At Create Your Life! we always have one foot in the future...and the start of a New Year is a great excuse to do a personal inventory and set your sites on the future you are creating for yourself. Jump-start your year!
Top 10 "Top 10" Lists for 2010...
Top 10 lists are a quick glance on a range of topics from Hollywood's best dressed, to current events, to travel destinations and ideas for consideration on personal growth... As 2009 comes to a close and 2010 begins, it's a great time to get out a notebook or journal and create your own Top 10 Lists.
Use these Top 10 lists to remind yourself of what's good and shining about you and your life. Use them to become more aware of what you know and what you can do to make the world a better place. Use them to reconnect with your dreams, to remember what you truly want. Enjoy!
1. Top 10 Things I Love About My Life
2. Top 10 Moments in 2009
3. Top 10 Priorities for 2010
4. Top 10 Ways I Spread Light in The World
5. Top 10 Things That Are Uniquely "Me"
6. Top 10 Books I Want to Read
7. Top 10 Things I'd Like to Do Before I Die
8. Top 10 Reasons for Gratitude in My Life
9. Top 10 Things I Want to Learn
10. Top 10 Activities That Make Me Feel Alive
...for a FREE BONUS GIFT, email one or more of your Top 10 Lists, and we'll send you a 100 item Life Assessment Tool to support your joy and vitality in the New Year!
December 28, 2009
October 12, 2009
Tara at The Oprah Show & The "Dear Oprah" Contest!
"It's never too late to live your own dream."
~ Oprah
Last week, less than one hour after arriving in Chicago for my cousin's wedding and less than one week after The 4th annual Rhode Island Dream Party™ where I shared my dream of being an Oprah Show Guest, there I was...sitting in the audience of The Oprah Winfrey Show, just feet away from Oprah herself!
While checking into our hotel, I mentioned to the concierge that I wanted to drive by Harpo Studios. Before I knew it, he was on the phone booking tickets, and minutes later a taxi whisked us off to the show! It was so exciting!
Now that I've been a guest OF The Oprah Show, help me become a guest ON The Oprah Show & you'll be entered to WIN prizes that support your dreams!
First Prize: Valued at over $1,500!
- One free month of "Fortnightly Focus" Coaching with Tara Sage Steeves – 2 sessions, valued at $199.
- A private Peel 'n Pinot Party at Alayne White Spa (Bristol or Providence) for up to 4 women on a Friday night from 6-8pm valid between January and April of 2010, valued at $300.
- A one-hour photo shoot session with Stacey Doyle, plus an online retail gallery, a hi-res DVD of retouched files, and one custom 11 x 14 enlargement, valued at $350.
- A complete production of an audio podcast (up to 2 hours) in Donna Mac’s studio (CD & downloadable), valued at $249.
- A free one-year digital subscription to Aspire Magazine and a sponsor gift package valued at over $400.
- A $25 Gift Certificate for your choice of Create Your Life products or services.
- One month in Own Your Money’s Small Business Success Program, valued at $97.
- Two individual weight loss and eating behavior management phone coaching sessions with Weight Loss Coach, Kathy Jordan, valued at $199.
- Familytopia Package: Includes 1 Dove Real Beauty workshop for up to 10 mother/daughter pairs, 1 ‘Family Moments in a Fast-Paced World’ Familytopia At-Home workshop for up to 10 participants, 1 Family Gratitude Journal and 1 Family “Funny” Box, all valued at over $170.
- An EFT Break Your Glass Ceiling Party with Valerie English for the winner and 6 friends, valued at $300.
- A free one-year digital subscription to Aspire Magazine and a sponsor gift package valued at over $400.
- A signed copy of Tara's book Are You Pregnant With a Dream? valued at $17.95.
- Lisa Tener’s E-kit which includes: The Insider’s Guide to Writing Your Best Book in 60 Days, an 8-week Insider’s Guide workbook, and bonus items, valued at $49.95.
- The Sassy Ladies' Toolkit for Start-up Businesses e-book, valued at $16.95.
- A free one-year digital subscription to Aspire Magazine and a sponsor gift package valued at over $400.
- Write a persuasive letter that begins "Dear Oprah" about your experience at The Dream Party™ and why you think the world needs to know about it. If you have never been to The Dream Party, entries about any Create Your Life! product or service that has helped, inspired, or propelled your dream forward is welcome.
- Email your letter to Please be sure to include "Dear Oprah" in the subject line.
- All submissions must be received by November 10, 2009 and will become property of Create Your Life, LLC.
- Prizes will be awarded for the three most inspirational letters. First, Second, and Third place winners will be announced on November 30, 2009.
September 14, 2009
A Brief Commentary on Love...
A brief commentary on Love and Fear that may or may not be obvious, but is worth pointing out anyway...
We humans have a cap on our capacity to feel fear. I mean, really. There's only so much fear we can feel before a complete freak out, total immobilization, a breakdown, or we stop breathing all together. In contrast, love has no cap. You'll never reach a point where you can't tolerate another ounce of love in your life...where you're full to the rim...where you just can't handle any more love...where you've simply run out of room in your heart. This is wonderful news, isn't it?
Love is inherently expansive, and the more love you feel the more you expand. And the more you expand, the wider your perspective. And the wider your perspective, the easier it becomes to see what's possible for you and your life. And, (stay with me) the easier it becomes to see what's possible for you and your life, what you desire become available to you, often with surprising ease and grace.
As Christopher Reeve said, "At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable." It's a process, and when you're in the space where a dream seems impossible, you won't be able to fathom how it could ever become inevitable! But that's how it works. I've seen it time and time again, in my own life and in the lives of others.
Where ever you are on your personal journey, you are invited to come feel the love on October 2, and play within what's possible, both for you and the world. Give yourself a break and let your fears take a back seat for the night.
If you're not sure what you dream of, come ready to mingle with the dreams of others and watch your own dreams unfold before your very eyes. In the midst of all that's happening in the world, the 4th annual Dream Party is a unique opportunity to celebrate and be an integral part of the future we're creating together.
Come as you aspire to be, or simply come as you are. Either way, come. We look forward to celebrating with you on Friday, October 2!
