Joy to You!
Ever feel like you are playing a game of hide-and-go-seek with your dreams? Like you're looking, looking, looking ... sense you're close ... but never quite seem to reach that "There you ARE!" moment?!?
Well, you are NOT alone.
I find that one of the biggest misconceptions folks often have about the dream realization process, is in thinking that you must get absolutely clear - all by yourself - about on WHAT you want before you can begin. When, in truth, getting clear is often what requires the most support! (And trust me, very FEW people know exactly what they want when they first come to me...)
Now, I know how frustrating - even hopeless - it can be to feel like you’re always lagging behind, and always in the heat of the chase, but despite ALL that effort and sincere longing ... you STILL come up short of having the joyful clarity of vision and the sheer exhilaration(!) of making a real connection with your heart's deepestest desires.
If you're ready to stop the game (and I know you are) ... I have good news for you!
The good news is that IF you:
===> Have wondered where to start and HOW to get clear on what your dreams ARE ...
===> Are READY to not just dream, but make those dreams REAL ...
===> Are TIRED of waiting for "someday" ...
Then, YOU are cordially invited to JOIN ME for this special, comprehensive, F.REE(!), 3-part Summer Tele-series:
"A Playful, Practical Path for Dream Realization: 3 Essential Pieces to go from Dreaming to Reality"
In this 3-PART SERIES I will be going in-depth about how to put the 3 essential pieces of the dream realization puzzle to work for you so that (no matter how big, small, silly or vague you may think your dreams are) you too can go from dreaming to LIVING those dreams - and, f-a-s-t!
Ooooo..... I am SO gosh-darned excited about the material I'll be GIVING away on these calls because I KNOW how powerfully and quickly it can change the course of your future - for more JOY, more EASE, and more FUN.
Would it be okay with you if you had more joy, ease, and fun? :-)
You CAN live your dreams - now, not later. Register immediately at to join me for this Special Summer Tele-series, to be sure YOU receive EVERYTHING it has to offer! (And feel free to invite a friend!)
“See” you on the calls!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. You are going to LOVE what I've prepared for you! Click here to register right away to ensure that you receive ALL this amazing content - my GIFT:
P.P.S. Oh, and I will be giving away TWO Private 45 minute coaching calls! BUT – you must be on the call to win!
July 11, 2011
July 06, 2011
This really makes my heart hurt
I have a question for you...
Have you ever been told by someone you love, trust, and respect that your dream is unrealistic, impossible, or doomed to fail? And ... have you ever, because of the high regard you have for this person, BELIEVED THEM? Oh, how this makes my heart hurt to think about! And the truth is, this sort of thing happens ... every. single. day. OUCH!
Too often dreams die right there, in that very moment. Squashed. Squished. Suffocated. Deflated. Buried... deep deep deep down where it won't be easy to find again. Ugh - this truly makes me SO sad...
BUT - rather than wallow, I'm on a mission to change this.
The good news is: There is an alternative. You CAN share your dreams freely, hold others in high regard, AND keep your dreams alive! (It's not an either/or scenario.)
Here's what you can do, right away, on behalf of your dreams:
1. First, trust that IF the Universe couldn't fulfill the dreams in your heart, you wouldn't even be able to dream them! You got that?! So ... even if the details feel overwhelming and unknown, trust that the wisdom of the Universe is greater than even the most well-intentioned naysayer! :-)
2. Join me for my FR.E.E. 3-part Summer Teleseries! (To register visit: Learn how quickly and easily you can move forward on your dreams --> It's an absolute DON'T MISS .... especially if you have doubts or tend to believe the opinions of others before your own!
In this special 3-part Series, I'll be sharing ...
A Playful, Practical Path for Dream Realization: The 3 Essential Pieces to go from Dreaming to Reality
Reserve Your Virtual Seat Right Away at
You'll learn how to:
* Dream freely and confidently!
* Stop putting your dreams off until "someday"!
* Not just dream, but LIVE those dreams, and a step-by-step proven path to get there!
You CAN go from doubtful and defeated to excited and on track! And I can't wait to share how!
To learn more, visit
Did I mention I'm so excited about what I'll be sharing? :-) And it's all my GIFT to you as a special THANK YOU for being part of this extraordinary community of innovative, inspiring Create Your Life! dreamers.
“See” you on the calls! Oh, and of course ... feel free to invite a friend to join us too!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. Your dreams ARE realistic! Click here to register right away to ensure that YOU receive ALL of the amazing, dream-propelling content I'm going to be sharing:
Have you ever been told by someone you love, trust, and respect that your dream is unrealistic, impossible, or doomed to fail? And ... have you ever, because of the high regard you have for this person, BELIEVED THEM? Oh, how this makes my heart hurt to think about! And the truth is, this sort of thing happens ... every. single. day. OUCH!
Too often dreams die right there, in that very moment. Squashed. Squished. Suffocated. Deflated. Buried... deep deep deep down where it won't be easy to find again. Ugh - this truly makes me SO sad...
BUT - rather than wallow, I'm on a mission to change this.
The good news is: There is an alternative. You CAN share your dreams freely, hold others in high regard, AND keep your dreams alive! (It's not an either/or scenario.)
Here's what you can do, right away, on behalf of your dreams:
1. First, trust that IF the Universe couldn't fulfill the dreams in your heart, you wouldn't even be able to dream them! You got that?! So ... even if the details feel overwhelming and unknown, trust that the wisdom of the Universe is greater than even the most well-intentioned naysayer! :-)
2. Join me for my FR.E.E. 3-part Summer Teleseries! (To register visit: Learn how quickly and easily you can move forward on your dreams --> It's an absolute DON'T MISS .... especially if you have doubts or tend to believe the opinions of others before your own!
In this special 3-part Series, I'll be sharing ...
A Playful, Practical Path for Dream Realization: The 3 Essential Pieces to go from Dreaming to Reality
Reserve Your Virtual Seat Right Away at
You'll learn how to:
* Dream freely and confidently!
* Stop putting your dreams off until "someday"!
* Not just dream, but LIVE those dreams, and a step-by-step proven path to get there!
You CAN go from doubtful and defeated to excited and on track! And I can't wait to share how!
To learn more, visit
Did I mention I'm so excited about what I'll be sharing? :-) And it's all my GIFT to you as a special THANK YOU for being part of this extraordinary community of innovative, inspiring Create Your Life! dreamers.
“See” you on the calls! Oh, and of course ... feel free to invite a friend to join us too!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. Your dreams ARE realistic! Click here to register right away to ensure that YOU receive ALL of the amazing, dream-propelling content I'm going to be sharing:
June 27, 2011
She believes in your dreams
Joy to You!
Just a quick friendly reminder that it’s not too late to sign up for Heather Dominick’s gift call on June 30th!
I know that you’re a person who has a passion for joyfully living into what's possible, and quickly and easily connecting with people who support, inspire, and believe in your dreams (a.k.a. your Dream Team). That’s why I want to remind - especially you entreprenuerial dreamers - to be on this very important teleclass …
I’m sure you sense that there is a monumental shift taking place in the world. I know you feel this. You may have secretly begun to believe that this is a shift into greater darkness and have experienced fear, worry and some concern about what’s to come. There is a sense of doom and desperation in some circles …
But this is not the truth.
