In the summer of 2005, I decided to go on a 10-day trip to Nevada to connect with some friends for a grand art festival. I was feeling up for an adventure and eager to get away. With my business under one year old at the time, thanks to also being a “landlordess,” I managed to squeak by on the combined monthly income. From a bookkeeping perspective, going on this trip was a bad idea. In addition to the expense of the trip itself, I was running the risk of halting momentum due to no internet or phone access for the full ten days. All logic said no – yet my intuition said yes.
On faith, I chose intuition as I have done so many times in my life. What transpired over those 10 days in the Nevada desert was transformative, joyful, challenging, cathartic, and most of all, profoundly HEART-OPENING. A sense of expansiveness, timelessness, and present-moment focus gently pervaded my experience with such depth, that the inevitable end of the festival and return home wasn’t given any thought or concern. I was just blissfully “in the experience”. What a gift!
When the time came to return home, I did so happily, savoring the heart-space that I was in. However, once home, things changed quickly and dramatically. I found myself crying in parking lots simply because they were parking lots, claustrophobic in cars and even my own living room, acutely aware of the sadness of strangers passing by, and in attempts to describe the experience to friends, I was using phrases like “I feel suffocated,” “I’ve expanded,” and “I no longer fit my life.” When weeks passed and these symptoms showed no signs of letting up, I knew something had to change, and I all but decided to sell my house and buy a one-way ticket anywhere to begin a nomadic lifestyle. I professed angrily, “There just aren’t enough places to dream here!” Friends who had been trying to persuade me to stay, reluctantly surrendered to my deep need for change and instead offered to help me pack. I had narrowed my options down to two choices, fight or flight…either create what I longed for, or travel the world looking for it.
Alas, The Dream Party™ was born over the next 48 hours, thankfully faster than I could pack! It came to me in chunks. I was awakened in the night by “ideas” and was at the kitchen table writing them down within minutes. The Party was “an excuse for me to stay,” I said. While I suspected that others felt a need for such an event, I was admittedly doing it because I needed it. My efforts paid off when over 100 people attended the first Dream Party™, and thank you’s and testimonials were received.
As you move forward toward your dreams, consider that you can’t know whether your next step will be big or small, or even a “step” at all in terms of where you’re heading. The organic creation of this trademark event has given me the opportunity to reach a national audience of dreamers. I never could have predicted that going on an out-of-budget vacation would prove to be a giant step in propelling my business forward! What’s your next inspired action?
May all your dreams come true,
Tara Sage Steeves
Tara Sage Steeves is Founder and President of Create Your Life! and The Dream Party™. She is also author ofthe book ‘Are You Pregnant With a Dream? Birthing a Dream, Conception to Age 5’. To arrange for acomplimentary coaching session or to find out more about our events, products, or services call (401) 569-7017, email, or visit
November 14, 2007
November 01, 2007
Book Update!/Your Best Self Advocate
Yes, I Got Married
Book Update & Other Journalistic News
I Work for Your Best Self
Dream Journals for the Holidays!
Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream. - Lao Tzu

The Dream Journal is an inspiring tool designed to help you move towards manifesting dreams for the future, one step at a time. The pages are yours to fill with goals, dreams, action steps, ideas, challenges and, of course, successes!
($12 +shipping/handling)
To order securely via Paypal visit our Shopping page at:

As some of you have noticed, my last name has changed over the past few months. Truth is, "Gross-Steeves" has been transitional...I've been Gross for long enough! :)
Please note my new full name:
Tara Sage Steeves
We want to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all who have sent words of celebration & blessings in honor of our marriage. We are so blessed to have found one another.
Coming this Spring!
Tara's first book...
Are You Pregnant With a Dream?
Birthing a Dream: Conception to Age 5
Illustrated by: Liz Halloran
This month in Spirit Side Magazine, Tara's article "4 Steps to Awakening Your Dreams" is highlighted! Spirit Side Magazine is hosted monthly by Body Mind Spirit Expo as a means of exploring the frontiers of new thought.
Coaching is such a powerful tool, and I am so proud to be part of such a phenomenal industry.
With a new client, I always recommend that they make a minimum commitment of three months. The reason for this is two-fold: (1) in doing so they are making a commitment to themselves, and (2) 90 days is generally enough time for significant life changes to take place. However, based on individual pace and ambition, creating the life of your dreams could take 2 months, 2 years, 20 years, or 20 lifetimes. Coaching is a powerful tool that can "get you there" more quickly than you otherwise would. I have seen powerful things take place for my clients, sometimes in as little as 2 sessions. This is a tribute to them taking full advantage of the coaching relationship and all it has to offer.
I am a devoted advocate for your Best Self - the self that could only create and attract your dream life...nothing less. I stand strongly for you at your best, brightest, fullest expression.
You cannot convince me that you:
* Are powerless to your situation
* Can't do what you dream of most deeply
* Don't have everything you need - right now
Consider that your thoughts and behaviors, to date, have created the life you have now. Therefore, if you want (any part of) your life to change, your thoughts and behaviors have to change with it. You have to DO things and THINK things in new ways. As your coach, I will gently challenge you to do these things and offer you unwavering support along your journey. I offer tools, goal setting assistance, milestone celebration, skilled listening, personal challenges, and guidance to help move you forward on your journey to create the life you've dreamed of.
I have been both honored and blessed to have the privilege of supporting and witnessing my clients' journeys towards creating extraordinary lives for themselves. And, a natural byproduct of their joy and success is that it organically spills over into the lives of those around them! Funny how that works, isn't it?
If you'd like to learn more about how I can work for your Best Self, please call or email to arrange for a complimentary session. Since coaching is generally done by telephone, this opportunity is available to you regardless of where you live. Read client testimonials:
May all your dreams come true,

Tara Sage Steeves
Founder & President
Create Your Life! & The Dream Party™
Yes, I Got Married
Book Update & Other Journalistic News
I Work for Your Best Self
Dream Journals for the Holidays!
Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream. - Lao Tzu
The Dream Journal is an inspiring tool designed to help you move towards manifesting dreams for the future, one step at a time. The pages are yours to fill with goals, dreams, action steps, ideas, challenges and, of course, successes!
($12 +shipping/handling)
To order securely via Paypal visit our Shopping page at:
As some of you have noticed, my last name has changed over the past few months. Truth is, "Gross-Steeves" has been transitional...I've been Gross for long enough! :)
Please note my new full name:
Tara Sage Steeves
We want to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all who have sent words of celebration & blessings in honor of our marriage. We are so blessed to have found one another.
Coming this Spring!
Tara's first book...
Are You Pregnant With a Dream?
Birthing a Dream: Conception to Age 5
Illustrated by: Liz Halloran
This month in Spirit Side Magazine, Tara's article "4 Steps to Awakening Your Dreams" is highlighted! Spirit Side Magazine is hosted monthly by Body Mind Spirit Expo as a means of exploring the frontiers of new thought.
Coaching is such a powerful tool, and I am so proud to be part of such a phenomenal industry.
With a new client, I always recommend that they make a minimum commitment of three months. The reason for this is two-fold: (1) in doing so they are making a commitment to themselves, and (2) 90 days is generally enough time for significant life changes to take place. However, based on individual pace and ambition, creating the life of your dreams could take 2 months, 2 years, 20 years, or 20 lifetimes. Coaching is a powerful tool that can "get you there" more quickly than you otherwise would. I have seen powerful things take place for my clients, sometimes in as little as 2 sessions. This is a tribute to them taking full advantage of the coaching relationship and all it has to offer.
I am a devoted advocate for your Best Self - the self that could only create and attract your dream life...nothing less. I stand strongly for you at your best, brightest, fullest expression.
You cannot convince me that you:
* Are powerless to your situation
* Can't do what you dream of most deeply
* Don't have everything you need - right now
Consider that your thoughts and behaviors, to date, have created the life you have now. Therefore, if you want (any part of) your life to change, your thoughts and behaviors have to change with it. You have to DO things and THINK things in new ways. As your coach, I will gently challenge you to do these things and offer you unwavering support along your journey. I offer tools, goal setting assistance, milestone celebration, skilled listening, personal challenges, and guidance to help move you forward on your journey to create the life you've dreamed of.