We humans have a cap on our capacity to feel fear. I mean, really. There's only so much fear we can feel before a complete freak out, total immobilization, a breakdown, or we stop breathing all together. In contrast, love has no cap. You'll never reach a point where you can't tolerate another ounce of love in your life...where you're full to the rim...where you just can't handle any more love...where you've simply run out of room in your heart. This is wonderful news, isn't it?
Love is inherently expansive, and the more love you feel the more you expand. And the more you expand, the wider your perspective. And the wider your perspective, the easier it becomes to see what's possible for you and your life. And, (stay with me) the easier it becomes to see what's possible for you and your life, what you desire become available to you, often with surprising ease and grace.
As Christopher Reeve said, "At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable." It's a process, and when you're in the space where a dream seems impossible, you won't be able to fathom how it could ever become inevitable! But that's how it works. I've seen it time and time again, in my own life and in the lives of others.
Where ever you are on your personal journey, you are invited to come feel the love on October 2, and play within what's possible, both for you and the world. Give yourself a break and let your fears take a back seat for the night.
If you're not sure what you dream of, come ready to mingle with the dreams of others and watch your own dreams unfold before your very eyes. In the midst of all that's happening in the world, the 4th annual Dream Party is a unique opportunity to celebrate and be an integral part of the future we're creating together.
Come as you aspire to be, or simply come as you are. Either way, come. We look forward to celebrating with you on Friday, October 2!
August 25, 2009
How to Distinguish a Dream from a Fantasy, and Why It's Important
How to Distinguish a Dream from a Fantasy, and Why It's Important
“As creators, your reality depends upon what you are willing to imagine and allow.” ~ Abraham Hicks
“At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable.” ~ Christopher Reeve
Recently, on the Create Your Life! fan page, I posed the question: How is a dream different from a fantasy? A lively discussion followed, and inspired this in depth newsletter. I recommend reading it all the way through, and then sitting down with it for a re-read while holding a specific intention in mind. I am excited to share what I believe to be very important information for the outcome of your dreams, and I invite you to take full advantage of what's offered here.
The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, the first folks to set out towards space travel, or to prove that the Earth is round, are just a few examples of people who were surely thought by some to be "living in a fantasy world" only later to be revered as some of the world's greatest innovators. While we can't all be world-renowned inventors, we can (and do!) invent and create in every moment. Even as you're reading this you're likely inventing something about where this is going...
Does Your Dream Freak You In?
As a Dream Realization Coach, I am fully aware that when asked "What's your dream?" most people completely "freak in" (distinct from freaking out). Dreams are often thought to be very private, sometimes even under lock and key. Many people would sooner share their worst fear before they share what they dream of! Yet, at some point, everyone who shares a dream must come to terms with concerns that their dream is too big, too small, or too silly to share with others. With dreams, showing up at the starting line can feel like the riskiest part, and for this reason alone, many don't even begin!
An internal voice may say: "Be realistic." "That's impossible." "You'll never succeed." "Be reasonable." "Don't set your sights too high." "Don't rock the boat." "Things are good enough." And the list goes on...
But Tara, I have proof!
I'll bet you can muster up some pretty convincing evidence to support these self-sabotaging ideas. History, probability, and social norms dictate much of what is commonly agreed upon as out-of-reach or a fantasy.
While it might not be difficult for you to come up with convincing accounts as evidence of what you can't do, you might even go so far as to cite some highly esteemed research "proving" what can and can't be done. Yet, here's the catch --- even the most highly regarded researchers are limited to studying what HAS been done! With this in mind it's highly unlikely that such "evidence" is definitive in terms of what's possible for you, your life, and the world. Yet, it's not possible until it's declared you!
Thomas Edison, during his trial and error process of inventing a light bulb, said: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." I'd bet that some on the circa 1870 gossip circuit had Edison pegged as a bit of a wacko who lived in a fantasy world. Meanwhile, he kept at it, and the outcome disproved all prior theories that it couldn't be done!
Now, look many light bulbs are in your house? More importantly, how many "light bulbs" are in your heart? It is my hope that as you read this, the message will shed new light on your dreams and maybe even flip the switch for a "light bulb moment" that's life altering!
What they have in common...
It's so important to note that both dreams and fantasies begin with imagination - not fancy degrees or truckloads of money, but imagination! Both dreams and fantasies are born from the realm of the imagined, and imagination is a tool that we are using all the time.
Have you filed your Dreams under Fantasy?
I define 'fantasy' as something that hasn't been done and is believed by the perceiver to be unrealistic or impossible. There's certainly nothing wrong with fantasy. What sets a dream apart from a fantasy is the believability and the level of desirability around the imagined idea manifesting into being.
Too often, dreams are mistaken for fantasies! You may have a very achievable dream, yet feel resigned and "make up" reasons why something won't work or can't happen, rather than apply that energy toward its creation.
In any given moment, we are either using imagination to create what we want or create what we don't want. Do you spend your precious energy imagining all the reasons it won't work or you can't have it, or do you direct your energy toward what you want?
The Power of Declaration
In the moment of declaring a dream as possible, it thereby ceases to be a fantasy. Dreams are born through declaration. Why? Because I said so! ☺
For those who have bravely declared their dream already, repetition creates a manifestation snowball effect! In dream sharing, the space for our dreams expands and supports a culture of dreaming. Sharing your dreams and celebrating the dreams of others is what the 4th annual Dream Party is all about!
It eases barriers that prevent you from fulfilling your dreams, and does so with fun and celebration! Who says it has to be hard?!? No matter how big, silly or small you may think your dreams are, The Dream Party helps you to see just how possible they really are. All you have to do is show up.
"The Work"
In my work as a coach, I've had the repeated pleasure of witnessing the beautiful transformation of what at first may seem impossible become a living dream. As this process unfolds, a sense of lightness and excitement pervades the dreamer, often propelling the dream into being with astounding ease. I believe most of "the work" is the process of overcoming the obstacles of fear and self-sabotage so that one can find themselves bravely standing in the moment of declaration. Do this in the course of an evening at The Dream Party!
What fear won't tell you...
Yes, dreaming takes a whole lot more courage than fantasy. But, what fear won't tell you is the cost of NOT going for it. Take some time to assess the cost of not setting out to live your dream and you'll likely see that the cost is high (too include always wondering what could have been). My wish for you is that your dreams will inspire you more than they intimidate! That no matter how big, small, or silly you think your dream is, that you will allow it to be the medium through which your light shines in the world!
