste your energy worrying about the rocks and whirlpools."
I couldn't have said it better. Thanks Susan!
Exercise: How would applying the "Point Positive" philosophy benefit your life? What requirements do you have for your it a relationship, new job, creative community, financial goals...?
Empowerment practice: Make the commitment to rephrase any complaints you may have into a proclamation displaying a new standard you've set for the future. Experience the shift in energy that results!
Warning: Unpredictable amounts of joy and inspiration may result with little or no notice, and this may create a domino effect of exciting, positive changes in your life. Consider yourself warned.
Article 2: How Does the Teacher Know When to Arrive?
While traveling last week, I had a powerful conversation with a woman I met along the way. She and I were exchanging experiences we've each had that seem to support the idea: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." We asked ourselves, how does the teacher know when to show up?
In awe, we considered the metaphysical factors way beyond our comprehension that might be in play...searching for some level of understanding associated with the uncanny coincidences that have occurred in each of our just when we've decided we were ready to learn something, the perfect opportunity has presented itself, almost simultaneously.
Our conversation concluded when we realized that there may be another possibility altogether. MAYBE it's not that the teacher magically hears our call, packs his/her bags, and sets out to make the trek to our doorstep; but instead, that the teacher is ALWAYS there.
Maybe, by the very act of deciding it's time to learn something, we acquire the ability to recognize the teacher's presence. Hmm... Upon realizing this profound possibility, there was no denying the irony that she and I had become one another's teacher.
We smiled in silence.
If you knew the teacher was already "in the room," what would you ask to be taught?
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Point Positive
February 2005
in this issue
-- Article 1: Point Positive
-- Article 2: How Does the Teacher Know When to Arrive?
"When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else." Joseph Campbell
Article 1: Point Positive
Recently, I read a book called "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain, which discusses ways to apply the concept that the Universe responds by giving you more of whatever it is you are putting your energy into...that the Universe does not differentiate between whether you're saying Yes or No, only that you've invested energy there. She suggests ways to intentionally streamline this force as a means of creating what you DO want, rather than haphazardly creating what you don't. I recommend this book for anyone interested in exploring this topic further.
One way to apply this, (and something I often encourage my clients to do), is to make a practice of rephrasing complaints you may have about your life. In other words, rather than voice a complaint, state a requirement about what you want. Consistently making this subtle shift will reap surprisingly positive results!
Courtesy of my dear and fabulous friend Susan, the following is a paragraph from an email she sent to me a few months back. It displays, with perfect simplicity, an example of this concept:
"I am reminded of a time when I went river rafting up in Alaska and the rafting guide, this uber-athletic sister, was giving us the safety orientation speech, and she's warning us about the 34 degree glacier water that is not only a recipe for instant hypothermia but is also full of glacial silt, which will weigh you down and pull you under. In other words, not a place to be careless about safety--and she says, "If we get into danger, look to me and I will point positive. I'll tell you where to go, where it's safe. I'm not going to point at the jagged rocks or the whirlpools, but at the smooth waters, ok? So go where I point." I'll always remember that as an "all I need to know about life I learned river rafting"--just focus on what you DO want, don't waste your energy worrying about the rocks and whirlpools."
I couldn't have said it better. Thanks Susan!
Exercise: How would applying the "Point Positive" philosophy benefit your life? What requirements do you have for your it a relationship, new job, creative community, financial goals...?
Empowerment practice: Make the commitment to rephrase any complaints you may have into a proclamation displaying a new standard you've set for the future. Experience the shift in energy that results!
Warning: Unpredictable amounts of joy and inspiration may result with little or no notice, and this may create a domino effect of exciting, positive changes in your life. Consider yourself warned.
Article 2: How Does the Teacher Know When to Arrive?
While traveling last week, I had a powerful conversation with a woman I met along the way. She and I were exchanging experiences we've each had that seem to support the idea: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." We asked ourselves, how does the teacher know when to show up?