The Truth is this shift is poised for major light.
And it’s always my intention to serve you fully and completely on your path of s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g into LIVING your dreams ... This is why I MUST introduce you to my good friend, mentor, and a member of MY very own personal Dream Team: Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach.
This shift into light is about YOU stepping out of going it alone and into to BEing the magnificent person that you are naturally coded to be.
This call is about the power of collaborating versus competing in this new world. Heather and I both stand behind this as a key to our missions and belief about what is going to change the world.
Be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we tap into the powerful energy of creating aligned partnerships & heart centered collaboration.
By the end of this call you will know how to get over the biggest “How Hurdle” – how do you ask someone to partner with you? Guaranteed. Because Heather’s going to coach you right through it on the call (and you will be blown away by her Master Coach energy.) Just click here to watch the training video Heather created to see more.
I am so confident of the impeccable, easy to understand and implement information you’re going to get. Heather’s presentation style is fused with uplifting energy - you will begin to experience an energetic shift the second you step on to this call! Seriously.
I truly see this as a gift for you and highly recommend that you reserve your spot on this revolutionary interactive-training teleclass now.
“See” you on the call!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. You are going to love the full tele-training Heather prepared for you. In addition to it being chock-full of content she is going to have great experts lined up who are going to add their incredible wisdom right on the call! Click here to watch the video and register:
P.P.S. Oh, and Heather will be giving away TWO Private 60 minute coaching calls! (valued at over $2000!) BUT – you must be on the call to win!
Just a quick friendly reminder that it’s not too late to sign up for Heather Dominick’s gift call on June 30th!
I know that you’re a person who has a passion for joyfully living into what's possible, and quickly and easily connecting with people who support, inspire, and believe in your dreams (a.k.a. your Dream Team). That’s why I want to remind - especially you entreprenuerial dreamers - to be on this very important teleclass …
I’m sure you sense that there is a monumental shift taking place in the world. I know you feel this. You may have secretly begun to believe that this is a shift into greater darkness and have experienced fear, worry and some concern about what’s to come. There is a sense of doom and desperation in some circles …
But this is not the truth.
The Truth is this shift is poised for major light.
And it’s always my intention to serve you fully and completely on your path of s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g into LIVING your dreams ... This is why I MUST introduce you to my good friend, mentor, and a member of MY very own personal Dream Team: Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach.
This shift into light is about YOU stepping out of going it alone and into to BEing the magnificent person that you are naturally coded to be.
This call is about the power of collaborating versus competing in this new world. Heather and I both stand behind this as a key to our missions and belief about what is going to change the world.
Be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we tap into the powerful energy of creating aligned partnerships & heart centered collaboration.
By the end of this call you will know how to get over the biggest “How Hurdle” – how do you ask someone to partner with you? Guaranteed. Because Heather’s going to coach you right through it on the call (and you will be blown away by her Master Coach energy.) Just click here to watch the training video Heather created to see more.
I am so confident of the impeccable, easy to understand and implement information you’re going to get. Heather’s presentation style is fused with uplifting energy - you will begin to experience an energetic shift the second you step on to this call! Seriously.
I truly see this as a gift for you and highly recommend that you reserve your spot on this revolutionary interactive-training teleclass now.
“See” you on the call!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. You are going to love the full tele-training Heather prepared for you. In addition to it being chock-full of content she is going to have great experts lined up who are going to add their incredible wisdom right on the call! Click here to watch the video and register:
P.P.S. Oh, and Heather will be giving away TWO Private 60 minute coaching calls! (valued at over $2000!) BUT – you must be on the call to win!
June 23, 2011
Please don't do this
Joy to You!
As a member of the Create Your Life! community, I know that many of you innovative, creative dreamers have dreams in your heart that involve entrepreneurship.
This is why I wanted to be sure to share with you a very IMPORTANT video from my good friend, colleague, and mentor: EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success & Master Coach, Heather Dominick.
You see, at one point Heather was struggling to make ends meet in her business and if you are anything like Heather (and me… we’ve both “been there”) you’ve made this mistake before or you might even be making it now …
This mistake sneaks up on you … it can hit you when you are just starting out in business or even when you find yourself bumped up against an income ceiling, not able to break through …
You’re tired. You’re working long hours. You’re trying lots of marketing over and over, but getting either no results or low results and STILL you make this mistake: you try to do it alone.
Heather created a brand new video for you all about this. Click here to give it a good gander.
After over almost a decade of being self-employed she has found the ONE marketing secret that will move you powerfully into 6 figure (& 7 figure profits) is the power of heart-centered collaboration. YES. Having other entrepreneurs market FOR YOU.
BUT – there is a definite formula to creating high-level, aligned, profitable partnerships and what Heather recently realized is that all of the high-level entrepreneurs we know of are doing this, but NO ONE is talking about HOW. At least not in a step-by-step-come-join-us kind of way…
Well, now, Heather is ready to share this ALL with you!
Having other entrepreneurs market for you and all the back-end systems you need for it all to run and work like clock-work is something she has mastered and now wants to share it all with you.
Why? Simple Answer: because this is the fastest way to healing. Yes, your bank account and also the planet.
Let Heather, herself show you more about what she means in this brand new video created for you, ok? Watch now at And then be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we will solve this marketing mystery - TOGETHER.
It can be a lot easier than it has been. Together - we really are so much more.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. Please register for this call and tune in to what Heather has to say. I know you’ll agree her message is significant – especially now. Go here:
As a member of the Create Your Life! community, I know that many of you innovative, creative dreamers have dreams in your heart that involve entrepreneurship.
This is why I wanted to be sure to share with you a very IMPORTANT video from my good friend, colleague, and mentor: EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success & Master Coach, Heather Dominick.
You see, at one point Heather was struggling to make ends meet in her business and if you are anything like Heather (and me… we’ve both “been there”) you’ve made this mistake before or you might even be making it now …
This mistake sneaks up on you … it can hit you when you are just starting out in business or even when you find yourself bumped up against an income ceiling, not able to break through …
You’re tired. You’re working long hours. You’re trying lots of marketing over and over, but getting either no results or low results and STILL you make this mistake: you try to do it alone.
Heather created a brand new video for you all about this. Click here to give it a good gander.
After over almost a decade of being self-employed she has found the ONE marketing secret that will move you powerfully into 6 figure (& 7 figure profits) is the power of heart-centered collaboration. YES. Having other entrepreneurs market FOR YOU.
BUT – there is a definite formula to creating high-level, aligned, profitable partnerships and what Heather recently realized is that all of the high-level entrepreneurs we know of are doing this, but NO ONE is talking about HOW. At least not in a step-by-step-come-join-us kind of way…
Well, now, Heather is ready to share this ALL with you!
Having other entrepreneurs market for you and all the back-end systems you need for it all to run and work like clock-work is something she has mastered and now wants to share it all with you.
Why? Simple Answer: because this is the fastest way to healing. Yes, your bank account and also the planet.
Let Heather, herself show you more about what she means in this brand new video created for you, ok? Watch now at And then be sure to join us for the full tele-training Heather is giving on JUNE 30th, 2011 at 1pm, EASTERN where we will solve this marketing mystery - TOGETHER.