Reserve your tickets now for the 4th annual Dream Party happening October 2!
“As creators, your reality depends upon what you are willing to imagine and allow.” ~ Abraham Hicks
“At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable.” ~ Christopher Reeve
Recently, on the Create Your Life! fan page, I posed the question: How is a dream different from a fantasy? A lively discussion followed, and inspired this in depth newsletter. I recommend reading it all the way through, and then sitting down with it for a re-read while holding a specific intention in mind. I am excited to share what I believe to be very important information for the outcome of your dreams, and I invite you to take full advantage of what's offered here.
The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, the first folks to set out towards space travel, or to prove that the Earth is round, are just a few examples of people who were surely thought by some to be "living in a fantasy world" only later to be revered as some of the world's greatest innovators. While we can't all be world-renowned inventors, we can (and do!) invent and create in every moment. Even as you're reading this you're likely inventing something about where this is going...
Does Your Dream Freak You In?
As a Dream Realization Coach, I am fully aware that when asked "What's your dream?" most people completely "freak in" (distinct from freaking out). Dreams are often thought to be very private, sometimes even under lock and key. Many people would sooner share their worst fear before they share what they dream of! Yet, at some point, everyone who shares a dream must come to terms with concerns that their dream is too big, too small, or too silly to share with others. With dreams, showing up at the starting line can feel like the riskiest part, and for this reason alone, many don't even begin!
An internal voice may say: "Be realistic." "That's impossible." "You'll never succeed." "Be reasonable." "Don't set your sights too high." "Don't rock the boat." "Things are good enough." And the list goes on...
But Tara, I have proof!
I'll bet you can muster up some pretty convincing evidence to support these self-sabotaging ideas. History, probability, and social norms dictate much of what is commonly agreed upon as out-of-reach or a fantasy.
While it might not be difficult for you to come up with convincing accounts as evidence of what you can't do, you might even go so far as to cite some highly esteemed research "proving" what can and can't be done. Yet, here's the catch --- even the most highly regarded researchers are limited to studying what HAS been done! With this in mind it's highly unlikely that such "evidence" is definitive in terms of what's possible for you, your life, and the world. Yet, it's not possible until it's declared you!
Thomas Edison, during his trial and error process of inventing a light bulb, said: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." I'd bet that some on the circa 1870 gossip circuit had Edison pegged as a bit of a wacko who lived in a fantasy world. Meanwhile, he kept at it, and the outcome disproved all prior theories that it couldn't be done!
Now, look many light bulbs are in your house? More importantly, how many "light bulbs" are in your heart? It is my hope that as you read this, the message will shed new light on your dreams and maybe even flip the switch for a "light bulb moment" that's life altering!
What they have in common...
It's so important to note that both dreams and fantasies begin with imagination - not fancy degrees or truckloads of money, but imagination! Both dreams and fantasies are born from the realm of the imagined, and imagination is a tool that we are using all the time.
Have you filed your Dreams under Fantasy?
I define 'fantasy' as something that hasn't been done and is believed by the perceiver to be unrealistic or impossible. There's certainly nothing wrong with fantasy. What sets a dream apart from a fantasy is the believability and the level of desirability around the imagined idea manifesting into being.
Too often, dreams are mistaken for fantasies! You may have a very achievable dream, yet feel resigned and "make up" reasons why something won't work or can't happen, rather than apply that energy toward its creation.
In any given moment, we are either using imagination to create what we want or create what we don't want. Do you spend your precious energy imagining all the reasons it won't work or you can't have it, or do you direct your energy toward what you want?
The Power of Declaration
In the moment of declaring a dream as possible, it thereby ceases to be a fantasy. Dreams are born through declaration. Why? Because I said so! ☺
For those who have bravely declared their dream already, repetition creates a manifestation snowball effect! In dream sharing, the space for our dreams expands and supports a culture of dreaming. Sharing your dreams and celebrating the dreams of others is what the 4th annual Dream Party is all about!
It eases barriers that prevent you from fulfilling your dreams, and does so with fun and celebration! Who says it has to be hard?!? No matter how big, silly or small you may think your dreams are, The Dream Party helps you to see just how possible they really are. All you have to do is show up.
"The Work"
In my work as a coach, I've had the repeated pleasure of witnessing the beautiful transformation of what at first may seem impossible become a living dream. As this process unfolds, a sense of lightness and excitement pervades the dreamer, often propelling the dream into being with astounding ease. I believe most of "the work" is the process of overcoming the obstacles of fear and self-sabotage so that one can find themselves bravely standing in the moment of declaration. Do this in the course of an evening at The Dream Party!
What fear won't tell you...
Yes, dreaming takes a whole lot more courage than fantasy. But, what fear won't tell you is the cost of NOT going for it. Take some time to assess the cost of not setting out to live your dream and you'll likely see that the cost is high (too include always wondering what could have been). My wish for you is that your dreams will inspire you more than they intimidate! That no matter how big, small, or silly you think your dream is, that you will allow it to be the medium through which your light shines in the world!
Reserve your tickets now for the 4th annual Dream Party happening October 2!
July 17, 2009
Take Your Vitamin G
Take Your Vitamin G
"If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life." ~ Abraham Hicks
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." ~ William Arthur Ward
Positive Psychology research is mounting in support of the many ways an attitude of gratitude can promote a more joyful, connected, healthful, long life, full of nourishing relationships and well-being. I've read quite a bit on the topic. (For those of you interesting in reading and learning more about the science of happiness, email me and I'll gladly share a list of books and research to check out.)
You can experience the benefits now by simply making a point to focus even a few minutes a day on gratitude. Do this in whatever way works for you. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Write a letter of thanks to someone you feel grateful toward, then read your letter aloud to this person.
2. Keep a gratitude journal. Before bed, make a list of 10 or more things you're grateful for.
3. Make a game out of how many times you can say "thank you" in a day.
4. If, for example, you are focused on creating more physical or financial health, notice with gratitude all the ways your body/your money supports you.
5. Thank the Universe/Source/God/Goddess...
6. Do a gratitude dance. (The steps are up to you!)
7. Offer thanks to the plant or animal before eating.
8. Send a thank you note - stamp and everything.
The Dream Party™...
Now on YouTube ( & written up in The National Networker (
Our New & Improved Website!