In awe, we considered the metaphysical factors way beyond our comprehension that might be in play...searching for some level of understanding associated with the uncanny coincidences that have occurred in each of our just when we've decided we were ready to learn something, the perfect opportunity has presented itself, almost simultaneously.
Our conversation concluded when we realized that there may be another possibility altogether. MAYBE it's not that the teacher magically hears our call, packs his/her bags, and sets out to make the trek to our doorstep; but instead, that the teacher is ALWAYS there.
Maybe, by the very act of deciding it's time to learn something, we acquire the ability to recognize the teacher's presence. Hmm... Upon realizing this profound possibility, there was no denying the irony that she and I had become one another's teacher.
We smiled in silence.
If you knew the teacher was already "in the room," what would you ask to be taught?
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
January 15, 2005
Life Coaching 101
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Life Coaching 101
mid-January 2005
in this issue
-- Article: Life Coaching 101
"You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do in order to have what you want." ~ Margaret Young
Article 1: "So, what is it you do exactly?"
"So, what is it you do exactly?" has, hands down, been the most common question I've received about Life Coaching. As a relatively new industry (started in 1988), and one that is slowly but surely creeping its way from the west coast to the east coast, and around the globe, I hope the following summary proves helpful. But first, my disclaimer: writing an information-based newsletter is a deviation from my norm in that, I typically strive to write on topics that inspire and invite self-exploration, rather than educate.
So, as a noted exception, my intent is to lay a foundation of mutual understanding about what Life Coaching is, as well as to share my personal coaching style. This way, we can build great monuments of inspiration and self-exploration on our shared foundation! So, having said that...
Hiring a Life Coach is a means to unblocking or dissolving barriers in your life in order to create the life you want (a.k.a. "getting unstuck"). By engaging whole-heartedly in the coaching process, you will discover ways in which you have created your own blocks, and, in turn, make new habits that consciously redirect your energy towards an action-based plan for living your best life.
Stages of this may include: 1. Making an honest assessment of your life as it is right now, 2. Clearly identifying how you want your life to be based on what you value most, and 3. Enacting strategies that will bridge the gap between the two.
How does coaching differ from therapy? Coaching differs from therapy in many ways, including, of course, the distinct training and certification requirements for the two professions. Who should hire a coach? Someone, for example, who views their past as an "issue" may be better suited for therapy. Someone who views their past as a "fact" and has clear future goals may be better suited for coaching.
While the line between the two professions is delicate at times, they are none-the-less distinct. A good coach does not hesitate to refer a client to therapy instead of, or as a supplement to, coaching if it seems a client would benefit from such treatment. Therapy falls outside the scope of coaching.
When selecting a coach, it is very important to find one who has a style you can identify with. There are many coaching specialties and approaches, and it pays to be selective. Most coaches (myself included) offer a free introductory session. Taking advantage of this opportunity for a free initial session is a great way to experience coaching first-hand before making a commitment. Each coaching relationship is unique and will, therefore, reap unique benefits. The more clarity you bring to what you would like to get out of coaching, the more likely you are to achieve it!
Please note: More information can be found on the Life Coaching page of our web site, including examples of Press Articles that the Coaching industry has received, and a copy of the Coaching Agreements clients sign at our first session.
Article 2: My Style
Here are some specifics regarding my particular coaching style and the client-types I most enjoy working with:
My clients are: 1. Motivated for change, 2. Want to live their best life, and 3. Are willing to engage fully in honest, loving self-assessment.
My specialties include: 1. Successful transitions, 2. Personal foundations, and 3. The small business owners' goal actualization.
Special features of my coaching style are: 1. Creative problem solving, 2. A focus on accessing one's inherent wisdom, and 3. Incorporating humor into self-assessment.
Specific benefits of my coaching include: 1. Gaining greater clarity on the values your goals are built on, 2. Designing a creative plan of action to bridge the gap between the life you have and the life you want, and 3. A focus on the joy of self-care.
A basic message of my coaching: "If you can visualize it, you can create it."