It can be a lot easier than it has been. Together - we really are so much more.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. Please register for this call and tune in to what Heather has to say. I know you’ll agree her message is significant – especially now. Go here:
June 13, 2011
Do you remember this?
Do you remember what this feels like?
Believe me when I say that I know how challenging (and tiring!) it can be to juggle life's many many "to do's" and still manage to keep things moving forward in the direction that you want to be heading. I also know how difficult it can be to have a dream in your heart yet have others telling you it'll never work and advise you to "be realistic."
AND - I also know the value of holding tight to your heart's calling and not ... giving ... up!
Dreams are your life fuel. And when you put this fuel to use, you'll be amazed at how efficient this energy is, and how far you can go on it.
However ... here's the thing - You must get IN the driver's seat! You must put this fuel to USE. It's as if your dream-mobile is sitting in your driveway with a full tank, ready to go, but it's waiting ... and waiting ... for YOU to get in, set the GPS, and put your foot on the gas.
You've got all the fuel you need, an open road ahead, and you get to choose which direction to go. Now ... if part of WHY you haven't started your journey yet is because you don't want to go it alone ... I am here, with bags packed, ready and willing to go for the ride with you ... every mile, helping you navigate around potholes, enjoying the freedom of your very own "road less traveled", and guiding you each and every step of the journey to help you reach your destination! It's all available for you in the Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And what better time than summer for the ultimate road trip?
Remember the pure excitement of summer when you were a kid? The sun shining bright ... the energy high. This is the road trip of your life.
And, there are just 2 seats left! Register now:
Here's what you get ...
* Weekly 60-min. class training calls
* Weekly 60-min. mastermind calls
* Weekly call recordings
* Weekly Action Sheets, Exercises and Resources
* Members Only Discussion Board & 24-hour support
* A Create Your Life! Coaching Buddy
* A powerful, Group Laser Coaching session
* An in-Depth, dream-propelling Bonus Call (about how to deal with those Nay-sayers)...
And so much more...
Today I came across a quote (author unknown) that made me smile: "Someday is not a day of the week." Isn't THAT the truth. :-)
So, will YOU decide to hit the gas now? Just imagine ... where you will be by summer's end if you say YES !
Your dreams are asking you to take action - now, not later. The engine is warm and ready to take you exactly where you want to go.
Join us and make today your "someday".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The link to reserve one of the last 2 remaining spots now and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
Believe me when I say that I know how challenging (and tiring!) it can be to juggle life's many many "to do's" and still manage to keep things moving forward in the direction that you want to be heading. I also know how difficult it can be to have a dream in your heart yet have others telling you it'll never work and advise you to "be realistic."
AND - I also know the value of holding tight to your heart's calling and not ... giving ... up!
Dreams are your life fuel. And when you put this fuel to use, you'll be amazed at how efficient this energy is, and how far you can go on it.
However ... here's the thing - You must get IN the driver's seat! You must put this fuel to USE. It's as if your dream-mobile is sitting in your driveway with a full tank, ready to go, but it's waiting ... and waiting ... for YOU to get in, set the GPS, and put your foot on the gas.
You've got all the fuel you need, an open road ahead, and you get to choose which direction to go. Now ... if part of WHY you haven't started your journey yet is because you don't want to go it alone ... I am here, with bags packed, ready and willing to go for the ride with you ... every mile, helping you navigate around potholes, enjoying the freedom of your very own "road less traveled", and guiding you each and every step of the journey to help you reach your destination! It's all available for you in the Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And what better time than summer for the ultimate road trip?
Remember the pure excitement of summer when you were a kid? The sun shining bright ... the energy high. This is the road trip of your life.
And, there are just 2 seats left! Register now:
Here's what you get ...
* Weekly 60-min. class training calls
* Weekly 60-min. mastermind calls
* Weekly call recordings
* Weekly Action Sheets, Exercises and Resources
* Members Only Discussion Board & 24-hour support
* A Create Your Life! Coaching Buddy
* A powerful, Group Laser Coaching session
* An in-Depth, dream-propelling Bonus Call (about how to deal with those Nay-sayers)...
And so much more...
Today I came across a quote (author unknown) that made me smile: "Someday is not a day of the week." Isn't THAT the truth. :-)
So, will YOU decide to hit the gas now? Just imagine ... where you will be by summer's end if you say YES !
Your dreams are asking you to take action - now, not later. The engine is warm and ready to take you exactly where you want to go.
Join us and make today your "someday".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The link to reserve one of the last 2 remaining spots now and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
June 07, 2011
Maybe you can relate?
Can you relate to this?
This next group of Dream Acceleration™ Program members that are coming together are SO inspiring, and my bet is that you will likely see yourself in some of them. The dreams that we are going to be giving focus to, have already blown me away...
==> There's a member who's ready to make her business idea a reality.
==> There's a member who is ready to share her artistic talent in a way that supports and inspires others.
==> There's a member on a mission to achieve ultimate health and wellness, while also creating nourishing, sustainable habits that support her shining in all areas of her life.
==> There's a member who has a calling to be of service in a way that creates a deep connection to life's milestones.
==> There's a member who is determined to finally write and publish the book that lives inside of her.
==> There are partners teaming up to co-create both their individual and shared dreams.
==> There are members ready to take action on exciting new career changes...
And, there are members who aren't necessarily fully clear on what their vision is, but they are ready for that clarity to be now.
I am so excited for these dreamers!
I truly cannot wait to support these folks in stepping into their dreams - now not later. And it's interesting because ... almost every single person in this next Dream-Acceleration™ Program has shared that they recognize how detrimental it would be to wait.
And so, this had me thinking of you, because I know how quickly things can happen, and I know that the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain "a someday" or an out-of-reach mystery any more ... There is no dream too small or too large that we can't get on an accelerated path for you. Why would YOU wait?
We're starting on June 13, and we have a few spots left. Here’s how to join us and reserve your spot right away with as little as $97!
If you are tired of the same-old-same-old, and if you know in your heart-of-hearts that there has GOT to be another way ... then it's time for you to take action. Register now and take advantage of special savings!
No more living for later. Join us and make today your "someday".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The link to reserve your spot right now and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
This next group of Dream Acceleration™ Program members that are coming together are SO inspiring, and my bet is that you will likely see yourself in some of them. The dreams that we are going to be giving focus to, have already blown me away...
==> There's a member who's ready to make her business idea a reality.
==> There's a member who is ready to share her artistic talent in a way that supports and inspires others.
==> There's a member on a mission to achieve ultimate health and wellness, while also creating nourishing, sustainable habits that support her shining in all areas of her life.
==> There's a member who has a calling to be of service in a way that creates a deep connection to life's milestones.
==> There's a member who is determined to finally write and publish the book that lives inside of her.
==> There are partners teaming up to co-create both their individual and shared dreams.
==> There are members ready to take action on exciting new career changes...
And, there are members who aren't necessarily fully clear on what their vision is, but they are ready for that clarity to be now.
I am so excited for these dreamers!
I truly cannot wait to support these folks in stepping into their dreams - now not later. And it's interesting because ... almost every single person in this next Dream-Acceleration™ Program has shared that they recognize how detrimental it would be to wait.
And so, this had me thinking of you, because I know how quickly things can happen, and I know that the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain "a someday" or an out-of-reach mystery any more ... There is no dream too small or too large that we can't get on an accelerated path for you. Why would YOU wait?