We're Jumping for Joy about our new & improved website! Visit us:
Become a fan of Create Your Life:
Aspire Magazine, sponsor of The Dream Party, now offered in digital!
Be sure to read Tara's article: "The Power of Declaration" on pg. 18!
Tara presents at Pecha Kucha: Dreaming Out Loud
Come cheer me on! Pecha Kucha (Japanese for "chit-chat") is a PowerPoint presentation format devised by two architects in Tokyo in which presenters show 20 images and speak for 20 seconds per slide. Pecha Kucha (pronounced "pe-chak-cha") Night has spread around the globe. In exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds, Tara will present: "Dreaming Out Loud" Details: All are welcome. Arrive early for meet & greet. Presentations begin at 20:20 EST (a.k.a. 8:20 p.m.) Bravo, 123 Empire St., Providence, RI
"If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life." ~ Abraham Hicks
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." ~ William Arthur Ward
Positive Psychology research is mounting in support of the many ways an attitude of gratitude can promote a more joyful, connected, healthful, long life, full of nourishing relationships and well-being. I've read quite a bit on the topic. (For those of you interesting in reading and learning more about the science of happiness, email me and I'll gladly share a list of books and research to check out.)
You can experience the benefits now by simply making a point to focus even a few minutes a day on gratitude. Do this in whatever way works for you. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Write a letter of thanks to someone you feel grateful toward, then read your letter aloud to this person.
2. Keep a gratitude journal. Before bed, make a list of 10 or more things you're grateful for.
3. Make a game out of how many times you can say "thank you" in a day.
4. If, for example, you are focused on creating more physical or financial health, notice with gratitude all the ways your body/your money supports you.
5. Thank the Universe/Source/God/Goddess...
6. Do a gratitude dance. (The steps are up to you!)
7. Offer thanks to the plant or animal before eating.
8. Send a thank you note - stamp and everything.
The Dream Party™...
Now on YouTube ( & written up in The National Networker (
Our New & Improved Website!
We're Jumping for Joy about our new & improved website! Visit us:
Become a fan of Create Your Life:
Aspire Magazine, sponsor of The Dream Party, now offered in digital!
Be sure to read Tara's article: "The Power of Declaration" on pg. 18!
Tara presents at Pecha Kucha: Dreaming Out Loud
Come cheer me on! Pecha Kucha (Japanese for "chit-chat") is a PowerPoint presentation format devised by two architects in Tokyo in which presenters show 20 images and speak for 20 seconds per slide. Pecha Kucha (pronounced "pe-chak-cha") Night has spread around the globe. In exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds, Tara will present: "Dreaming Out Loud" Details: All are welcome. Arrive early for meet & greet. Presentations begin at 20:20 EST (a.k.a. 8:20 p.m.) Bravo, 123 Empire St., Providence, RI
May 28, 2009
The Power of Declaration
* The Power of Declaration *
By Tara Sage Steeves seen in Aspire Magazine/June 2009
"Most people really foul up at the crucial first step because they simply can't see how it's possible to get what they want - so they don't even let themselves want it. You must first decide what you want before your brain can figure out how to get it." Jack Canfield
We are in an extraordinary time - a time that challenges us to work together, ask new questions, put our best face forward, engage fully, and take action on our dreams. I received an email recently that I know speaks for many: "Tara, I don't know what I am meant to do, let alone how to get there! What do you do when you don't know what your dreams are?" A phenomenal question!
"I don't know"
From the question, it appears that "I don't know" is at the heart of the dilemma. We've all experienced times of not knowing, and these times can be an invitation to explore, surrender, reflect and ask new questions. Yet, sometimes "not knowing" provides us with a false sense of comfort, safety, and even the justification for self-sabotage. For example, "If I don't know, I can't possibly be expected to do anything about it. Yes, I think I'll stay..." The catch is, the longer you stay there, the more challenging it becomes to visualize and stretch into the extraordinary realm of what's possible, and the more practiced you become at justifying "someday," "later" and "I can't."
It's a conundrum: We justify because we're afraid of the unknown, yet just beyond our fear, possibilities await. By pinpointing the voice of fear, we set the stage to move beyond it. Yoda said, "Named must your fear be before banish it you can." When you name it you frame it, I say.
If you listen very closely, you may hear a different voice - a brave, restless voice longing to be heard that reminds you of your power and capacity for boundless joy, creativity, satisfaction and accomplishment. Big, small, or silly, I believe dreams are the voice of your soul and living them is your gift to the world. In order to follow your dreams, you need to leave your safe haven.
"Meant to do"
I invite you to consider that the daunting notion of what you are "meant to do" boils down to the very manageable prospect of following your joy. I believe joy is our purpose and creating a life we love is our birthright. As a Dream Realization Coach, I echo Canfield's offering that the best way to streamline the realization of dreams and goals is to bravely and faithfully declare what you want prior to knowing how it will happen. To do this, we must move beyond the "meant to do" and step into the joyful power of declaration.
Declare & Share
The first bold step is to declare your dreams to yourself! With the support of gently prodding questions, you may discover that you do know what you want. I invite you to set aside some time to journal and reflect on these questions. Let yourself imagine: If you did know what you dreamed of, what would it be? (A trick question!) If you had all the love and money you could ever want, what would you do? If you could script your life to be unreasonably phenomenal, how would it go?
The answers to these questions can free you from your safe haven and propel you toward your dreams!
To review, Step One: Reveal what you desire in as much detail as you possibly can. Step Two: Declare it bravely and boldly with as many people as possible. Keep in mind that brave people are not fearless. If they were fearless, what would they need bravery for?
It is always an extraordinary gift to encourage one another to dream, and you don't have to be a coach to do it. To support the declaration process, I've created "Dream Out Loud", a free online community, to promote the sharing and discussion of life dreams and goals. You can also contribute to a culture of dreaming today by simply having a conversation with your partner, a friend, or even a stranger. Ask them what they dream of and be willing to share your dreams with them. When you share, do so with the confidence of knowing that a legacy of dreamers have gone before you, and trust that you are participating in a natural process supported by a creative universe.
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Pick up your copy of Aspire Magazine today for more thoughtful inspiration and resources for conscious living.