What makes my coaching so valuable: 1. My commitment to being an advocate for you raising the bar on living your best life, 2. My ability to hear what you're not saying as well as what you are saying, and 3. My commitment to making the process enjoyable.
Three services I offer that many coaches do not: 1. Unlimited email correspondence for all of my clients, 2. The 6th month free with a 6-month contract, and 3. My free bi-monthly newsletter with tips and topics regarding making successful transitions.
I hope this overview has helped bring some clarity to what coaching is, and "what I do exactly." Please feel free to contact me with any further questions. If I cannot be of assistance, I will do my best to refer you to someone who will better suit you and your unique needs.
Reply: Share your Wisdom with Others
Questions for you:
1. What one topic regarding successful life transitions would you be most interested in exploring?
2. What bit of wisdom has your experience taught you that you'd be willing to share for the benefit of others?
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
Life Coaching 101
mid-January 2005
in this issue
-- Article: Life Coaching 101
"You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do in order to have what you want." ~ Margaret Young
Article 1: "So, what is it you do exactly?"
"So, what is it you do exactly?" has, hands down, been the most common question I've received about Life Coaching. As a relatively new industry (started in 1988), and one that is slowly but surely creeping its way from the west coast to the east coast, and around the globe, I hope the following summary proves helpful. But first, my disclaimer: writing an information-based newsletter is a deviation from my norm in that, I typically strive to write on topics that inspire and invite self-exploration, rather than educate.
So, as a noted exception, my intent is to lay a foundation of mutual understanding about what Life Coaching is, as well as to share my personal coaching style. This way, we can build great monuments of inspiration and self-exploration on our shared foundation! So, having said that...
Hiring a Life Coach is a means to unblocking or dissolving barriers in your life in order to create the life you want (a.k.a. "getting unstuck"). By engaging whole-heartedly in the coaching process, you will discover ways in which you have created your own blocks, and, in turn, make new habits that consciously redirect your energy towards an action-based plan for living your best life.
Stages of this may include: 1. Making an honest assessment of your life as it is right now, 2. Clearly identifying how you want your life to be based on what you value most, and 3. Enacting strategies that will bridge the gap between the two.
How does coaching differ from therapy? Coaching differs from therapy in many ways, including, of course, the distinct training and certification requirements for the two professions. Who should hire a coach? Someone, for example, who views their past as an "issue" may be better suited for therapy. Someone who views their past as a "fact" and has clear future goals may be better suited for coaching.
While the line between the two professions is delicate at times, they are none-the-less distinct. A good coach does not hesitate to refer a client to therapy instead of, or as a supplement to, coaching if it seems a client would benefit from such treatment. Therapy falls outside the scope of coaching.
When selecting a coach, it is very important to find one who has a style you can identify with. There are many coaching specialties and approaches, and it pays to be selective. Most coaches (myself included) offer a free introductory session. Taking advantage of this opportunity for a free initial session is a great way to experience coaching first-hand before making a commitment. Each coaching relationship is unique and will, therefore, reap unique benefits. The more clarity you bring to what you would like to get out of coaching, the more likely you are to achieve it!
Please note: More information can be found on the Life Coaching page of our web site, including examples of Press Articles that the Coaching industry has received, and a copy of the Coaching Agreements clients sign at our first session.
Article 2: My Style
Here are some specifics regarding my particular coaching style and the client-types I most enjoy working with:
My clients are: 1. Motivated for change, 2. Want to live their best life, and 3. Are willing to engage fully in honest, loving self-assessment.
My specialties include: 1. Successful transitions, 2. Personal foundations, and 3. The small business owners' goal actualization.
Special features of my coaching style are: 1. Creative problem solving, 2. A focus on accessing one's inherent wisdom, and 3. Incorporating humor into self-assessment.
Specific benefits of my coaching include: 1. Gaining greater clarity on the values your goals are built on, 2. Designing a creative plan of action to bridge the gap between the life you have and the life you want, and 3. A focus on the joy of self-care.
A basic message of my coaching: "If you can visualize it, you can create it."