We're starting on June 13, and we have a few spots left. Here’s how to join us and reserve your spot right away with as little as $97!
Step 1: Visit and read all about it.
Step 2: Select the payment option that serves you best.
Step 3: You’ll receive your Welcome Packet and a personal welcome message from me right away! :-)
If you are tired of the same-old-same-old, and if you know in your heart-of-hearts that there has GOT to be another way ... then it's time for you to take action. Register now and take advantage of special savings!
No more living for later. Join us and make today your "someday".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The link to reserve your spot right now and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is: After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
May 27, 2011
She made me cry...
Joy to You!
I have to share something with you, because I just KNOW that you will be so inspired by it too....
I had a truly extraordinary experience recently – one that left me feeling so overjoyed, inspired, and delighted, that it took a while for it to sink in – but once it did, I went into what Oprah would call “the ugly cry.” But really - what better feeling is there than joy to the point of tears?
I was moved to tears ... on behalf of one of my truly extraordinary clients (who graciously agreed to my sharing a bit of her story – seen with me below). I was also moved to tears on my OWN behalf, at the fact that I get to do this work in the world! :-)
Meet Laurie...

Laurie is a dental hygienist and single mother of 3 grown sons. She is as fun-loving as they come, a true lover of life who came to me with a dream in her heart ... to move to Costa Rica!
Laurie and I have been working together by phone for about 5 months now. We had never met in person - until this past Saturday.
You see... Laurie is just WEEKS away from fulfilling her dream. She is moving to Costa Rica!! Her beloved sister threw Laurie a surprise going away party on Saturday – and I was honored and thrilled to be invited!
In typical surprise-party fashion, folks mingled about with anticipation as we awaited Laurie’s arrival. There were people from all areas of her life... friends from high school, neighbors, her sister, niece, aunts, uncles, kids, soon-to-be daughter-in-law, the dentist she’s worked for the past 12 get the picture. And me. Several folks asked: “How did you meet, Laurie?” To which I answered, “Actually... I’ve never met Laurie.” In response to the confused “well then what are you doing here?” look on their face, I went on to explain that Laurie and I have had a telephone relationship and that she and I would be meeting for the very first time. SO FUN, right!? :-)
THANKFULLY - someone was able to capture the moment (part 1 & part 2) because, in this case, a picture really is worth a 1,000 words....
To BE there, meet her, meet her friends and family, celebrate this huge milestone with all of them ... AND to be introduced the entire evening as “Laurie’s life coach who helped her realize her dream” ... was all-around extraordinary! Wow. Just wow.
I’m sharing this with you because: Whatever dream lives in YOUR heart, YOU can be the next success story.
No matter how big, small, silly, outrageous, or unrealistic your dream may feel to you right now ... no matter how many unknowns and questions you have ... and no matter how scared you may be at the moment ... the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain a mystery any more!
Laurie walked the path, and you can too. Her first step on this path was simply DECIDING that now was time to invest in her dreams ... that she was not going to wait and watch as another year, or another season, passed her by ... She decided to give herself permission to "go for it" with the full support to follow her heart, her joy, her dream. Laurie and I began our work together with the Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And one guided, supported, step-at-a-time ... Laurie moved beyond her fears and doubts and into consistent aligned action with her dream – and here she is now – just weeks away from LIVING it !
Tremendous. Thank you, Laurie! You are an inspiration to us all!
Now, I KNOW you are wondering how YOU can get on this path right away and claim one of the remaining (won’t last long) spots left in this dream-propelling, life-altering, powerful, (and don’t forget FUN!) 8-week program – all from the comfort of your home! The next Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts in just a few weeks! Here’s how to go about reserving your spot right away, with as little as $97.
Step 1: Visit and read all about it.
Step 2: Select the payment option that serves you best (The special Early Bird price EXPIRES June 1!)
Step 3: You’ll receive your Welcome Packet and a personal welcome message from me right away! :-)
If you have even been considering this just a bit ... then it is time to take action. Register now and take advantage of the Early Bird savings!
Just for reading this far ... IF you’re curious about the program, BUT you have questions about whether or not this program makes sense for you: I invite YOU to reach out to me personally and schedule a complimentary call with me. Together, we’ll explore if this program makes sense for you and together we’ll get you on a path to LIVING your dreams. Not wishing your dreams ... or maybe-ing your dreams ... LIVING them. Sound good? And, as a reward for your swift action, you’ll also save yourself some ca$h – so, why not? What do you have to lose? If this speaks to you, EMAIL ME right now. I look forward to connecting for a private call. ;-)
Celebrating YOU!

PS - The link to reserve your spot right now (with as little as $97!) and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is:
I have to share something with you, because I just KNOW that you will be so inspired by it too....
I had a truly extraordinary experience recently – one that left me feeling so overjoyed, inspired, and delighted, that it took a while for it to sink in – but once it did, I went into what Oprah would call “the ugly cry.” But really - what better feeling is there than joy to the point of tears?
I was moved to tears ... on behalf of one of my truly extraordinary clients (who graciously agreed to my sharing a bit of her story – seen with me below). I was also moved to tears on my OWN behalf, at the fact that I get to do this work in the world! :-)
Meet Laurie...

Laurie is a dental hygienist and single mother of 3 grown sons. She is as fun-loving as they come, a true lover of life who came to me with a dream in her heart ... to move to Costa Rica!
Laurie and I have been working together by phone for about 5 months now. We had never met in person - until this past Saturday.
You see... Laurie is just WEEKS away from fulfilling her dream. She is moving to Costa Rica!! Her beloved sister threw Laurie a surprise going away party on Saturday – and I was honored and thrilled to be invited!
In typical surprise-party fashion, folks mingled about with anticipation as we awaited Laurie’s arrival. There were people from all areas of her life... friends from high school, neighbors, her sister, niece, aunts, uncles, kids, soon-to-be daughter-in-law, the dentist she’s worked for the past 12 get the picture. And me. Several folks asked: “How did you meet, Laurie?” To which I answered, “Actually... I’ve never met Laurie.” In response to the confused “well then what are you doing here?” look on their face, I went on to explain that Laurie and I have had a telephone relationship and that she and I would be meeting for the very first time. SO FUN, right!? :-)
THANKFULLY - someone was able to capture the moment (part 1 & part 2) because, in this case, a picture really is worth a 1,000 words....

To BE there, meet her, meet her friends and family, celebrate this huge milestone with all of them ... AND to be introduced the entire evening as “Laurie’s life coach who helped her realize her dream” ... was all-around extraordinary! Wow. Just wow.
I’m sharing this with you because: Whatever dream lives in YOUR heart, YOU can be the next success story.
No matter how big, small, silly, outrageous, or unrealistic your dream may feel to you right now ... no matter how many unknowns and questions you have ... and no matter how scared you may be at the moment ... the path to go from dreaming to reality doesn’t have to remain a mystery any more!
Laurie walked the path, and you can too. Her first step on this path was simply DECIDING that now was time to invest in her dreams ... that she was not going to wait and watch as another year, or another season, passed her by ... She decided to give herself permission to "go for it" with the full support to follow her heart, her joy, her dream. Laurie and I began our work together with the Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Program. And one guided, supported, step-at-a-time ... Laurie moved beyond her fears and doubts and into consistent aligned action with her dream – and here she is now – just weeks away from LIVING it !