I have been both honored and blessed to have the privilege of supporting and witnessing my clients' journeys towards creating extraordinary lives for themselves. And, a natural byproduct of their joy and success is that it organically spills over into the lives of those around them! Funny how that works, isn't it?
If you'd like to learn more about how I can work for your Best Self, please call or email to arrange for a complimentary session. Since coaching is generally done by telephone, this opportunity is available to you regardless of where you live. Read client testimonials:
May all your dreams come true,

Tara Sage Steeves
Founder & President
Create Your Life! & The Dream Party™
September 07, 2007
Hugs Make Headlines
July 10, 2007
On Being a Dream Realization Coach
On Being a Dream Realization Coach
by, Tara Gross-Steeves
Since giving birth to my business, I've introduced myself by a range of titles to include: Life Coach, Transition Coach, Small Business Coach, Personal Development Coach, Professional Development Coach, and Personal & Professional Development Coach (that one's a mouthful!). Over time, I've come to identify myself by the title "Dream Realization Coach", which I know to be the most accurate descriptive for what I do.
Inevitably, whether a client has hired me to help them through a challenging transition, start or build a business, take better care of themselves, or achieve personal or professional goals, I eventually find myself asking: What is your dream? What is the burning desire within you? What's the crazy dream of your fearless soul? What have you always wanted to do but have never done? If you had all the love and money in the world, what would you do with your life? What do you really want, more than anything?
I've found that taking on this title elicits some interesting responses from others. Some find it frivolous and unrealistic to dream and have projected that they wonder how I manage to attract clients when people are so busy living their life, let alone their dreams. Sometimes, in these instances, I'll inquire about how, if one has yet to identify their dream, could they possibly know whether or not it's realistic? Often, naming something "unrealistic" is a way of communicating deep self-doubt.
Some people are intrigued but confess that they don't think they have any dreams. For those who have dismissed, repressed, or are immobilized by the fear that their dreams- are-unachievable-so-why-dream-them-to-begin-with, I must admit I wonder at times if they are secretly willing to explore their dreams, so long as it can be filed under Business Coaching, or any of my other former, more practical-sounding titles instead. Is disguised permission what they are looking for?
Some people, of course, get very excited and immediately launch into sharing their dreams with unabashed enthusiasm. I delight in these instances so completely. Most often these are the people who have decided already to go for it - and are overflowing with excitement about the way things are magically falling into place for them and their dream. They can see it, taste it, feel it - and they know that if they're going to put their energy into something, it might as well be something they are buzzing about!
Coaching can help you create the life of your dreams in rapid and powerful ways. Remember, everyone starts out fearing that their dream is out of reach, too big, too small, unachievable, or even silly, but too many falsely conclude that it must remain a dream. I hold the deep belief that it costs far more (in every way) NOT to pursue your dreams than it does to go for it. Are you willing to risk the price of always wondering what you could have done? It is my honor, privilege, and calling to serve you and your dreams!
Copyright 2007, Tara Gross-Steeves, All Rights Reserved
To arrange for a complimentary coaching session, please contact Tara. (401) 569-7017
by, Tara Gross-Steeves
Since giving birth to my business, I've introduced myself by a range of titles to include: Life Coach, Transition Coach, Small Business Coach, Personal Development Coach, Professional Development Coach, and Personal & Professional Development Coach (that one's a mouthful!). Over time, I've come to identify myself by the title "Dream Realization Coach", which I know to be the most accurate descriptive for what I do.
Inevitably, whether a client has hired me to help them through a challenging transition, start or build a business, take better care of themselves, or achieve personal or professional goals, I eventually find myself asking: What is your dream? What is the burning desire within you? What's the crazy dream of your fearless soul? What have you always wanted to do but have never done? If you had all the love and money in the world, what would you do with your life? What do you really want, more than anything?
I've found that taking on this title elicits some interesting responses from others. Some find it frivolous and unrealistic to dream and have projected that they wonder how I manage to attract clients when people are so busy living their life, let alone their dreams. Sometimes, in these instances, I'll inquire about how, if one has yet to identify their dream, could they possibly know whether or not it's realistic? Often, naming something "unrealistic" is a way of communicating deep self-doubt.
Some people are intrigued but confess that they don't think they have any dreams. For those who have dismissed, repressed, or are immobilized by the fear that their dreams- are-unachievable-so-why-dream-them-to-begin-with, I must admit I wonder at times if they are secretly willing to explore their dreams, so long as it can be filed under Business Coaching, or any of my other former, more practical-sounding titles instead. Is disguised permission what they are looking for?
Some people, of course, get very excited and immediately launch into sharing their dreams with unabashed enthusiasm. I delight in these instances so completely. Most often these are the people who have decided already to go for it - and are overflowing with excitement about the way things are magically falling into place for them and their dream. They can see it, taste it, feel it - and they know that if they're going to put their energy into something, it might as well be something they are buzzing about!
Coaching can help you create the life of your dreams in rapid and powerful ways. Remember, everyone starts out fearing that their dream is out of reach, too big, too small, unachievable, or even silly, but too many falsely conclude that it must remain a dream. I hold the deep belief that it costs far more (in every way) NOT to pursue your dreams than it does to go for it. Are you willing to risk the price of always wondering what you could have done? It is my honor, privilege, and calling to serve you and your dreams!
Copyright 2007, Tara Gross-Steeves, All Rights Reserved
To arrange for a complimentary coaching session, please contact Tara. (401) 569-7017
May 31, 2007
So, How Was The Party?
The 2nd annual Providence Dream Party™ was a tremendous success!
Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, along with some great suggestions to make it even better next time! THANK YOU to all who attended and engaged in playful networking and dream sharing. You are what The Dream Party™ is all about!
Virtual Time Machine Exercise for Everyone!
Whether you attended this year's Providence Dream Party™ or not... you are invited to participate now in a Virtual Time Machine experience. Sit down with a cup of tea and write yourself a letter dated 5 years from today. You may want to begin your letter with: "I am so happy and grateful now that..." Put it in a sealed envelope, for your eyes only, and address it to yourself. Put that envelope in another envelope and mail to: Create Your Life! P.O. Box 3317, Providence, RI 02909. In one year, I will mail it to you so you can check in with your progress toward your dreams for the future.
The Dream Team: Available All Year!
If you missed the Dream Party™ this time around, fear not! The Dream Team is available throughout the year, as your one-stop Dream Realization resource. Each Dream Team member is a personal advocate, eager to provide the support, guidance, and expertise you need to move toward your dreams for the future.
What People are Saying about The Dream Party™...
"If you can, for a moment, imagine a get-together with all the resources that you might hope for to take the next steps toward your individual success...this is what Tara and her Dream Team accomplished."
"I attended the Dream Party with no dream, but after such a fun time and speaking to people, my dreams started to surface and come alive. Thank you for such an event. Dream on!"
"I really loved it!"
"The Dream Party was a fun and innovative way to step in one's future shoes. I've been working on growing my own business, and it was great to talk about my business as if it was five years down the road - highly motivating. The Dream Party created a fun, energetic way to connect and network with others."
"Hurray to a networking event tied to your own passion - of living your dreams! The event was very creative with a Dream Machine to step into to write your future self a letter that Create Your Life! actually mails to participants, in the Footbridge to the Future which serves as a metaphor for stepping not only into 2012, but into participating in one's dream for their life!"
"A great place to meet creative people!"
"Although a 'comfort zone' may feel good, it can stop growth and adventure in your life. The Dream Party shows us the limitless possibilities in our lives - if we allow ourselves to follow the dream(s) in our hearts."
Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session
Private one-to-one coaching is for those who wish to make a special commitment to accountability, goal-setting, and support around living their dream. Individualized support and empowerment principles are applied to overcome obstacles, clarify the vision, and align your goals with your unique gifts and authentic passions.
Contact Tara today to Schedule Your FREE Session! (401) 569-7017
Stay tuned for more events, workshops, and resources in support of you and your dreams... including our upcoming Women's Retreat Weekend!
Thank You's
Thank you Stacey Doyle for capturing precious moments with her artful eye!