What makes my coaching so valuable: 1. My commitment to being an advocate for you raising the bar on living your best life, 2. My ability to hear what you're not saying as well as what you are saying, and 3. My commitment to making the process enjoyable.
Three services I offer that many coaches do not: 1. Unlimited email correspondence for all of my clients, 2. The 6th month free with a 6-month contract, and 3. My free bi-monthly newsletter with tips and topics regarding making successful transitions.
I hope this overview has helped bring some clarity to what coaching is, and "what I do exactly." Please feel free to contact me with any further questions. If I cannot be of assistance, I will do my best to refer you to someone who will better suit you and your unique needs.
Reply: Share your Wisdom with Others
Questions for you:
1. What one topic regarding successful life transitions would you be most interested in exploring?
2. What bit of wisdom has your experience taught you that you'd be willing to share for the benefit of others?
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
January 01, 2005
the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
January 2005
in this issue
-- Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~ from Marianne Williamson's "A Return to Love", used in Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech (1994).
While it's an admittedly arbitrary tradition, making a New Year's resolution is as good a way as any to do some self evaluation and decide on ways to create more joy, authenticity, balance, and fulfillment in your life.
Having said that, have you ever felt the early-January, adrenalin pumping, I-can-do-it, this-is-MY-year determination only to have your resolution deflate into little more than an adrenaline hangover and faint memory by mid-February?
So, when next year rolls around, what do you do? Do you set a similar, yet slightly less audacious, resolution and deem it "more realistic"?
"This way," you say to yourself, "I'm not setting myself up for failure." Or, maybe you become a disgruntled New Year's humbug and decide to stop making resolutions all together!
Sometimes we actually convince ourselves that lowering our standards is an act of self-kindness! What tricksters we are!
This year, why not raise the bar on what's realistic? Why not set a goal for your powerful-beyond-measure-greater-than-you've-ever-imagined Self, and make the commitment? And why not start right now?
Dare to be nothing short of fabulous. Some questions to consider:
1. What's your New Year's resolution?
2. How does this resolution reflect the standards you've set for yourself?
3. In what ways would fulfilling your resolution impact your life?
4. Would sharing your resolution with someone who agrees to hold you accountable be helpful? If so, be specific in your request: for a month, a year, a lifetime?
I wish you all a happy, healthy, loving, abundant New Year!
Have feedback? I'd love to hear from you!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC Newsletter
the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
January 2005
in this issue
-- Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
Article: the New Year's Resolution Dilemma
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~ from Marianne Williamson's "A Return to Love", used in Nelson Mandela's inaugural speech (1994).
While it's an admittedly arbitrary tradition, making a New Year's resolution is as good a way as any to do some self evaluation and decide on ways to create more joy, authenticity, balance, and fulfillment in your life.
Having said that, have you ever felt the early-January, adrenalin pumping, I-can-do-it, this-is-MY-year determination only to have your resolution deflate into little more than an adrenaline hangover and faint memory by mid-February?
So, when next year rolls around, what do you do? Do you set a similar, yet slightly less audacious, resolution and deem it "more realistic"?
"This way," you say to yourself, "I'm not setting myself up for failure." Or, maybe you become a disgruntled New Year's humbug and decide to stop making resolutions all together!
Sometimes we actually convince ourselves that lowering our standards is an act of self-kindness! What tricksters we are!
This year, why not raise the bar on what's realistic? Why not set a goal for your powerful-beyond-measure-greater-than-you've-ever-imagined Self, and make the commitment? And why not start right now?
Dare to be nothing short of fabulous. Some questions to consider:
1. What's your New Year's resolution?
2. How does this resolution reflect the standards you've set for yourself?
3. In what ways would fulfilling your resolution impact your life?
4. Would sharing your resolution with someone who agrees to hold you accountable be helpful? If so, be specific in your request: for a month, a year, a lifetime?
I wish you all a happy, healthy, loving, abundant New Year!
Have feedback? I'd love to hear from you!
Copyright © Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC, 2005.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
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