Tremendous. Thank you, Laurie! You are an inspiration to us all!
Now, I KNOW you are wondering how YOU can get on this path right away and claim one of the remaining (won’t last long) spots left in this dream-propelling, life-altering, powerful, (and don’t forget FUN!) 8-week program – all from the comfort of your home! The next Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts in just a few weeks! Here’s how to go about reserving your spot right away, with as little as $97.
Step 1: Visit and read all about it.
Step 2: Select the payment option that serves you best (The special Early Bird price EXPIRES June 1!)
Step 3: You’ll receive your Welcome Packet and a personal welcome message from me right away! :-)
If you have even been considering this just a bit ... then it is time to take action. Register now and take advantage of the Early Bird savings!
Just for reading this far ... IF you’re curious about the program, BUT you have questions about whether or not this program makes sense for you: I invite YOU to reach out to me personally and schedule a complimentary call with me. Together, we’ll explore if this program makes sense for you and together we’ll get you on a path to LIVING your dreams. Not wishing your dreams ... or maybe-ing your dreams ... LIVING them. Sound good? And, as a reward for your swift action, you’ll also save yourself some ca$h – so, why not? What do you have to lose? If this speaks to you, EMAIL ME right now. I look forward to connecting for a private call. ;-)
Celebrating YOU!

PS - The link to reserve your spot right now (with as little as $97!) and put yourself on an accelerated path to living YOUR dreams is:
May 17, 2011
Allow me to clarify something...
I had a conversation this week that really got me thinking and made me realize something that could easily delay - even derail(!) - the realization of your dreams.
As you know, I am an avid freedom-fighter on behalf of you and your dreams (even the ones you might not know yet). And maybe you've heard me say that "creating a life you love is your BIRTHRIGHT". That just by the very fact that You Were Born, you have the right to create and live a life you love.
I was sharing this with someone recently who asked: Tara, how is this is different from entitlement?
A terrific question - right?!?
Her question made me see just how EASY it would be to group 'birthright' and 'entitlement' together, creating a whole lot of confusion when, in actuality, they are so very very different...
So, allow me to clarify this critical distinction with a breakdown of my statement, "creating a life you love is your birthright."
"Creating" What this means is that it's up to YOU! This is key because you are the creator of your own experience, and one way or another you are always creating something. And knowing this, well... why not put your precious energy into creating "a life you love", rather than one you don't! I mean really... why would you continue to knowingly create more struggle for yourself?!
And if you think the pursuit of joy is selfish (in a bad way), let me challenge that. Consider: How available are you to help/support/give back/create a ripple effect of joy when you are caught up in your own struggles? Hmmmm....?
Let's look now at the word birthright. The pursuit is your birthright. BUT - this comes with no guarantees. Which brings us back to the intentional "creating" part... :-)
Entitlement and birthright are worlds apart. Birthright is inherently about your participation in the process, the pursuit of what YOU truly desire.
Birthright doesn't guarantee delivery. It simply means you, by the very fact that you were born, need no more "permission" to, from where you are - right now - begin right away to move in the direction of your own happiness. It is up to you to engage NOW ... to BE an active participant in the creation of a life you love and can't-wait-to-get-up-and-out-of-bed-for-in-the-morning!
To do anything less is where the true risk lies.
I'm reminded of a quote by Elizabeth Gilbert, from her book Eat, Pray, Love:
*** AND (This is so key!): Giving yourself the time and permission to dream, and to pursue those dreams... THIS is how you honor your birthright. ***
Children know this. They don't ask permission to dream. They don't question whether or not they are "qualified" to dream or waste their energy on wondering if their joy or excitement will make someone else feel uncomfortable. They know they have full permission to dream BIG ... yet, somewhere along the line, far too many adults adopt the idea that dreaming is for other people and that JOY is for other people too.
Have you asked yourself: Who am I to dream? Who am I to create a life I love?
Who are you not to? Let this message be your reminder of what your soul already knows: That it's not only your BIRTHRIGHT to dream unabashedly - but, right NOW, exactly where you ARE - you are being called to engage with your dreams in a way that puts you on the fast-track to LIVING them. (Yes, you.)
It is time to unleash your dreaming self - and I have the perfect way to support you in this. It's called The Dream-Acceleration™ Program ( It's starting again soon and spaces have already begun filling.
It is time to turn down the volume on that voice that says it's selfish to invest in your JOY, and tells you all the reasons that this program is for other people.
Just check it out: AND, if you have any questions, or would like to connect one-to-one to explore if it's a good fit for you, then contact me directly ( and we'll set up a time for a complimentary chat.
In this program:
* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
* You'll receive step-by-step support to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
* You'll enjoy and celebrate the unique dreams of others, gain inspiration to dream even bigger and bolder, AND receive the tools and courage to take action to LIVE those dreams!
It is time - for YOU - to step into what's possible (and always was) and receive personalized support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams NOW. Now. now...
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. The direct link to learn more about this special program and claim your spot is Have questions? Let me know... I'd be delighted to connect with you!
As you know, I am an avid freedom-fighter on behalf of you and your dreams (even the ones you might not know yet). And maybe you've heard me say that "creating a life you love is your BIRTHRIGHT". That just by the very fact that You Were Born, you have the right to create and live a life you love.
I was sharing this with someone recently who asked: Tara, how is this is different from entitlement?
A terrific question - right?!?
Her question made me see just how EASY it would be to group 'birthright' and 'entitlement' together, creating a whole lot of confusion when, in actuality, they are so very very different...
So, allow me to clarify this critical distinction with a breakdown of my statement, "creating a life you love is your birthright."
"Creating" What this means is that it's up to YOU! This is key because you are the creator of your own experience, and one way or another you are always creating something. And knowing this, well... why not put your precious energy into creating "a life you love", rather than one you don't! I mean really... why would you continue to knowingly create more struggle for yourself?!
And if you think the pursuit of joy is selfish (in a bad way), let me challenge that. Consider: How available are you to help/support/give back/create a ripple effect of joy when you are caught up in your own struggles? Hmmmm....?
Let's look now at the word birthright. The pursuit is your birthright. BUT - this comes with no guarantees. Which brings us back to the intentional "creating" part... :-)
Entitlement and birthright are worlds apart. Birthright is inherently about your participation in the process, the pursuit of what YOU truly desire.
Birthright doesn't guarantee delivery. It simply means you, by the very fact that you were born, need no more "permission" to, from where you are - right now - begin right away to move in the direction of your own happiness. It is up to you to engage NOW ... to BE an active participant in the creation of a life you love and can't-wait-to-get-up-and-out-of-bed-for-in-the-morning!
To do anything less is where the true risk lies.
I'm reminded of a quote by Elizabeth Gilbert, from her book Eat, Pray, Love:
"...People universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will maybe descend upon you like fine weather if you're fortunate enough. But that's not how happiness works. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it, you must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it."
*** AND (This is so key!): Giving yourself the time and permission to dream, and to pursue those dreams... THIS is how you honor your birthright. ***
Children know this. They don't ask permission to dream. They don't question whether or not they are "qualified" to dream or waste their energy on wondering if their joy or excitement will make someone else feel uncomfortable. They know they have full permission to dream BIG ... yet, somewhere along the line, far too many adults adopt the idea that dreaming is for other people and that JOY is for other people too.