Thank you DJ Root for all the Dreamy tunes! Root is available to provide music for all kinds of soulful events.
Farewell for now....I'll be on the lookout for your letters! It's a bit of Dream Party™ for everyone - a unique envisioning exercise to put your dreams on paper along with your joy and celebration!
Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, along with some great suggestions to make it even better next time! THANK YOU to all who attended and engaged in playful networking and dream sharing. You are what The Dream Party™ is all about!
Virtual Time Machine Exercise for Everyone!
Whether you attended this year's Providence Dream Party™ or not... you are invited to participate now in a Virtual Time Machine experience. Sit down with a cup of tea and write yourself a letter dated 5 years from today. You may want to begin your letter with: "I am so happy and grateful now that..." Put it in a sealed envelope, for your eyes only, and address it to yourself. Put that envelope in another envelope and mail to: Create Your Life! P.O. Box 3317, Providence, RI 02909. In one year, I will mail it to you so you can check in with your progress toward your dreams for the future.
The Dream Team: Available All Year!
If you missed the Dream Party™ this time around, fear not! The Dream Team is available throughout the year, as your one-stop Dream Realization resource. Each Dream Team member is a personal advocate, eager to provide the support, guidance, and expertise you need to move toward your dreams for the future.
What People are Saying about The Dream Party™...
"If you can, for a moment, imagine a get-together with all the resources that you might hope for to take the next steps toward your individual success...this is what Tara and her Dream Team accomplished."
"I attended the Dream Party with no dream, but after such a fun time and speaking to people, my dreams started to surface and come alive. Thank you for such an event. Dream on!"
"I really loved it!"
"The Dream Party was a fun and innovative way to step in one's future shoes. I've been working on growing my own business, and it was great to talk about my business as if it was five years down the road - highly motivating. The Dream Party created a fun, energetic way to connect and network with others."
"Hurray to a networking event tied to your own passion - of living your dreams! The event was very creative with a Dream Machine to step into to write your future self a letter that Create Your Life! actually mails to participants, in the Footbridge to the Future which serves as a metaphor for stepping not only into 2012, but into participating in one's dream for their life!"
"A great place to meet creative people!"
"Although a 'comfort zone' may feel good, it can stop growth and adventure in your life. The Dream Party shows us the limitless possibilities in our lives - if we allow ourselves to follow the dream(s) in our hearts."
Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session
Private one-to-one coaching is for those who wish to make a special commitment to accountability, goal-setting, and support around living their dream. Individualized support and empowerment principles are applied to overcome obstacles, clarify the vision, and align your goals with your unique gifts and authentic passions.
Contact Tara today to Schedule Your FREE Session! (401) 569-7017
Stay tuned for more events, workshops, and resources in support of you and your dreams... including our upcoming Women's Retreat Weekend!
Thank You's
Thank you Stacey Doyle for capturing precious moments with her artful eye!
Thank you DJ Root for all the Dreamy tunes! Root is available to provide music for all kinds of soulful events.
Farewell for now....I'll be on the lookout for your letters! It's a bit of Dream Party™ for everyone - a unique envisioning exercise to put your dreams on paper along with your joy and celebration!
May 11, 2007
Alison's Dream Party™ Story
Alison's Dream Party™ Story
In May of 2006, my friend Rita told me about a 'Dream Party.' She emailed me the flyer, and I knew I had to attend.
I've always been a person with A LOT of dreams but was unsure how to manifest them, and which ones to focus my energy on. At that time, I had reached a point in my life where I was feeling ready to begin manifesting my dreams into reality. When I went to the Dream Party in May 2006, I was doing temporary work at a law firm, while holding in my heart the dream of creating my own business through combining my artistic skills with my work experience as a care-giver to children and elders. I chose to wear a costume to the party, and I called myself 'an artist who makes a difference in the world.'
At the Dream Party I had the opportunity to speak with members of the Dream Team, and I began to see that it REALLY is possible to be an artist and a leader in the community. I left the party INSPIRED, with lots of great business contacts, and with a commitment to being coached by Tara Gross for the next 3 months.
In the three-month period that followed, I came to OWN my dream of being self-employed and wildly creative in my career. Tara's coaching put me into action: I signed up for a Business Plan Writing Class, 3 Computer Classes, and received invaluable coaching on how to negotiate client terms with integrity and grace. Most importantly I was given the support to take action towards my dreams.
In the past year I have brought 30 unique and creative programs to over 200 kids and adults in various communities in the State of Rhode Island. I am clear that the work I do in the world really matters, makes a difference for people, and, I am having so much FUN doing it!!!!
If you want to connect with the dreams that inspire you and touch your heart, I highly recommend attending The Dream Party, and then signing up with Tara as your coach!!!!
For more information about creative and unique programs and spaces for your community please contact Ali LeBrun at
Thank you Alison, and all the dreamers, that inspire and challenge me to do this joyful work!
Hope to see you all next week!
Looking forward,
In May of 2006, my friend Rita told me about a 'Dream Party.' She emailed me the flyer, and I knew I had to attend.
I've always been a person with A LOT of dreams but was unsure how to manifest them, and which ones to focus my energy on. At that time, I had reached a point in my life where I was feeling ready to begin manifesting my dreams into reality. When I went to the Dream Party in May 2006, I was doing temporary work at a law firm, while holding in my heart the dream of creating my own business through combining my artistic skills with my work experience as a care-giver to children and elders. I chose to wear a costume to the party, and I called myself 'an artist who makes a difference in the world.'
At the Dream Party I had the opportunity to speak with members of the Dream Team, and I began to see that it REALLY is possible to be an artist and a leader in the community. I left the party INSPIRED, with lots of great business contacts, and with a commitment to being coached by Tara Gross for the next 3 months.
In the three-month period that followed, I came to OWN my dream of being self-employed and wildly creative in my career. Tara's coaching put me into action: I signed up for a Business Plan Writing Class, 3 Computer Classes, and received invaluable coaching on how to negotiate client terms with integrity and grace. Most importantly I was given the support to take action towards my dreams.
In the past year I have brought 30 unique and creative programs to over 200 kids and adults in various communities in the State of Rhode Island. I am clear that the work I do in the world really matters, makes a difference for people, and, I am having so much FUN doing it!!!!
If you want to connect with the dreams that inspire you and touch your heart, I highly recommend attending The Dream Party, and then signing up with Tara as your coach!!!!
For more information about creative and unique programs and spaces for your community please contact Ali LeBrun at
Thank you Alison, and all the dreamers, that inspire and challenge me to do this joyful work!
Hope to see you all next week!
Looking forward,
May 07, 2007
Common Questions About The Dream Party™
The Dream Party™
Thursday, May 17, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
The Hi-Hat at Davol Square
Providence, RI
$30 pre-reg, $40 at the door
Pre-register & Save!
--- Is The Dream Party™ just for women?
Absolutely not! Dreaming is for everyone, and so is The Dream Party™! (21+)
--- How do I get tickets?
Tickets are available on-line through Art Tix for $30/ ticket. Tickets will also be available at the door. The door price is $40. By pre-registering through Art Tix, you not only save money, but you also help us get a close-to-accurate head count so we can best serve you on May 17.
--- Do I have to dress up?
Dressing the part of your "future self" is encouraged! Though not required, why not share your dream with others through props and creative outfits? It's's a great conversation opener...and, it's an opportunity to embody and attract your dreams now.
If, for example, in 2012 you want...
To be a restaurant owner, wear a chef's cap.
To be retired and golf everyday, dress like a golfer.
To own a beach house, wear a sunhat, sunglasses, and sandals.
To be a marathon runner, pin a number to your running clothes.
To be a philanthropist, dress like one, (and bring your checkbook!)
To be an actor, dress the part of your dream role.
--- What's the role of The Dream Team?
The Dream Team is a special team of experts from a variety of fields that will be on-site and available for free consultation at the Dream Party™. They are every-day Dream Weavers, right here in Rhode Island!
Meet the Dream Team
--- What do you mean by "Should & Impossible are not invited"?
