Beyond Guacamole...
F*R*E*E Dream Circle Session
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"The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there."
~ Vince Lombardi, Jr.
Celebrate YOUR Dreams!
I am not, in any way, shape, or form, a football fan. For me, the Superbowl is nothing more than an excuse to get together with friends and eat guacamole. However, even with limited knowledge of the rules and no personal interest in who wins, I admit the last quarter was exciting. The one moment that made an evening of football worth it for me, was captured in the photo seen here of Santonio Holmes, who caught the winning touchdown pass. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)
His moment of celebration went way beyond football. This moment captured the realization of a dream and the uncontainable joy of such an achievement. In that moment, his joy resonated as my own.
What dream would have you overflowing with joy in the moment of it's realization?
What single moment would make the sweat and tears worth the journey?
Order Your Copy
Are You Pregnant With a Dream? Birthing a Dream: Conception to Age 5
by, Tara Sage Steeves
Order Your Copy Today & Bring Your Dreams to Life!
Regardless of sex or age, we are all fertile dreamers. Are Pregnant With a Dream? is a whimsical, detailed guide that offers numerous tools, breakthrough exercises, inspiration, and personal narratives to support every phase of the dream birthing process. The metaphor of pregnancy offers rich, timeless wisdom and universal symbolism to support you in bringing your dreams to full term. This book will have you embracing your labor of love and wearing those stretch marks proudly!
Take our Pregnancy Test at http://createyourlifeinc.com/pregnancytest.htm
Dreams & The Economy
At Create Your Life! we are committed to making the dream realization process available to all who wish to access it. Due to the widespread financial constraints that many are facing right now, we are offering a payment plan option for upcoming Dream Circles. Enroll for only $95, and pay the remaining balance by week 5 of the program. With FREE Facebook group membership, the remaining balance is $80. Without Facebook group membership, the remaining balance is $105.
Dream Circle in Action:
Bonnie's story: "I arrived for week 1 of the 5-week Dream Circle with a dream of having a studio space to create my artwork - a big upgrade from my dining room table! Things happened so fast! My vision ws fully aflame in my heart, but my courage was still just a lone ember. It quickly grew six-fold with the clarity and support of the other Dream Circle members and I realized this didn't have to remain a dream at all. I took action, and was so excited when, on week 5, I hosted the Dream Circle at my new studio!"
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The Dream Circle is a powerful, affordable, fun incubator for your dreams. It's time.
Learn more at http://createyourlifeinc.com/workshops_retreats.htm
Honor and celebrate the wisdom of your dreams and the longing of your soul with this powerful process of discovery, inspired action and team work.
Questions? Contact Tara@createyourlifeinc.com
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