February 19, 2009

Theory is Biography

Theory is Biography

I had a moment of insight recently when a thoughtful teacher of mine offered that "theory is biography". Theory is biography... Well, what in the world does that mean?!?

Consider for a moment:
What theories or ideas do you have about how to live?
...about how life works best?
...about health, wellness and happiness?
...about how to stay safe?
...about how to behave, survive, think, interact?
What are your ideas about how the world should be?
What are your ideas about how to measure a life well lived?

Your answers to these questions will reveal your theories on living. Now, some of you may be saying to yourself, "my answers aren't THEORIES, they're the TRUTH!" If this is coming up for you, notice that... and consider whether this is more of your theory! :)

Theory or not, your answers to these, and questions like them, will reveal a great deal about the truth of your experience - past, present, and likely, into the future.

We live from and build our life around the ideas of our personal biography. The story of our experiences has shaped who we are, and the lens through which we interpret each moment.

The Importance of Knowing Your Lens

A shift in awareness can change everything.

Which of your theories are serving you and the life you desire? Which parts undermine, or even sabotage, the creation of what you long for? Gaining a strong awareness of this distinction can literally shift the course of your life.

I invite you to join me in doing some personal reflection about how these ideas apply to you. If you feel inclined, please feel free to share your thoughts and insights with me. Contact me (Tara@createyourlifeinc.com)

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