Create Your Life! stands for your dreams and passions, not your "shoulds". We know that language is a powerful creator of your experience. 'Should' and 'Impossible' are disempowering words that bolster any obstacles that might be standing between you and your dreams. At the Dream Party™ you will have the opportunity to, literally, shred your 'Shoulds' and 'Impossibles.' Doing so will move you closer to your dreams for the future, AND you'll receive a special gift!
--- What feedback did you get about last year's Party?
"Compared to traditional networking events, the 2011 Party was such a treat! From the premise to the décor, to the agenda, to the mix of attendees - there was nothing stale about this event. It really got you focused on one simple and very personal thing: 'What's Your Dream?' Finally, a networking event that isn't about your business' purpose or sales goals, but about individuals - their desires and aspirations. What a delightful and refreshing change!"
~ Michelle Girasole, co-founder of The Sassy Ladies, a Dream Party™ sponsor
Invite others, and make it a night out with friends, family, or colleagues! Your dreams will thank you.
Do you have questions about the Dream Party that are not answered here?
Feel free to contact me by phone or email, and I'll be happy to help! (401) 569-7017
May all your dreams come true,
Thursday, May 17, 2007, 6:30 p.m.
The Hi-Hat at Davol Square
Providence, RI
$30 pre-reg, $40 at the door
Pre-register & Save!
--- Is The Dream Party™ just for women?
Absolutely not! Dreaming is for everyone, and so is The Dream Party™! (21+)
--- How do I get tickets?
Tickets are available on-line through Art Tix for $30/ ticket. Tickets will also be available at the door. The door price is $40. By pre-registering through Art Tix, you not only save money, but you also help us get a close-to-accurate head count so we can best serve you on May 17.
--- Do I have to dress up?
Dressing the part of your "future self" is encouraged! Though not required, why not share your dream with others through props and creative outfits? It's's a great conversation opener...and, it's an opportunity to embody and attract your dreams now.
If, for example, in 2012 you want...
To be a restaurant owner, wear a chef's cap.
To be retired and golf everyday, dress like a golfer.
To own a beach house, wear a sunhat, sunglasses, and sandals.
To be a marathon runner, pin a number to your running clothes.
To be a philanthropist, dress like one, (and bring your checkbook!)
To be an actor, dress the part of your dream role.
--- What's the role of The Dream Team?
The Dream Team is a special team of experts from a variety of fields that will be on-site and available for free consultation at the Dream Party™. They are every-day Dream Weavers, right here in Rhode Island!
Meet the Dream Team
--- What do you mean by "Should & Impossible are not invited"?
Create Your Life! stands for your dreams and passions, not your "shoulds". We know that language is a powerful creator of your experience. 'Should' and 'Impossible' are disempowering words that bolster any obstacles that might be standing between you and your dreams. At the Dream Party™ you will have the opportunity to, literally, shred your 'Shoulds' and 'Impossibles.' Doing so will move you closer to your dreams for the future, AND you'll receive a special gift!
--- What feedback did you get about last year's Party?
"Compared to traditional networking events, the 2011 Party was such a treat! From the premise to the décor, to the agenda, to the mix of attendees - there was nothing stale about this event. It really got you focused on one simple and very personal thing: 'What's Your Dream?' Finally, a networking event that isn't about your business' purpose or sales goals, but about individuals - their desires and aspirations. What a delightful and refreshing change!"
~ Michelle Girasole, co-founder of The Sassy Ladies, a Dream Party™ sponsor
Invite others, and make it a night out with friends, family, or colleagues! Your dreams will thank you.
Do you have questions about the Dream Party that are not answered here?
Feel free to contact me by phone or email, and I'll be happy to help! (401) 569-7017
May all your dreams come true,
April 24, 2007
Exciting Updates & Invites
Create Your Life! is devoted to and specializes in dream fulfillment. We know first-hand that pursuing a dream can sometimes be scary, but believe that not pursuing a dream carries even greater risk. We help unlock your inner voice, unleash your unique gifts, and unveil your dreams, one step at a time.
10 Reasons to Reserve Your Tickets Now:
1. On-site Dream Realization Team: talented, creative, inspiring experts there to serve you and your dreams!
2. An interactive Time Machine that's a must see!
3. The essentials of a good party await you: finger food, bar, music, and interesting people!
4. You never know who you'll meet!
5. It's an event like no other that will be talked about all year!
6. A safe place to dream and connect with the dormant dreamer within you!
7. The opportunity to release limiting beliefs!
8. A fun celebration in honor of Spring and planting seeds for your future!
9. A hand-crafted Footbridge to the Future! (courtesy of Heritage Restoration)
10. Space is limited & a close to accurate head count is crucial in order to serve you best! (Finger food will be provided, but without an accurate head count, food might be sparse.)
(Order Your Tickets through Art Tix)
Visit our Booth on April 29: Love, Light, & Laughter
Visit the Create Your Life! booth at 'Love, Light, and Laughter' on April 29, 2007 where you'll:
-- Find Dream Team literature and contact info
-- Have the opportunity to purchase Dream Party™ tickets
-- Get information about our August 3-5, 2007 Women's Retreat
-- Enter to win a $100 Create Your Life! gift certificate
-- Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session, and
-- Learn about other upcoming Create Your Life! workshops
"Let's Do Lunch" on April 30
I'm excited and honored to be the 1st guest on The Sassy Ladies FREE "Let's Do Lunch" teleconference series! Join me and Sassy Wendy Hanson as we lead a discussion about "Staying Open: Dreams Realized through the Next Right Action". Call in on your lunch break to join the fun! Monday, April 30, 2007 12:00 -12:30PM/EST.
Register for this FREE teleconference at
The Dream Party™:What to Wear
Dressing the Part of Your Future Self is Strongly Encouraged!
Share your dream with others through props and creative outfits! Though not required, why not dress up? It's's a great conversation opener...and, as those of you applying The Secret know, the intention behind a "future you" costume is an opportunity to engage and attract your dreams!
If, for example, in 2012 you want...
To be a restaurant owner, wear a chef's cap.
To be retired and golf everyday, dress like a golfer.
To own a beach house, wear a sunhat, sunglasses, and sandals.
To be a marathon runner, pin a number to your running clothes.
To be a philanthropist, dress like one, (and bring your checkbook!)
To be an actor, dress the part of your dream role.
10 Reasons to Reserve Your Tickets Now:
1. On-site Dream Realization Team: talented, creative, inspiring experts there to serve you and your dreams!
2. An interactive Time Machine that's a must see!
3. The essentials of a good party await you: finger food, bar, music, and interesting people!
4. You never know who you'll meet!
5. It's an event like no other that will be talked about all year!
6. A safe place to dream and connect with the dormant dreamer within you!
7. The opportunity to release limiting beliefs!
8. A fun celebration in honor of Spring and planting seeds for your future!
9. A hand-crafted Footbridge to the Future! (courtesy of Heritage Restoration)
10. Space is limited & a close to accurate head count is crucial in order to serve you best! (Finger food will be provided, but without an accurate head count, food might be sparse.)
(Order Your Tickets through Art Tix)
Visit our Booth on April 29: Love, Light, & Laughter
Visit the Create Your Life! booth at 'Love, Light, and Laughter' on April 29, 2007 where you'll:
-- Find Dream Team literature and contact info
-- Have the opportunity to purchase Dream Party™ tickets
-- Get information about our August 3-5, 2007 Women's Retreat
-- Enter to win a $100 Create Your Life! gift certificate
-- Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session, and
-- Learn about other upcoming Create Your Life! workshops
"Let's Do Lunch" on April 30
I'm excited and honored to be the 1st guest on The Sassy Ladies FREE "Let's Do Lunch" teleconference series! Join me and Sassy Wendy Hanson as we lead a discussion about "Staying Open: Dreams Realized through the Next Right Action". Call in on your lunch break to join the fun! Monday, April 30, 2007 12:00 -12:30PM/EST.
Register for this FREE teleconference at
The Dream Party™:What to Wear
Dressing the Part of Your Future Self is Strongly Encouraged!
Share your dream with others through props and creative outfits! Though not required, why not dress up? It's's a great conversation opener...and, as those of you applying The Secret know, the intention behind a "future you" costume is an opportunity to engage and attract your dreams!