By Tara Sage Steeves seen in Aspire Magazine/June 2009
"Most people really foul up at the crucial first step because they simply can't see how it's possible to get what they want - so they don't even let themselves want it. You must first decide what you want before your brain can figure out how to get it." Jack Canfield
We are in an extraordinary time - a time that challenges us to work together, ask new questions, put our best face forward, engage fully, and take action on our dreams. I received an email recently that I know speaks for many: "Tara, I don't know what I am meant to do, let alone how to get there! What do you do when you don't know what your dreams are?" A phenomenal question!
"I don't know"
From the question, it appears that "I don't know" is at the heart of the dilemma. We've all experienced times of not knowing, and these times can be an invitation to explore, surrender, reflect and ask new questions. Yet, sometimes "not knowing" provides us with a false sense of comfort, safety, and even the justification for self-sabotage. For example, "If I don't know, I can't possibly be expected to do anything about it. Yes, I think I'll stay..." The catch is, the longer you stay there, the more challenging it becomes to visualize and stretch into the extraordinary realm of what's possible, and the more practiced you become at justifying "someday," "later" and "I can't."
It's a conundrum: We justify because we're afraid of the unknown, yet just beyond our fear, possibilities await. By pinpointing the voice of fear, we set the stage to move beyond it. Yoda said, "Named must your fear be before banish it you can." When you name it you frame it, I say.
If you listen very closely, you may hear a different voice - a brave, restless voice longing to be heard that reminds you of your power and capacity for boundless joy, creativity, satisfaction and accomplishment. Big, small, or silly, I believe dreams are the voice of your soul and living them is your gift to the world. In order to follow your dreams, you need to leave your safe haven.
"Meant to do"
I invite you to consider that the daunting notion of what you are "meant to do" boils down to the very manageable prospect of following your joy. I believe joy is our purpose and creating a life we love is our birthright. As a Dream Realization Coach, I echo Canfield's offering that the best way to streamline the realization of dreams and goals is to bravely and faithfully declare what you want prior to knowing how it will happen. To do this, we must move beyond the "meant to do" and step into the joyful power of declaration.
Declare & Share
The first bold step is to declare your dreams to yourself! With the support of gently prodding questions, you may discover that you do know what you want. I invite you to set aside some time to journal and reflect on these questions. Let yourself imagine: If you did know what you dreamed of, what would it be? (A trick question!) If you had all the love and money you could ever want, what would you do? If you could script your life to be unreasonably phenomenal, how would it go?
The answers to these questions can free you from your safe haven and propel you toward your dreams!
To review, Step One: Reveal what you desire in as much detail as you possibly can. Step Two: Declare it bravely and boldly with as many people as possible. Keep in mind that brave people are not fearless. If they were fearless, what would they need bravery for?
It is always an extraordinary gift to encourage one another to dream, and you don't have to be a coach to do it. To support the declaration process, I've created "Dream Out Loud", a free online community, to promote the sharing and discussion of life dreams and goals. You can also contribute to a culture of dreaming today by simply having a conversation with your partner, a friend, or even a stranger. Ask them what they dream of and be willing to share your dreams with them. When you share, do so with the confidence of knowing that a legacy of dreamers have gone before you, and trust that you are participating in a natural process supported by a creative universe.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pick up your copy of Aspire Magazine today for more thoughtful inspiration and resources for conscious living.
April 30, 2009
Bring Your Dreams to Life at Aspire Magazine's Inspiring Speaker Series!

I want you to join me for a playful inspiring event, and I'm willing to bribe you to come.
May 20, 2009
Bring Your Dreams to Life at the Inspiring Women Speaker Series!
Tara Sage Steeves presents...
"Birthing Exercises for Your Dream Life"
This 12-week Speaker Series is designed to give you the tips, tools and inspiration to live a deeper more inspired and balanced life. All are welcome - yes, men too!
Author of Are You Pregnant With a Dream?, Tara will inspire you to dream big and take the next steps to give birth to your dreams. If you are unsure of what your dreams are, or are intimidated by the process, this workshop is for you!
You will:
- Create a clear list of what you truly desire.
- Gain resources and an understanding of the power in sharing and declaring your dreams.
- Identify specific action steps that stretch your limits, without inducing labor pains.
- Connect with the excitement and passion of conceiving your dreams.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ The Crowne Plaza at the Crossings, Warwick, RI
6:30 - 7:00 pm Meet & Mingle
7:00 - 9:00 pm Birthing Exercises for Your Dream Life
For tickets, agenda and more please visit
Our Special Promotional Offer for the May 20th Workshop:
- As of April 30, if you are among the next 10 people to buy a ticket, you will receive a FREE Dream Journal upon arrival and a FREE E-book download of: Are You Pregnant With a Dream? (Combined value: $17.75)
- Buy your ticket by May 12th, and be entered to WIN 2 Dream Party tickets AND a complimentary coaching session with Tara. Raffle will take place on May 20. (Combined value: $140.00)
April 15, 2009
FREE - Gifts for You!
Who doesn't like something for FREE? Take advantage of these free Create Your Life! resources in support of your dreams:
* Join 'Dream Out Loud' - our online community of dreamers. Read other's dreams and share your own!
* Take our one-of-a-kind Dream Pregnancy Test to gauge your dream's due date.
* Download our Bookclub Outline and start your own dream-propelling group.
* Read "4 Steps to Awaken Your Dreams"
* Read our Newsletter Archive blog for a wealth of inspiration.
* Join 'Dream Out Loud' - our online community of dreamers. Read other's dreams and share your own!
* Take our one-of-a-kind Dream Pregnancy Test to gauge your dream's due date.
* Download our Bookclub Outline and start your own dream-propelling group.
* Read "4 Steps to Awaken Your Dreams"
* Read our Newsletter Archive blog for a wealth of inspiration.
April 01, 2009

Contact: Tara Sage Steeves
(401) 569-7017
Create Your Life!, LLC
Aspire Magazine Brings Speaker Series to Warwick, RI
(Warwick, RI) - Aspire Magazine brings the "Inspiring Women Speaker Series" to the beautiful Warwick Crowne Plaza every Wednesday evening from April 5 through June 24th. The series features some twelve of Southern New England's most inspiring speakers designed to assist both men and women in living a deeper, more inspired and balanced life.