Have you asked yourself: Who am I to dream? Who am I to create a life I love?
Who are you not to? Let this message be your reminder of what your soul already knows: That it's not only your BIRTHRIGHT to dream unabashedly - but, right NOW, exactly where you ARE - you are being called to engage with your dreams in a way that puts you on the fast-track to LIVING them. (Yes, you.)
It is time to unleash your dreaming self - and I have the perfect way to support you in this. It's called The Dream-Acceleration™ Program ( It's starting again soon and spaces have already begun filling.
It is time to turn down the volume on that voice that says it's selfish to invest in your JOY, and tells you all the reasons that this program is for other people.
Just check it out: AND, if you have any questions, or would like to connect one-to-one to explore if it's a good fit for you, then contact me directly ( and we'll set up a time for a complimentary chat.
In this program:
* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
* You'll receive step-by-step support to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
* You'll enjoy and celebrate the unique dreams of others, gain inspiration to dream even bigger and bolder, AND receive the tools and courage to take action to LIVE those dreams!
It is time - for YOU - to step into what's possible (and always was) and receive personalized support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams NOW. Now. now...
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. The direct link to learn more about this special program and claim your spot is Have questions? Let me know... I'd be delighted to connect with you!
May 06, 2011
Do you believe in luck?
Do you believe in luck?
In my family, 13 is considered a lucky number (as is 31). We have a rather uncanny list of momentous events that have fallen on the 13th and 31st in my family... these include birthdays, graduations, weddings, house closings, and even a few "Friday the 13th" births! My grandmother in particular, whose 3 children were born on the 13th, the 13th, and the 31st will tell you with absolute certainty that 13 is, in fact, a very ... lucky ... number. :-)
Why in the world am I telling you this?!?
BECAUSE - since I consider members of the Create Your Life! community to be part of my extended family ... I am very excited to share that: YOUR Friday, May 13th just got a little luckier!
Here's how:
I am devoting the ENTIRE DAY to supporting YOU! This is a unique, no-strings-attached opportunity to find out how a private, complimentary, 30-minute Dream Discovery telephone coaching session with me, can powerfully and quickly propel you and your dreams forward...
AND - (because I announced it on Facebook first) spaces have already begun to fill! To claim a spot for yourself, click here right away and you'll be directed to put yourself directly into my calendar.
I love when things are quick and easy, don't you? There's no back and forth needed about when works for you and which slots are still available for me... Simply go right into my calendar and schedule yourself! :-)
Especially for those of you who feel skeptical about how a brief telephone conversation could possibly be effective ... this is your chance to learn first-hand why Beau (a fellow CYL dreamer), wrote the following about a call he and I had together:
"Thanks to you I can consider working with a coach by phone,even if I've never met them in person. Our brief conversation was more convincing than any number of articles or testimonials."
Do you remember your New Year's Resolutions?
At the very start of 2011, I shared with you that one of mine is to be more accessible and intimately connected to YOU, the Create Your Life! community. Far too many organizations, when they grow, lose touch with the people who first inspired them to service. I invite you to take full advantage of this LUCKY FRIDAY THE 13th offer, as an extension of my commitment to keeping it intimate and keeping it real, regardless of how fast we grow...
Will YOU join me for a private 30-minute call that can set you on a clear, joy-filled path and on the fast-track to living your dreams?
Don't drag your feet on this one ... first come, first served.
Claim your spot on my calendar right away.
If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and increasing your JOY-factor now - then connecting for this special call, is for you.
Can't wait!
Feeling lucky,
PS - Share the luck! Invite your friends to also claim a Dream Discovery session. The direct link to get on my calendar right away is
In my family, 13 is considered a lucky number (as is 31). We have a rather uncanny list of momentous events that have fallen on the 13th and 31st in my family... these include birthdays, graduations, weddings, house closings, and even a few "Friday the 13th" births! My grandmother in particular, whose 3 children were born on the 13th, the 13th, and the 31st will tell you with absolute certainty that 13 is, in fact, a very ... lucky ... number. :-)
Why in the world am I telling you this?!?
BECAUSE - since I consider members of the Create Your Life! community to be part of my extended family ... I am very excited to share that: YOUR Friday, May 13th just got a little luckier!
Here's how:
I am devoting the ENTIRE DAY to supporting YOU! This is a unique, no-strings-attached opportunity to find out how a private, complimentary, 30-minute Dream Discovery telephone coaching session with me, can powerfully and quickly propel you and your dreams forward...
AND - (because I announced it on Facebook first) spaces have already begun to fill! To claim a spot for yourself, click here right away and you'll be directed to put yourself directly into my calendar.
I love when things are quick and easy, don't you? There's no back and forth needed about when works for you and which slots are still available for me... Simply go right into my calendar and schedule yourself! :-)
Especially for those of you who feel skeptical about how a brief telephone conversation could possibly be effective ... this is your chance to learn first-hand why Beau (a fellow CYL dreamer), wrote the following about a call he and I had together:
"Thanks to you I can consider working with a coach by phone,even if I've never met them in person. Our brief conversation was more convincing than any number of articles or testimonials."
Do you remember your New Year's Resolutions?
At the very start of 2011, I shared with you that one of mine is to be more accessible and intimately connected to YOU, the Create Your Life! community. Far too many organizations, when they grow, lose touch with the people who first inspired them to service. I invite you to take full advantage of this LUCKY FRIDAY THE 13th offer, as an extension of my commitment to keeping it intimate and keeping it real, regardless of how fast we grow...
Will YOU join me for a private 30-minute call that can set you on a clear, joy-filled path and on the fast-track to living your dreams?
Don't drag your feet on this one ... first come, first served.
Claim your spot on my calendar right away.
If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and increasing your JOY-factor now - then connecting for this special call, is for you.
Can't wait!
Feeling lucky,
PS - Share the luck! Invite your friends to also claim a Dream Discovery session. The direct link to get on my calendar right away is
April 28, 2011
"9 Simple Strategies" & A Special Time-Sensitive Offer!
Joy to You!
Wow-ee! Today's teleclass was powerful ... FULL of rich, inspiring, momentum-building information to put YOU on the path to living your dreams - fast!
In case you missed it, here's my GIFT to you - listen now: "9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the Dreams in Your Heart & Start NOW" On this call, I also share a high-value, time-sensitive opportunity that is not to be missed.
√ You are tired of the status-quo, and tired of saying "maybe someday"...
√ You are ready for life to get easier and a whole lot more fun...
√ You sense it's time for you to make shifts (even leaps) in your confidence and in your energy, AND significantly accelerate the dream realization process...
√ You are tired of working so hard on all the "supposed tos" and eager to create a life you LOVE and can't wait to get out of bed for in the morning...
Then, this info-rich teleclass is especially for YOU. Listen Now & Enjoy!
If you don't have time to listen to the entire call now... click here to go right to learning about a very special **time-sensitive** opportunity!