If, for example, in 2012 you want...
To be a restaurant owner, wear a chef's cap.
To be retired and golf everyday, dress like a golfer.
To own a beach house, wear a sunhat, sunglasses, and sandals.
To be a marathon runner, pin a number to your running clothes.
To be a philanthropist, dress like one, (and bring your checkbook!)
To be an actor, dress the part of your dream role.
April 03, 2007
4 Steps to Awaken Your Dreams

4 Steps to Awaken Your Dreams
As Published in aspire...Magazine
April 2007
In This Issue
* Visit Our Booth on April 29
* Article: 4 Steps To Awaken Your Dreams
* View 2011 Party Photos!
* Your Recommendation is Needed
* Reserve Your Tickets
Dream Party Sponsors
aspire... Magazine -
The Sassy Ladies -
Groove Paradise Productions -
Stacey Doyle Photography -
Dare Devil Studios -
Is Your Dream Dormant?
If you know what you want your life to be like in 5
years, great! But, be assured that you do not need
to know what your dreams are in order to attend this
unique event. This 2012 Party in 2007 is an
opportunity to awaken the dormant dreamer within!
Sleeping dreamers awaken!
* Visit Our Booth on April 29
Come visit the Create Your Life! booth at Love, Light, and Laughter on April 29, 2007 where you'll:
* Find Dream Team literature and contact info
* Have the opportunity to purchase Dream Party tickets
* Get information about our August 3-5, 2007 Women's Retreat
* Enter to win $100 Create Your Life! gift certificate
* Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session, and
* Learn about other upcoming Create Your Life! workshops
Love, Light, and Laughter -
* Article: 4 Steps To Awaken Your Dreams
Act 1 – (January, 2002)
Curtain comes up on woman who: hates her job, (correction: jobs), is buried in debt, has low credit scores, lives in a basement apartment (this, ironically, is one of the few things she is proud of), has a tumultuous love life, and is deep in the throws of therapy working on strained family dynamics that run painfully deep. This woman has dreams of having her own business, doing work she loves, owning her own home, healing life-long wounds, and finding love. She’s ready for
change and willing to do whatever it takes to make her dreams become reality!
Act 2 – (January, 2007)
Curtain comes up revealing the same woman, now with a mysterious twinkle in her eye and a glow that seems to emanate from her core. This is a woman who: independently owns two rental properties (with skylights), has wonderful tenants, great credit, a restored connection with her family, is married to her soul mate, lives on 35 acres within walking distance of the ocean, and has a business of her own, doing what she loves...coaching people toward living their dreams. She knows the beauty of dreaming and what it takes to make those dreams come true—that’s what she’s all about!
- - -
Welcome to my life! I’m living proof that 5 years is enough time to make significant life changes.
I want this for you! For everyone!
How would you like your story to go? What script would you write for your life five years from now? What’s YOUR dream?
It takes real bravery to admit that you’re afraid, and pursuing a dream can be very scary! I meet and talk to people every day who express fears about sharing their dreams, dreams that hide just beneath the surface. Many report having historically shared their dreams only to find little support or encouragement, much less celebration! Sharing a dream can certainly
be risky. Yet, a question to consider is, what’s at risk when our dreams remain a secret, something locked away, deep within us?
I, personally, love the way dreams are fueled by a strange desire often difficult to explain. I love the contemplative stages: 1) recognizing a desire for something currently out of reach; 2) wondering if you’re capable of making it happen, 3) debating
yourself on whether to pursue this desire/dream or remain in the safety of wonder. Let me assure you that in pursuing my dreams, I am not without waves of terror! But I know that overcoming fear makes the fruition of a dream that much sweeter.
Here are 4 powerful steps that have helped me and others to connect with the dormant dreamer within, and begin to take pro-active steps towards making dreams real.
1. Get honest with your self. We’re all in a constant process of creating and re-creating our lives, whether actively or passively. Are your actions creating the life you want in this very moment? If not, it’s time to make new choices.
2. Allow yourself to confront your fears and explore. What’s the worst-case scenario? What’s the likelihood of this scenario happening? Pinpoint what you are really afraid of. What might be the cost of going for your dream? Then ask yourself, how does that compare with the cost of not pursuing your dream? Keep in mind that costs are not just monetary. Consider the cost of your happiness and how that will impact all areas of your life.
3. Look ahead. Five years from now, how will you feel if you still haven’t taken action on pursuing your dreams? Five years from now, how will you feel when you look back and celebrate the decision you made five years prior? Five years from now, what will have been the best decision?
4. Take a step. Decide what pro-active steps you can begin to take towards your deepest desires and give yourself a deadline. And lastly, decide when you will begin to take these pro-active steps towards your deepest desire. When is NOW going to be the "right" time?
May all your dreams come true!
* View 2011 Party Photos!
To see fun photos from last year's Dream Party, visit Stacey Doyle Photography Online Gallery, and at the prompt enter ID:
Stacey Doyle Photography -
* Your Recommendation is Needed
Do you know a Travel Agent? I am in search of an enthusiastic Travel Agent to highlight at this year's Dream Party. If someone you know comes to mind, please let me know!
* Reserve Your Tickets
Farewell for now dreamers, whether fast asleep or fully awake. But first, I leave you with this bit of Gloria Steinem wisdom to chew on: "If what's in your dreams wasn't already real inside you, you couldn't even dream it."
Most sincerely,
Tara Gross, Founder & President
Create Your Life!, LLC & The Dream Party™
phone: 401-569-7017
March 28, 2007
The Dream Party(TM) - Tix on Sale Now!
February 2007 Newsletter
The Dream Party™ --- buy tix now!
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Einstein
The Dream Party™ is an event you won't want to miss!
Come Experience:
* An "outside the box" opportunity for networking
* An on-site Dream Realization Team
* Support & encouragement for your dream
* Time to connect with local experts
* An interactive time machine
* A 'should' and 'impossible' shredding station
* Future name tag creation station
* Finger food, beverages, music and MORE!!
* Buy Now through Art TIx!
Create Your Life!, LLC Announces the Second Annual Dream Party in Providence, RI
Back by popular demand, the second annual Dream Party™ will be held at the Hi-Hat in Providence, RI on May 17th. The Dream Party™ is a rare opportunity to spend an evening focused on dreams for your future. Come connect not only with others, but also the dormant dreamer within you. Dreams of becoming a business owner, finding true love, owning a new home, or traveling the world can come true with a little inspiration and support. Don’t miss this fun-filled event where you’ll be inspired to dream BIG and take action towards making your dreams come true! (more...)
Sponsored by: aspire...Magazine
Contact Information
phone: 401-569-7017
The Dream Party™ --- buy tix now!
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Einstein
The Dream Party™ is an event you won't want to miss!
Come Experience:
* An "outside the box" opportunity for networking
* An on-site Dream Realization Team
* Support & encouragement for your dream
* Time to connect with local experts
* An interactive time machine
* A 'should' and 'impossible' shredding station
* Future name tag creation station
* Finger food, beverages, music and MORE!!
* Buy Now through Art TIx!
Create Your Life!, LLC Announces the Second Annual Dream Party in Providence, RI
Back by popular demand, the second annual Dream Party™ will be held at the Hi-Hat in Providence, RI on May 17th. The Dream Party™ is a rare opportunity to spend an evening focused on dreams for your future. Come connect not only with others, but also the dormant dreamer within you. Dreams of becoming a business owner, finding true love, owning a new home, or traveling the world can come true with a little inspiration and support. Don’t miss this fun-filled event where you’ll be inspired to dream BIG and take action towards making your dreams come true! (more...)
Sponsored by: aspire...Magazine
Contact Information
phone: 401-569-7017
Kick Up Your Heels! Women's Retreat Weekend
January 23, 2007 Newsletter
Kick Up Your Heels for the Weekend!
Rejuvenating Retreat Weekend for Women
Come Kick Up Your Heels (by your own design!) in a beautiful setting, among an amazing group of women! It will be whatever we collectively design it to be!
February 9-11, 2007: Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI
The beautiful setting at the Canonicus Camp & Conference Center provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a 20-acre lake.