Each speaker in the series was selected to share her wisdom, experience and expertise on everything from birthing your dreams to balancing your wheel of life, from the power of positive self talk to taking the first step in writing that book. The series is designed to motivate attendees on their journey of self-discovery and connect them with others who are also on the journey.
Tara Sage Steeves, Newport resident and President of Create Your Life! has been selected as one of Aspire Magazine's Inspiring Women Speakers. Ms. Steeves, author of Are You Pregnant With a Dream?, advocates that dreams are the voice of the soul, and listening is our gift to the world. She is devoted to helping people identify, nurture, and manifest dreams and goals for their life...and does so with creative vigor! Creator of The Dream Party(TM), a uniquely transformative annual event that offers a rare and whimsical opportunity to identify and embody dreams for the future, she also offers coaching, workshops and retreats to support the creative, and sometimes,intimidating process of dream realization.
Tara will be presenting an experiential workshop entitled 'Birthing Exercises for Your Dream Life' on May 20, 2009. "Regardless of sex or age, we are all fertile dreamers and birthing our dreams is a true labor of love," she says. "Like children, our dreams challenge us to be our best and enrich our lives." All are invited to explore how to bring their life dreams to full-term, move beyond fears and even wear those stretch marks proudly. Come play!
For further information on Tara's work please visit
For tickets, agenda and additional information on the Inspiring Women Series visit or contact Group discounts available.
March 24, 2009
Are You in The Waiting Place?
"We are the ones we've been waiting for."
We find ourselves in a fascinating and extraordinary time. One that begs us to engage fully, work together, ask new questions, and put our best face forward. We are being challenged to take action on our dreams, and enjoy the process now.
Yet, so many are waiting. Waiting for things to change. Waiting for permission. Waiting to feel safe. Waiting for what's next. Waiting for the flowers to bloom. Waiting for "later" when the timing will somehow be better.
"The Waiting Place...for people who are just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come,
or a plane to go or the mail to come,
or the rain to go, or the phone to ring,
for the snow to snow, or waiting around for a Yes or No,
or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for the wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps,
for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a better break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls or another chance.
Everyone is just waiting."
~ From "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess
Why do we wait? We wait because we are afraid. The Dream Circle provides a much needed sacred space where fear is released and where dreams prevail. In this place, you will find gentle structure, permission and support to create and move toward your dreams - even when it seems impossible. Your dreams are waiting, for you.
Rather than wait, I invite you to find refuge in the love and support of others. I know that, at times, dreams feel hard, but there is such ease to be found in teaming up with others on behalf of our dreams and highest visions.
When two or more gather to support one another around their life dreams and goals, creative forces emerge and possibilities reveal themselves. I've had the pure joy and unique privilege of witnessing this in Dream Circles, one-to-one coaching, and The Dream Party™!
The Dream Circle is for anyone who has a dream and has interest in seeing that dream come alive in the world. Join and create this support for yourself:
* Allow ease and grace into your experience.
* Create momentum around your dreams.
* Discover resources that seemed out of reach.
* Allow limiting beliefs to fall away.
* Gain clarity around ideas and visions.
* Celebrate your creations!
Register Today!
We find ourselves in a fascinating and extraordinary time. One that begs us to engage fully, work together, ask new questions, and put our best face forward. We are being challenged to take action on our dreams, and enjoy the process now.
Yet, so many are waiting. Waiting for things to change. Waiting for permission. Waiting to feel safe. Waiting for what's next. Waiting for the flowers to bloom. Waiting for "later" when the timing will somehow be better.
"The Waiting Place...for people who are just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come,
or a plane to go or the mail to come,
or the rain to go, or the phone to ring,
for the snow to snow, or waiting around for a Yes or No,
or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for the wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps,
for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a better break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls or another chance.
Everyone is just waiting."
~ From "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess
Why do we wait? We wait because we are afraid. The Dream Circle provides a much needed sacred space where fear is released and where dreams prevail. In this place, you will find gentle structure, permission and support to create and move toward your dreams - even when it seems impossible. Your dreams are waiting, for you.
Rather than wait, I invite you to find refuge in the love and support of others. I know that, at times, dreams feel hard, but there is such ease to be found in teaming up with others on behalf of our dreams and highest visions.
When two or more gather to support one another around their life dreams and goals, creative forces emerge and possibilities reveal themselves. I've had the pure joy and unique privilege of witnessing this in Dream Circles, one-to-one coaching, and The Dream Party™!
The Dream Circle is for anyone who has a dream and has interest in seeing that dream come alive in the world. Join and create this support for yourself:
* Allow ease and grace into your experience.
* Create momentum around your dreams.
* Discover resources that seemed out of reach.
* Allow limiting beliefs to fall away.
* Gain clarity around ideas and visions.
* Celebrate your creations!
Register Today!
March 17, 2009
Propel Your Dreams for Under $20 (no joke.)
Our FREE Gift to You!
We know that dreams can have a voice of their own and, now more than ever, dreams that were safely locked away are crying out, asking to be brought to life. As an expression of our ongoing commitment to your realization of life dreams and goals, we are so excited to announce our FREE gift!
When will be the right time for you to breathe life into your dreams? Our stance is right now! Download our Free Book Club Outline and lead your own dream-propelling book club based on this 8-week format, modeled after a proven process. Let it work for you and your friends!
When two or more gather to support one another around their life dreams and goals, creative forces emerge and possibilities reveal themselves. We've seen it time and again in our Dream Circles, one-to-one coaching, and at our signature Dream Party™! We urge and invite you to create this support for yourself by joining forces with one or more of your friends. Together you can:
* Create momentum around your dreams.
* Discover resources that seemed out of reach.
* Allow limiting beliefs to fall away.
* Gain clarity around ideas and visions.
* Celebrate your creations!
In honor of our Book Club launch,
Are You Pregnant With a Dream?
is more affordable than ever!
For a limited time...
Are You Pregnant With a Dream?
Birthing a Dream: Conception to Age 5
Written by Tara Sage Steeves Illustrated by Liz Halloran
Only $15.00
Includes FREE BONUS E-book!
(Reg. price: print copy $17.94, E-book $7.75)
Order Your Copy Today &
Bring Your Dreams to Life!
"If you have a longing to fulfill yet unrealized dreams or
simply want to discover if you might be ready to, you owe it
to yourself to read Are You Pregnant With a Dream?"