Starting from exactly where you are, you can make now your "someday".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - Again, if you're ready to start now to create forward momentum and joyful excitement around your dreams, the quick link to learn how and take advantage of a special time-sensitive opportunity is
Wow-ee! Today's teleclass was powerful ... FULL of rich, inspiring, momentum-building information to put YOU on the path to living your dreams - fast!
In case you missed it, here's my GIFT to you - listen now: "9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the Dreams in Your Heart & Start NOW" On this call, I also share a high-value, time-sensitive opportunity that is not to be missed.
√ You are tired of the status-quo, and tired of saying "maybe someday"...
√ You are ready for life to get easier and a whole lot more fun...
√ You sense it's time for you to make shifts (even leaps) in your confidence and in your energy, AND significantly accelerate the dream realization process...
√ You are tired of working so hard on all the "supposed tos" and eager to create a life you LOVE and can't wait to get out of bed for in the morning...
Then, this info-rich teleclass is especially for YOU. Listen Now & Enjoy!
If you don't have time to listen to the entire call now... click here to go right to learning about a very special **time-sensitive** opportunity!
Starting from exactly where you are, you can make now your "someday".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - Again, if you're ready to start now to create forward momentum and joyful excitement around your dreams, the quick link to learn how and take advantage of a special time-sensitive opportunity is
April 27, 2011
Who's on YOUR Dream Team?
Who's on your Dream Team?
A few nights ago, I met up with a friend and business mentor that I hadn't seen in over a year. He and I first met when I was 28-years-young and I had - quite literally - just stepped foot into the world of entrepreneurship.
Our paths first crossed in downtown Providence, as I was walking to my first-ever business networking event. Not exactly sure where I was going (in more ways than one!) ... and noticing his earnest walk and strikingly high-end suit, I took a risk and asked him if by chance he was heading to the same event.
(To give you a bit more of the picture... I, on the other hand, was in my "low-budg" attempt at professional outfit, nervous, and out-of-breath from my 6+ block walk from my intentionally parked "nobody-better-see-what-I-drive" car!)
He was kind to me, and we walked together the rest of the way. Once inside ...
#1: I was decidedly the youngest one in the room, and
#2: Truth-be-told, it was no secret that I had no real "business" being there...
BUT - there I was. :-)
Looking back on it now, I'm moved by the realization of how my meeting him was such a pivotal moment in my life. He became a business adviser and connector for me ... but most of all, he just believed in me! He saw something in me beyond my present circumstances. He saw me as my potential. He saw what, in my work now, I call the "Future Self" ---> and that was the BIGGEST gift of all - truly.
He believed in me when others didn't. He believed in me when I didn't. He took me under his wing and nurtured who I was BECOMING... A value that I could never put a price on now!
I'm sharing this story with you because it speaks to just ONE of the 9 Simple Strategies that I'll be going in-depth about on my Free Teleclass on Thursday, April 28 (that's TOMORROW!)
Join me. You won't want to miss it!
I'm referring to ... how critically important it is to surround yourself with a community of people who believe in you and your dreams. (I call these folks your Dream Team.)
Trust me, I understand the urge to keep dreams private, secret, protected ... AND how vulnerable it can feel to share a dream. Yet too often, rather than risk being ridiculed or dismissed or criticized, we end up going it alone... And, the PROBLEM with this strategy is that it leads to stress, overwhelm, and feelings of isolation.
BOTTOM LINE: If you want to really accelerate the process of fulfilling on YOUR dreams, then having the right support and a community of people who believe in who you are becoming, can make ALL the difference (especially for us we-should-be-able-to-do-it-all-by-our-self people)!
I'm just so excited about ALL of what I'll be sharing with you tomorrow!
Join me for this special call:
"9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the Dreams in Your Heart - and Start NOW!"
(Even if you can't be on the call LIVE, be sure to
register so you recieve the recording and listen later.)
"Someday" has finally arrived!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The direct link to join me for this complimentary, info-rich teleclass happening Thursday, April 28 at 1pm Eastern is "See" you on the call!
A few nights ago, I met up with a friend and business mentor that I hadn't seen in over a year. He and I first met when I was 28-years-young and I had - quite literally - just stepped foot into the world of entrepreneurship.
Our paths first crossed in downtown Providence, as I was walking to my first-ever business networking event. Not exactly sure where I was going (in more ways than one!) ... and noticing his earnest walk and strikingly high-end suit, I took a risk and asked him if by chance he was heading to the same event.
(To give you a bit more of the picture... I, on the other hand, was in my "low-budg" attempt at professional outfit, nervous, and out-of-breath from my 6+ block walk from my intentionally parked "nobody-better-see-what-I-drive" car!)
He was kind to me, and we walked together the rest of the way. Once inside ...
#1: I was decidedly the youngest one in the room, and
#2: Truth-be-told, it was no secret that I had no real "business" being there...
BUT - there I was. :-)
Looking back on it now, I'm moved by the realization of how my meeting him was such a pivotal moment in my life. He became a business adviser and connector for me ... but most of all, he just believed in me! He saw something in me beyond my present circumstances. He saw me as my potential. He saw what, in my work now, I call the "Future Self" ---> and that was the BIGGEST gift of all - truly.
He believed in me when others didn't. He believed in me when I didn't. He took me under his wing and nurtured who I was BECOMING... A value that I could never put a price on now!
I'm sharing this story with you because it speaks to just ONE of the 9 Simple Strategies that I'll be going in-depth about on my Free Teleclass on Thursday, April 28 (that's TOMORROW!)
Join me. You won't want to miss it!
I'm referring to ... how critically important it is to surround yourself with a community of people who believe in you and your dreams. (I call these folks your Dream Team.)
Trust me, I understand the urge to keep dreams private, secret, protected ... AND how vulnerable it can feel to share a dream. Yet too often, rather than risk being ridiculed or dismissed or criticized, we end up going it alone... And, the PROBLEM with this strategy is that it leads to stress, overwhelm, and feelings of isolation.
BOTTOM LINE: If you want to really accelerate the process of fulfilling on YOUR dreams, then having the right support and a community of people who believe in who you are becoming, can make ALL the difference (especially for us we-should-be-able-to-do-it-all-by-our-self people)!
I'm just so excited about ALL of what I'll be sharing with you tomorrow!
Join me for this special call:
"9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the Dreams in Your Heart - and Start NOW!"
(Even if you can't be on the call LIVE, be sure to
register so you recieve the recording and listen later.)
"Someday" has finally arrived!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The direct link to join me for this complimentary, info-rich teleclass happening Thursday, April 28 at 1pm Eastern is "See" you on the call!
April 21, 2011
Does this have you running?
Are you running to stand still?
Do you ever feel like you're in full throttle yet barely keeping up?
Are you working-working-working to cross one item off your To Do list, all while you add two more? Are you ready to throw your hands up, say "enough already!", go get some fresh air, and then take a nap?
Dreams? What? Where? Ha!
BUT listen - I'm as serious as those bags under your eyes when I say...
If you have felt drained, overwhelmed, overworked, and worn out (and all this just to stay where you are!) ... Then, I want to help you out of this cycle of exhaustion and discouragement so that you break the pattern and begin immediately to shift your energy and effort toward creating more of what you WANT for your life (and less of what you don't).
If you see yourself in this, I want to extend a special invitation to join me for a special f.ree teleclass, right away.