Join us for:
A Weekend of Zero Obligation!
The Magic of Women in Community!
Divine Downtime to journal, go for a hike, hula hoop, do an art project, read a book, connect, relax...
Each woman is invited (but not obliged) to:
Bring something to share: e.g. an activity, a talent, a special snack, music...
Play as much or as little of a leadership role as she would like.
A Saturday evening movie that’s sure to elicit some interesting conversation.
Gatherings around the fireplace.
20 participants maximum, so send in your registration today to reserve your space!
Facilitator: Tara Gross, founder & president of Create Your Life!, LLC & The Dream Party™
Tara is a dynamic, heart-filled Life Coach and Certified JourneyDance™ instructor specializing in dream fulfillment. She helps people realize and live their dreams by accessing their authentic passion, realizing their vision and setting intentions for their future. She is passionate about helping others set their ambitions high, find balance between work and play, and live a life of integrity and abundance.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Kick Up Your Heels for the Weekend!
Rejuvenating Retreat Weekend for Women
Come Kick Up Your Heels (by your own design!) in a beautiful setting, among an amazing group of women! It will be whatever we collectively design it to be!
February 9-11, 2007: Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI
The beautiful setting at the Canonicus Camp & Conference Center provides comfortable accommodations, set on over 300 acres of forest and meadows, including a 20-acre lake.
Join us for:
A Weekend of Zero Obligation!
The Magic of Women in Community!
Divine Downtime to journal, go for a hike, hula hoop, do an art project, read a book, connect, relax...
Each woman is invited (but not obliged) to:
Bring something to share: e.g. an activity, a talent, a special snack, music...
Play as much or as little of a leadership role as she would like.
A Saturday evening movie that’s sure to elicit some interesting conversation.
Gatherings around the fireplace.
20 participants maximum, so send in your registration today to reserve your space!
Facilitator: Tara Gross, founder & president of Create Your Life!, LLC & The Dream Party™
Tara is a dynamic, heart-filled Life Coach and Certified JourneyDance™ instructor specializing in dream fulfillment. She helps people realize and live their dreams by accessing their authentic passion, realizing their vision and setting intentions for their future. She is passionate about helping others set their ambitions high, find balance between work and play, and live a life of integrity and abundance.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Save the date: May 17, 2007

January 2007 Newsletter
The Dream Party™: a 2012 party in 2007!
Thursday, May 17, 2007 @ the Hi-Hat, Providence, RI
Sponsored by: Create Your Life!, LLC
in this issue
-- Event Summary
-- Become a Sponsor!
Mark your calendars!
Back by popular demand, The Dream Party™ will be held Thursday evening, May 17, 2007 at the Hi-Hat in Providence, RI!
Event Summary
This unique event is an opportunity for attendees to come dressed as they aspire to be in five years, and connect with local experts who can help give birth to their dreams and goals. It's a night that's not to be missed! Connect not only with others, but also with the dormant dreamer within you!
Event highlights include:
* An interactive Time Machine!
* 2012 Name Tag Station!
* Should & Impossible Shredding Station
* On-site Dream Realization Team!
* Support & encouragement for your dreams!
* Conversation-starter costumes!
* Food, Beverages, Music and more!!
Read Testimonials from Last Year's Party! visit
Become a Sponsor!
Want to market your company or service as a resource for realizing dreams? What dream does your service fulfill? Align your brand with dream realization! For more information on becoming a dream weaver, contact Tara.
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
Announcing: New Year! New Name!
January 2007
Create Your Life!, LLC
(formerly Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC)
New Year! New Name! Same devotion to your success!
Announcing: Create Your Life!, LLC
(Formerly 'Transition Coaching & Event Planning')
Create Your Life!, LLC brings a new, fun, empowering image to the business! Acknowledging that "transition" just isn't fun and pro-active enough to describe the work that Tara consistently does with her clients, a NAME CHANGE was in order!!
Happy 2007 to each and every one of you! Create Your Life!, LLC looks forward to serving you and your dreams into the new year and beyond...
Please note: Be sure to update change of email in your address book to
Most sincerely,
Tara Gross, Founder & President
Create Your Life!, LLC
voice: 401.569.7017
Create Your Life!, LLC
(formerly Transition Coaching & Event Planning, LLC)
New Year! New Name! Same devotion to your success!
Announcing: Create Your Life!, LLC
(Formerly 'Transition Coaching & Event Planning')
Create Your Life!, LLC brings a new, fun, empowering image to the business! Acknowledging that "transition" just isn't fun and pro-active enough to describe the work that Tara consistently does with her clients, a NAME CHANGE was in order!!
Happy 2007 to each and every one of you! Create Your Life!, LLC looks forward to serving you and your dreams into the new year and beyond...
Please note: Be sure to update change of email in your address book to
Most sincerely,
Tara Gross, Founder & President
Create Your Life!, LLC
voice: 401.569.7017
20 Questions to Start the Year Off Right!
Create Your Life!, LLC Newsletter
20 Questions & Inspiring Events to Support Your Dreams!
Jan 2007 issue
in this issue
-- Awaken The Dream: a 1-day workshop
-- Wiggle & Stomp! Move in your Body, Move in your Life: women's retreat weekend
-- 20 Questions to Start The Year Off Right!
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakens.” ~ Carl Jung
Awaken The Dream: a 1-day workshop
January 20, 2007, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. @ A New Day Yoga Studio, Plainville, MA
This one-day (co-ed) workshop will provide time for movement, writing, and sharing. Incorporating the principles of Life Coaching, participants follow a process to awaken their deepest desires and embody what they want to create in the world. Discover connections between movement and energy through dance, exercises in visualization and goal setting, and opening the body's energy centers, or chakras, with music as impulse. Gain insight and wisdom, and learn how to access the voice within.
Wiggle & Stomp! Move in your Body, Move in your Life: women's retreat weekend
February 9-11, 2007 @ Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI
This all-inclusive weekend retreat is an opportunity to:
Activate your power, creativity, and innate wisdom!
Ignite and discover your own energy!
Deepen your connection to yourself!
Explore what moves you!
Beat the winter blues!
Experience joyful transformation through breath, music, movement, drumming, dance & community!
Dance your dreams and shake off your struggle!
Drum your soul’s rhythms!
Move and live with power, passion, & play!
Leave your inhibitions behind & join us for a transformational weekend of fun!
Facilitator, Tara Gross, is a Life Coach & Certified JourneyDance(TM) Instructor who specializes in helping people live their dreams through the process of finding their authentic passion and realizing their vision for the future. She is passionate about assisting others to set their ambitions high and live a life of integrity, demonstrated through dream realization and the alignment of work and play.
Special guest, Dennis Melucci, will lead a Saturday afternoon drumming workshop.
Dennis has been a student and teacher of African and Latin percussion for over 30 years. He is a leader in promoting multicultural awareness through music, performing in a variety of genres, including spiritual retreats, seminars, and workshops. Most recently, he has been teaching within the public and private school systems, drumming with children to bring them into the spirit of community through drumming. Dennis is a gentle, motivating teacher who has a gift for bringing out the drummer in people of all ages.
Price includes meals and overnight accommodations. No prior dance or drumming experience necessary. All fitness levels welcome.
20 Questions to Start The Year Off Right!
The start of the year is a great time to get out a notebook or journal and answer these 20 introspective questions... Your answers are the basis for designing and creating your life to be what you dream of! Within each of your answers lies your innate wisdom about how to go about doing just that! ENJOY!
A JUMP START: For those who wish to make a special commitment to accountability, goal-setting, and support around your dream, I offer private one-to-one coaching. Individualized support and empowerment principles are applied to overcome obstacles, clarify the vision, and align the goal with you and your authentic gifts and passions. To get a jump start on your year and discuss one or more of these questions during a Complimentary Coaching Session, contact me! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1.) What are the three main changes you want to make in the next 3 to 6 months, starting at this moment?
2.) Name one thing you'd like to be doing differently a year from now.
3.) What has held you back from making these changes up to now?
4.) Who is currently in charge of your life, you or other people?
5.) Where does irresponsibility show itself most predominately in your life?