~ Angel C. Hale, Life Coach
The Are You Pregnant With a Dream? book club is for anyone who has a dream and has interest in seeing that dream come alive in the world. Download your FREE discussion outline, invite friends, and you'll be on your way to hosting your own supportive, playful group to share in the magic of giving birth to your dreams. Download now!
We know that dreams can have a voice of their own and, now more than ever, dreams that were safely locked away are crying out, asking to be brought to life. As an expression of our ongoing commitment to your realization of life dreams and goals, we are so excited to announce our FREE gift!
When will be the right time for you to breathe life into your dreams? Our stance is right now! Download our Free Book Club Outline and lead your own dream-propelling book club based on this 8-week format, modeled after a proven process. Let it work for you and your friends!
When two or more gather to support one another around their life dreams and goals, creative forces emerge and possibilities reveal themselves. We've seen it time and again in our Dream Circles, one-to-one coaching, and at our signature Dream Party™! We urge and invite you to create this support for yourself by joining forces with one or more of your friends. Together you can:
* Create momentum around your dreams.
* Discover resources that seemed out of reach.
* Allow limiting beliefs to fall away.
* Gain clarity around ideas and visions.
* Celebrate your creations!
In honor of our Book Club launch,
Are You Pregnant With a Dream?
is more affordable than ever!
For a limited time...
Are You Pregnant With a Dream?
Birthing a Dream: Conception to Age 5
Written by Tara Sage Steeves Illustrated by Liz Halloran
Only $15.00
Includes FREE BONUS E-book!
(Reg. price: print copy $17.94, E-book $7.75)
Order Your Copy Today &
Bring Your Dreams to Life!
"If you have a longing to fulfill yet unrealized dreams or
simply want to discover if you might be ready to, you owe it
to yourself to read Are You Pregnant With a Dream?"
~ Angel C. Hale, Life Coach
The Are You Pregnant With a Dream? book club is for anyone who has a dream and has interest in seeing that dream come alive in the world. Download your FREE discussion outline, invite friends, and you'll be on your way to hosting your own supportive, playful group to share in the magic of giving birth to your dreams. Download now!
February 19, 2009
Theory is Biography
Theory is Biography
I had a moment of insight recently when a thoughtful teacher of mine offered that "theory is biography". Theory is biography... Well, what in the world does that mean?!?
Consider for a moment:
What theories or ideas do you have about how to live?
...about how life works best?
...about health, wellness and happiness?
...about how to stay safe?
...about how to behave, survive, think, interact?
What are your ideas about how the world should be?
What are your ideas about how to measure a life well lived?
Your answers to these questions will reveal your theories on living. Now, some of you may be saying to yourself, "my answers aren't THEORIES, they're the TRUTH!" If this is coming up for you, notice that... and consider whether this is more of your theory! :)
Theory or not, your answers to these, and questions like them, will reveal a great deal about the truth of your experience - past, present, and likely, into the future.
We live from and build our life around the ideas of our personal biography. The story of our experiences has shaped who we are, and the lens through which we interpret each moment.
The Importance of Knowing Your Lens
A shift in awareness can change everything.
Which of your theories are serving you and the life you desire? Which parts undermine, or even sabotage, the creation of what you long for? Gaining a strong awareness of this distinction can literally shift the course of your life.
I invite you to join me in doing some personal reflection about how these ideas apply to you. If you feel inclined, please feel free to share your thoughts and insights with me. Contact me (
I had a moment of insight recently when a thoughtful teacher of mine offered that "theory is biography". Theory is biography... Well, what in the world does that mean?!?
Consider for a moment:
What theories or ideas do you have about how to live?
...about how life works best?
...about health, wellness and happiness?
...about how to stay safe?
...about how to behave, survive, think, interact?
What are your ideas about how the world should be?
What are your ideas about how to measure a life well lived?
Your answers to these questions will reveal your theories on living. Now, some of you may be saying to yourself, "my answers aren't THEORIES, they're the TRUTH!" If this is coming up for you, notice that... and consider whether this is more of your theory! :)
Theory or not, your answers to these, and questions like them, will reveal a great deal about the truth of your experience - past, present, and likely, into the future.
We live from and build our life around the ideas of our personal biography. The story of our experiences has shaped who we are, and the lens through which we interpret each moment.
The Importance of Knowing Your Lens
A shift in awareness can change everything.
Which of your theories are serving you and the life you desire? Which parts undermine, or even sabotage, the creation of what you long for? Gaining a strong awareness of this distinction can literally shift the course of your life.
I invite you to join me in doing some personal reflection about how these ideas apply to you. If you feel inclined, please feel free to share your thoughts and insights with me. Contact me (
February 02, 2009
Beyond Guacamole...

Beyond Guacamole...
F*R*E*E Dream Circle Session
Join our Dream Out Loud community
Upcoming Events: Mark Your Calendar
"The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there."
~ Vince Lombardi, Jr.
Celebrate YOUR Dreams!
I am not, in any way, shape, or form, a football fan. For me, the Superbowl is nothing more than an excuse to get together with friends and eat guacamole. However, even with limited knowledge of the rules and no personal interest in who wins, I admit the last quarter was exciting. The one moment that made an evening of football worth it for me, was captured in the photo seen here of Santonio Holmes, who caught the winning touchdown pass. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)
His moment of celebration went way beyond football. This moment captured the realization of a dream and the uncontainable joy of such an achievement. In that moment, his joy resonated as my own.
What dream would have you overflowing with joy in the moment of it's realization?
What single moment would make the sweat and tears worth the journey?
Order Your Copy
Are You Pregnant With a Dream? Birthing a Dream: Conception to Age 5
by, Tara Sage Steeves
Order Your Copy Today & Bring Your Dreams to Life!
Regardless of sex or age, we are all fertile dreamers. Are Pregnant With a Dream? is a whimsical, detailed guide that offers numerous tools, breakthrough exercises, inspiration, and personal narratives to support every phase of the dream birthing process. The metaphor of pregnancy offers rich, timeless wisdom and universal symbolism to support you in bringing your dreams to full term. This book will have you embracing your labor of love and wearing those stretch marks proudly!