6.) What motivates you (or, what makes your heart sing)?
7.) What is the biggest fear you have about your life (or, what bothers you the most about your life)?
8.) Do you think that having a great life is really possible? (If no, why not?)
9.) What would “a great life” look like for you? How would you know if you’ve achieved it?
10.) Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?
11.) Is there a legacy you wish to leave?
12.) What is the biggest business or personal opportunity that you currently are not taking advantage of?
13.) What activities have you been involved in, that have put a huge smile on your face? (Alone? With another? With a group?)
14.) How long has it been since you were in those smile activities?
15.) What’s your definition of success?
16.) What are some of your healthy sources of energy?
17.) How proud of yourself are you right now?
18.) What are your gifts (those things that are innate; that come effortlessly to you)?
19.) What is presently consuming your time that you wish you could eliminate?
20.) What question are you glad I didn't ask? :)
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
20 Questions & Inspiring Events to Support Your Dreams!
Jan 2007 issue
in this issue
-- Awaken The Dream: a 1-day workshop
-- Wiggle & Stomp! Move in your Body, Move in your Life: women's retreat weekend
-- 20 Questions to Start The Year Off Right!
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakens.” ~ Carl Jung
Awaken The Dream: a 1-day workshop
January 20, 2007, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. @ A New Day Yoga Studio, Plainville, MA
This one-day (co-ed) workshop will provide time for movement, writing, and sharing. Incorporating the principles of Life Coaching, participants follow a process to awaken their deepest desires and embody what they want to create in the world. Discover connections between movement and energy through dance, exercises in visualization and goal setting, and opening the body's energy centers, or chakras, with music as impulse. Gain insight and wisdom, and learn how to access the voice within.
Wiggle & Stomp! Move in your Body, Move in your Life: women's retreat weekend
February 9-11, 2007 @ Canonicus Camp & Conference Center, Exeter, RI
This all-inclusive weekend retreat is an opportunity to:
Activate your power, creativity, and innate wisdom!
Ignite and discover your own energy!
Deepen your connection to yourself!
Explore what moves you!
Beat the winter blues!
Experience joyful transformation through breath, music, movement, drumming, dance & community!
Dance your dreams and shake off your struggle!
Drum your soul’s rhythms!
Move and live with power, passion, & play!
Leave your inhibitions behind & join us for a transformational weekend of fun!
Facilitator, Tara Gross, is a Life Coach & Certified JourneyDance(TM) Instructor who specializes in helping people live their dreams through the process of finding their authentic passion and realizing their vision for the future. She is passionate about assisting others to set their ambitions high and live a life of integrity, demonstrated through dream realization and the alignment of work and play.
Special guest, Dennis Melucci, will lead a Saturday afternoon drumming workshop.
Dennis has been a student and teacher of African and Latin percussion for over 30 years. He is a leader in promoting multicultural awareness through music, performing in a variety of genres, including spiritual retreats, seminars, and workshops. Most recently, he has been teaching within the public and private school systems, drumming with children to bring them into the spirit of community through drumming. Dennis is a gentle, motivating teacher who has a gift for bringing out the drummer in people of all ages.
Price includes meals and overnight accommodations. No prior dance or drumming experience necessary. All fitness levels welcome.
20 Questions to Start The Year Off Right!
The start of the year is a great time to get out a notebook or journal and answer these 20 introspective questions... Your answers are the basis for designing and creating your life to be what you dream of! Within each of your answers lies your innate wisdom about how to go about doing just that! ENJOY!
A JUMP START: For those who wish to make a special commitment to accountability, goal-setting, and support around your dream, I offer private one-to-one coaching. Individualized support and empowerment principles are applied to overcome obstacles, clarify the vision, and align the goal with you and your authentic gifts and passions. To get a jump start on your year and discuss one or more of these questions during a Complimentary Coaching Session, contact me! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1.) What are the three main changes you want to make in the next 3 to 6 months, starting at this moment?
2.) Name one thing you'd like to be doing differently a year from now.
3.) What has held you back from making these changes up to now?
4.) Who is currently in charge of your life, you or other people?
5.) Where does irresponsibility show itself most predominately in your life?
6.) What motivates you (or, what makes your heart sing)?
7.) What is the biggest fear you have about your life (or, what bothers you the most about your life)?
8.) Do you think that having a great life is really possible? (If no, why not?)
9.) What would “a great life” look like for you? How would you know if you’ve achieved it?
10.) Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?
11.) Is there a legacy you wish to leave?
12.) What is the biggest business or personal opportunity that you currently are not taking advantage of?
13.) What activities have you been involved in, that have put a huge smile on your face? (Alone? With another? With a group?)
14.) How long has it been since you were in those smile activities?
15.) What’s your definition of success?
16.) What are some of your healthy sources of energy?
17.) How proud of yourself are you right now?
18.) What are your gifts (those things that are innate; that come effortlessly to you)?
19.) What is presently consuming your time that you wish you could eliminate?
20.) What question are you glad I didn't ask? :)
Contact Information
phone: 401.569.7017
March 19, 2007
Meet the Dream Team: Part 1

Meet the Dream Team: Part 1
March 2007
in this issue
-- Chris Wall, Realtor
-- Deborah Beauvais, Matchmaker
-- Justin Aina, Business Development Specialist
-- Samantha LeDuc, Mortgage Advisor
-- Reserve Your Tickets!
Cross over our ‘Footbridge to the Future’ on May 17, 2007 at this year's Dream Party™ and meet the Dream Realization Team, a special team of local experts who will be on-hand and ready to help you achieve your dreams and goals with practical advice, encouragement, and expertise.
Here are some of this year's Dream Team Members:
Chris Wall, Realtor
Chris Wall started his real estate career in Cambridge Massachusetts, learning the business in one of the most competitive markets in the country. Upon return to his home state of Rhode Island, he spent several years as a RE/MAX agent before joining the Taylor Group at Residential Properties. Having grown up in Cumberland, and subsequent adult years on Providence’s East Side, Chris is familiar with many areas of our state, with transacted sales from Burrillville to Wakefield. His tenacity, experience, and approachable personal style has taken the doubt and confusion out of hundreds of real estate transaction since 2003.
Deborah Beauvais, Matchmaker
Empowered Connections was lovingly created to help bring couples together. At the age of eight, Deborah knew that her purpose in life was love, to find it, hold it, and ultimately, teach it. In 2003, Deborah created Empowered Connections - a personalized, prescreened matchmaking service that addresses all aspects of dating and relationships. With 13 years experience recruiting in the healthcare industry, her recruiting skills, coupled with a touch of intuition enhances her ability to connect people successfully. Deborah’s radio show Love By Intuition airs Wenesdays 4-6pm on WARL 1320am. Love By Intuition has very special guests with listeners calling in to share views, thoughts, or to receive advice. Deborah has also created her own radio network: Dreamvisions7 Radio, and is now welcoming new hosts who are looking to empower others.
Justin Aina, Business Development Specialist
Born in Nigeria, Justin Aina, MBA, is Founder and President of The Roundtable International – a network of organized intelligence providing professional services to governments, civic entities, and national and international organizations. Justin Aina, the 2001 Ocean State Business Forum “Business Practitioner of the Year”, is an accomplished lecturer, trainer, author, and international management consultant. As a Certified Management Consultant and Trainer, he has conducted seminars and workshops on Entrepreneurship, Organizational Redesign and Alignment, Strategic Positioning, Leadership for Change, Project Management, Process Mapping, Systems Integration and Time Management for international, domestic, and local organizations. As founding Executive Director of Urban Ventures in Providence, RI, Justin is developing urban small and medium enterprises who are shaping the landscape of local economies.
Samantha LeDuc, Mortgage Advisor
Samantha Leduc has been in the sales and customer service industry since her graduation from the UMASS in 1999. Post-graduation, Samantha managed a family-owned business for 4 years, handling sales, customer service, customer/ employee retention and marketing. In 2002, Samantha made a career change and went to work in the mortgage industry where she has been ever since. Before working in her current position at Province Mortgage Associates, she was a Mortgage Advisor with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and Advanced Financial Services. Province Mortgage Associates is an approved broker with 40 different lenders. Based on your current situation, she takes great pride and individualized care in finding the program that will best fit your specific needs and goals. Samantha is licensed to close loans in MA, RI, CT, and NH.
Reserve Your Tickets!
A 2012 Party in 2007: Thursday, May 17, 6:30pm, The Hi-Hat at Davol Square, Providence
Order Tickets through Art Tix
What’s YOUR Dream? The Dream Party™ Is Back by Popular Demand! Create Your Life!, LLC Announces the Second Annual Dream Party in Providence, RI
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” (Thoreau)
Contact Information
phone: 401-569-7017
March 06, 2007
Why I'm Excited...
Why I'm Excited...
March 2007
in this issue
-- So Sassy!
-- Why I'm Excited...
-- Outside-the-Box Networking
-- Looking for One New Client
-- Dare Devil Studios
-- Save the Date! Women's Retreat Weekend: Aug 3-5, 2007
"If what's in your dreams wasn't already real inside you, you couldn't even dream it." Gloria Steinem
So Sassy!
Do you know The Sassy Ladies? Michelle Girasole, the Web marketer; Wendy Hanson, the business coach; Miriam Perry, the freelance writer. These Ladies of Sass have joined forces to provide fun and relevant resources for women entrepreneurs--on the Web and in person.
The Sassy Ladies
Why I'm Excited...
Communities of like-minded service professionals with big hearts, open minds, and unwavering commitment, are rapidly joining forces towards a better tomorrow.
More and more women are starting businesses of their own every day.
* "The Secret" is out.
* Create Your Life!, LLC has a great new logo, and you're getting a sneak preview.
* Spring is just around the corner and daylight savings is even closer.
* The Dream Party™, which started as my own "crazy dream", is growing, evolving and empowering the lives of many.
* Life is good.
* What are YOU excited about?
Outside-the-Box Networking
“Finally, a networking event that isn’t about your business purpose or sales goals, but about individuals – their desires and aspirations. What a delightful and refreshing change,” said Michelle Girasole, President of Precision Web Marketing, co- founder of The Sassy Ladies, and one of over 100 attendees at last year’s event. “There was nothing stale about this event. It really got you focused on one simple and very personal thing: “What’s Your Dream?”
Reserve Your Tickets Now!
Looking for One New Client
I'm looking for one new client: A focused individual with an appetite for creativity, abundance, authenticity, and straight talk. If you are someone who is ready to take on a dream with vigor and commitment, and you want to be doing it in six months or less, email or phone to schedule a free first session.
Visit our Updated Web Site
Dare Devil Studios
Since I bet you are wondering, Mike Marschke is the talented genius who designed both the new Create Your Life!, LLC logo and the Dream Party logo. Visit the Dare Devil Studios web site and see their impressive portfolio.
Save the Date! Women's Retreat Weekend: Aug 3-5, 2007
Create Your Life! hosts its next Women's Retreat Weekend on August 3-5, 2007. Ladies, mark your calendars! Men, consider what a great gift this would make for the women in your life!
Read Testimonials from Past Retreaters
Contact Information
phone: 401-569-7017
Why I'm Excited...
March 2007
in this issue
-- So Sassy!
-- Why I'm Excited...
-- Outside-the-Box Networking
-- Looking for One New Client
-- Dare Devil Studios
-- Save the Date! Women's Retreat Weekend: Aug 3-5, 2007
"If what's in your dreams wasn't already real inside you, you couldn't even dream it." Gloria Steinem
So Sassy!
Do you know The Sassy Ladies? Michelle Girasole, the Web marketer; Wendy Hanson, the business coach; Miriam Perry, the freelance writer. These Ladies of Sass have joined forces to provide fun and relevant resources for women entrepreneurs--on the Web and in person.
The Sassy Ladies
Why I'm Excited...
Communities of like-minded service professionals with big hearts, open minds, and unwavering commitment, are rapidly joining forces towards a better tomorrow.
More and more women are starting businesses of their own every day.
* "The Secret" is out.
* Create Your Life!, LLC has a great new logo, and you're getting a sneak preview.
* Spring is just around the corner and daylight savings is even closer.
* The Dream Party™, which started as my own "crazy dream", is growing, evolving and empowering the lives of many.
* Life is good.
* What are YOU excited about?
Outside-the-Box Networking
“Finally, a networking event that isn’t about your business purpose or sales goals, but about individuals – their desires and aspirations. What a delightful and refreshing change,” said Michelle Girasole, President of Precision Web Marketing, co- founder of The Sassy Ladies, and one of over 100 attendees at last year’s event. “There was nothing stale about this event. It really got you focused on one simple and very personal thing: “What’s Your Dream?”
Reserve Your Tickets Now!
Looking for One New Client
I'm looking for one new client: A focused individual with an appetite for creativity, abundance, authenticity, and straight talk. If you are someone who is ready to take on a dream with vigor and commitment, and you want to be doing it in six months or less, email or phone to schedule a free first session.
Visit our Updated Web Site
Dare Devil Studios
Since I bet you are wondering, Mike Marschke is the talented genius who designed both the new Create Your Life!, LLC logo and the Dream Party logo. Visit the Dare Devil Studios web site and see their impressive portfolio.
Save the Date! Women's Retreat Weekend: Aug 3-5, 2007
Create Your Life! hosts its next Women's Retreat Weekend on August 3-5, 2007. Ladies, mark your calendars! Men, consider what a great gift this would make for the women in your life!
Read Testimonials from Past Retreaters
Contact Information
phone: 401-569-7017
January 29, 2007
What is Your Primary Aim?
Create Your Life!, LLC Newsletter
What is Your Primary Aim?
January 2007
The following excerpt is from a book called "The E- Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber. It begins with the premise that giving some thought to how we'd want the story of our life to go if we were to pre-record our life testament to play for friends, family, and colleagues at our own funeral, is a powerful reflective tool in creating our life with intention, now:
"How would you like that story to go? That's your Primary Aim. What would you like to be able to say about your life after it's too late to do anything about it? That's your Primary Aim. If you were to write a script for the tape to be played for the mourners at your funeral, how would you like it to read? That's your Primary Aim. And once you've created the script, all you need to do is make it come true. All you need to do is begin living your life as if it were important. All you need to do is take your life seriously. To create it intentionally. To actively make your life into the life you wish it to be."
What is your Primary Aim?
I can hear it now: That's all?!?! Well that sounds difficult!
Maybe it is. Or, maybe it proves the simplest thing you've every done. Either way, I'd bet you've successfully endured things much more if, in fact, it proves difficult, we both know you've got what it takes.
We are constantly creating and re-creating our lives with the choices we make.
Are you actively creating the life you want in this very moment?
What is the cost of trying? How does that compare with the cost of never knowing?
Five years from now, what will have been the best decision?
When is NOW going to be the "right" time?
visit to find out how coaching can help...
Create Your Life!, LLC Newsletter
What is Your Primary Aim?
January 2007
The following excerpt is from a book called "The E- Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber. It begins with the premise that giving some thought to how we'd want the story of our life to go if we were to pre-record our life testament to play for friends, family, and colleagues at our own funeral, is a powerful reflective tool in creating our life with intention, now:
"How would you like that story to go? That's your Primary Aim. What would you like to be able to say about your life after it's too late to do anything about it? That's your Primary Aim. If you were to write a script for the tape to be played for the mourners at your funeral, how would you like it to read? That's your Primary Aim. And once you've created the script, all you need to do is make it come true. All you need to do is begin living your life as if it were important. All you need to do is take your life seriously. To create it intentionally. To actively make your life into the life you wish it to be."
What is your Primary Aim?
I can hear it now: That's all?!?! Well that sounds difficult!
Maybe it is. Or, maybe it proves the simplest thing you've every done. Either way, I'd bet you've successfully endured things much more if, in fact, it proves difficult, we both know you've got what it takes.
We are constantly creating and re-creating our lives with the choices we make.
Are you actively creating the life you want in this very moment?
What is the cost of trying? How does that compare with the cost of never knowing?
Five years from now, what will have been the best decision?
When is NOW going to be the "right" time?
visit to find out how coaching can help...
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