Take our Pregnancy Test at
Dreams & The Economy
At Create Your Life! we are committed to making the dream realization process available to all who wish to access it. Due to the widespread financial constraints that many are facing right now, we are offering a payment plan option for upcoming Dream Circles. Enroll for only $95, and pay the remaining balance by week 5 of the program. With FREE Facebook group membership, the remaining balance is $80. Without Facebook group membership, the remaining balance is $105.
Dream Circle in Action:
Bonnie's story: "I arrived for week 1 of the 5-week Dream Circle with a dream of having a studio space to create my artwork - a big upgrade from my dining room table! Things happened so fast! My vision ws fully aflame in my heart, but my courage was still just a lone ember. It quickly grew six-fold with the clarity and support of the other Dream Circle members and I realized this didn't have to remain a dream at all. I took action, and was so excited when, on week 5, I hosted the Dream Circle at my new studio!"
* * * * * * * * * *
The Dream Circle is a powerful, affordable, fun incubator for your dreams. It's time.
Learn more at
Honor and celebrate the wisdom of your dreams and the longing of your soul with this powerful process of discovery, inspired action and team work.
Questions? Contact
January 08, 2009
Hot Off The Presses!

Newspaper & Radio Interviews with Tara
On Monday, Tara was interviewed by Anne Deidre Smith on Dream Visions 7 Radio. Hear our lively discussion about ways to connect to life dreams and goals, and 3 Simple Guidelines for Successful New Year's Resolutions.
Click here to download (1-5-09) & listen:
Tara was also interviewed for the 'off the lip' feature in the January 7-13, 2009 edition of The Mercury Magazine. By, MATT KEEFER
(See below.)
From The Mercury Magazine: 'off the lip' Feature:
Need a Radical Change?
She'll Guide You There
Tara Sage Steeves, 33
Dream Realization Coach
Six years ago, she was deep in debt, living in a basement apartment, hating her job and her love life. Now Tara Sage Steeves has great credit, is happily married and runs Create Your Life!, her own Newport-based personal development company helping others transform their lives and make their dreams come true. It starts, oddly enough, with a pregnancy test. Steeves has a list of questions that surround the conception of a dream. Among them: Do you know what makes your heart sing? Have you declared your dream out loud? If your dream arrived today, would you be ready for it? From there, she works with clients to prepare for birth. She has hosted annual Dream Parties™ for the past three years where guests are encouraged to dress up like their future selves, cross a “foot bridge to the future” and shred lists of all their “shoulds.” Her next five-week session of Dream Circle Workshops starts Monday, Jan. 26. Visit her Web site at
In today's world, what makes your services of use?
I think life coaching services are critical because more and more people are looking at their lives and asking what's important. We all need support and guidance to pinpoint what we truly want, overcome obstacles, and create new patterns in our lives. Fulfilling our deepest desires: what else are we here for, really?
Could this business have succeeded 50 years ago?
I'd like to think so, but I'm glad to be part of a new industry. I think it's a timeless industry because life dreams and goals are timeless. People have been working on fulfilling their dreams since the beginning of time.
What kind of dreams do people hope to accomplish with you?
One client came to me looking for a new job. She really wasn't sure how much she was worth to an employer, and in our work together, she ended up getting a salary that was 40 percent higher than what she would have originally negotiated for. Another client I've worked with is a mom whose kids have grown, and she'd been a closeted artist. Within a year of working together on and off, she opened her own studio and gallery. Another is a man: a father and husband with two kids in college. He felt very trapped in his job as a bank executive, and was really, really miserable. Within five months, he found another job in another bank, doing what he now describes as his "dream job." He's earning more money, he's closer to home, and more than all of that, he has his quality of life back, and feels in control of his destiny. It's really about identifying the thing you're passionate about, and then finding a way to make a living doing it.
What's your dream?
I have many. One is travel. I have traveled quite a bit and my husband and I share a dream of doing a world tour of hot springs. To soak in the minerals of the entire planet... that's a dream of mine. Another involves the Dream Party - which is my signature event - I dream that it will reach people in cities all across the nation.
Should it be a national holiday?
That's an idea, although I envision it more as an event that's held on various occasions. The Dream Party was born from my belief that the world desperately needs more places for people to dream. It'd make a great New Year's Eve party. Retirement party. You name it. Any milestone that would benefit from thinking five years ahead and asking "within the next five years, what do I want my life to be like, what do I truly desire?"
Do you have advice for making New Year's resolutions?
Any day and any moment is an opportunity to create a new path. New Year's is arbitrary, but it's a great opportunity to assess the past year and look forward. Really ask yourself: “what is it about this resolution and this goal that excites me and motivates me?” And tune in to whether it’s something you think you “should” be doing, verses something that you really deeply desire. “Should” is a word I encourage people to eliminate from their vocabulary. Replacing “should” with words like “could” or “will” creates a much more empowering statement. I encourage people to set goals they are excited about.
So there needs to be a deeper motivation inside for “should” I take out the garbage? “Should” Joe get rid of the rats in his basement?
Well, there’s obviously consequences, right? There’s consequences to every decision that we make, and, sure, if you don’t get the rats out of the basement, there are natural consequences. You might ask: What is the cost of not doing it? The answer will help you decide.
You published a book last year, too?
I did. It’s called “Are You Pregnant with a Dream?” and it uses the metaphor of the stages of pregnancy and applies them to dreams and goals for your life. Conception, stretching your limits, labor, nesting. Each stage can be likened to the dream realization process.
How does a guy get pregnant with a dream?
When it comes to a dream, gender and age don’t matter. In the book it says “Regardless of sex or age, you are fertile.” So we have fun with it. There’s even a pregnancy test, which you can also take on my Web site. You know, one male client in particular really enjoyed the book and felt that it really supported him. He said he was expecting triplets! It’s a metaphor that even some men can get their mind around.
What do you enjoy most about this job?
I love the moment when people realize they can have what they want. That is the most enjoyable moment for me. When I see it come over their face, and they say, “wow, I can really do this.” In that moment, I just soar. I love it, I truly do.
You teach your clients; what do you learn from them?
They’re constantly inspiring. They teach me what’s possible. I learn insights right along with them; I’m in process, too, and I don’t have the answers.
So can your clients, say, show you how to hold a guitar?
I play a bit of folk guitar, actually, and here’s a guitar a client of mine gave me. (She picks up and plucks a cigar-box guitar). She made this for me. You can actually plug it in. It really is a privilege to be part of somebody’s process.
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