Even if you can't be on the call LIVE, I will personally ensure that you'll be sent a recording of the call so you can listen later while you're doing, well ... any number of things, right? :-)
Click here to register now: "9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the Dreams in Your Heart - and Start NOW!"
The wait for "someday" stops now!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The direct link to join me for this complimentary, info-rich teleclass happening Thursday, April 28 at 1pm Eastern is "See" you on the call!
Do you ever feel like you're in full throttle yet barely keeping up?
Are you working-working-working to cross one item off your To Do list, all while you add two more? Are you ready to throw your hands up, say "enough already!", go get some fresh air, and then take a nap?
Dreams? What? Where? Ha!
BUT listen - I'm as serious as those bags under your eyes when I say...
If you have felt drained, overwhelmed, overworked, and worn out (and all this just to stay where you are!) ... Then, I want to help you out of this cycle of exhaustion and discouragement so that you break the pattern and begin immediately to shift your energy and effort toward creating more of what you WANT for your life (and less of what you don't).
If you see yourself in this, I want to extend a special invitation to join me for a special f.ree teleclass, right away.
Even if you can't be on the call LIVE, I will personally ensure that you'll be sent a recording of the call so you can listen later while you're doing, well ... any number of things, right? :-)
Click here to register now: "9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the Dreams in Your Heart - and Start NOW!"
The wait for "someday" stops now!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - The direct link to join me for this complimentary, info-rich teleclass happening Thursday, April 28 at 1pm Eastern is "See" you on the call!
April 15, 2011
Are you ready to simplify things?
Would it be okay with you if things got easier?
Let's get right to the heart of the matter. Are you so totally overwhelmed by the prospect of change (even for the better!) that you're left wondering if you'll ever be able to muster up the energy, courage, and TIME to overcome the mountain of obstacles in your way? Does living your dreams sound too gosh-darn HARD, or - if you're really honest - just seem like a big, ludicrous joke that your heart is playing on you? I mean who really achieves their dreams, right? Isn't that just for celebrities and other 10 minute of fame-ers in People Magazine?
If you answered YES to any of the above:
1. You're certainly not alone.
2. You'll definitely want to keep reading!
BUT - What if I told you that in just 1-hour you could learn 9 Simple Strategies to put you on the fast-track to the fulfillment of even the most intimidating dreams for your life ... Would that be time well spent? betcha!
AND: What if I also told you that it's on the house!
Well, then it becomes a "no-brainer." :-)
See, what I am known for is supporting every day folks just like yourself achieve their dreams. True. Here, let me show you want I mean:
One client of mine was in a job she no longer enjoyed, mostly because it kept her away from her family - her 4 year old daughter, in particular. And although she had an inkling of what she wanted to do instead, she didn't believe it could happen. We started working together in January and by that August she left her J-O-B and started a business offering family enrichment workshops that she now offers privately and within corporations. Now, she supports other parents who are juggling work and family - and she has the flexibility of working from home, setting her own hours, and is doing what she's really passionate about!
Another client had dreamed for many years of having a studio to create her artwork - a big upgrade from her dining room table! She didn't believe she'd be able to make it happen at first, but together, we created an action plan, and just 5-weeks later we met IN her studio!
Another was a man who had worked hard and long as a bank executive to support his family and put his kids through college. He was worn out and deeply dissatisfied. When we first connected, he confessed that it took him enormous courage to finally reach out to me. But once he did, things changed fast! He shared how he was feeling with his family, he left his old job and found what he called his "dream job" (in the midst of huge bank layoffs!) working at a small bank just a few miles from his home. This gave him the time, energy, and freedom to do the things he loves outside of work.
Another was a frustrated teacher, who loved to garden and had been living in the same apartment for 15 years. She had always dreamed of buying a home, but as a single woman she was overwhelmed by the idea of doing it alone. After just a few months of working together, she was hired for a teaching position at a new school, and she bought a home of her very own, with a great big garden!
And I could go on - and on...
So I now invite YOU to join them simply by reserving your spot with me for a special FREE teleclass on Thursday, April 28 @ 1 p.m. EST.
Even if you're not sure you can be on the call LIVE ... register anyway, and I'll personally make sure that you receive a recording of the call.
Click here to receive the call-in details right away.
Here's just some of what I'll be sharing:
==> How to consistently and powerfully manage your energy and time so that your dreams gain more momentum every day.
==> How to shift from fear and doubt into an expanded belief about what's possible, even probable.
==> How to move forward with the confidence, clarity and focus of aligned action.
This is my g1ft to YOU, on behalf of your dreams: known and yet to be revealed... It is my sincere joy to share this information with you, so that you too can experience the ease, joy, and freedom of bringing your dreams to life!
"9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the
Dreams in Your Heart - and Start NOW"
Thursday, April 28 @ 1pm EST
Click here to say YES to what's possible.
(It'll take you 2 minutes to register.)
You deserve a break from "harsh reality" (in my opinion, it's overrated). Be sure to register now for all the call-in details and join me for this special, dream-propelling hour!
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
Can't wait to connect!
PS - The direct link to be sure you are on this special dream-propelling call is Have friends or colleagues that you think would like to be on this call? Great! Please forward this email to them, but don't forget to register yourself first!
Let's get right to the heart of the matter. Are you so totally overwhelmed by the prospect of change (even for the better!) that you're left wondering if you'll ever be able to muster up the energy, courage, and TIME to overcome the mountain of obstacles in your way? Does living your dreams sound too gosh-darn HARD, or - if you're really honest - just seem like a big, ludicrous joke that your heart is playing on you? I mean who really achieves their dreams, right? Isn't that just for celebrities and other 10 minute of fame-ers in People Magazine?
If you answered YES to any of the above:
1. You're certainly not alone.
2. You'll definitely want to keep reading!
BUT - What if I told you that in just 1-hour you could learn 9 Simple Strategies to put you on the fast-track to the fulfillment of even the most intimidating dreams for your life ... Would that be time well spent? betcha!
AND: What if I also told you that it's on the house!
Well, then it becomes a "no-brainer." :-)
See, what I am known for is supporting every day folks just like yourself achieve their dreams. True. Here, let me show you want I mean:
One client of mine was in a job she no longer enjoyed, mostly because it kept her away from her family - her 4 year old daughter, in particular. And although she had an inkling of what she wanted to do instead, she didn't believe it could happen. We started working together in January and by that August she left her J-O-B and started a business offering family enrichment workshops that she now offers privately and within corporations. Now, she supports other parents who are juggling work and family - and she has the flexibility of working from home, setting her own hours, and is doing what she's really passionate about!
Another client had dreamed for many years of having a studio to create her artwork - a big upgrade from her dining room table! She didn't believe she'd be able to make it happen at first, but together, we created an action plan, and just 5-weeks later we met IN her studio!
Another was a man who had worked hard and long as a bank executive to support his family and put his kids through college. He was worn out and deeply dissatisfied. When we first connected, he confessed that it took him enormous courage to finally reach out to me. But once he did, things changed fast! He shared how he was feeling with his family, he left his old job and found what he called his "dream job" (in the midst of huge bank layoffs!) working at a small bank just a few miles from his home. This gave him the time, energy, and freedom to do the things he loves outside of work.
Another was a frustrated teacher, who loved to garden and had been living in the same apartment for 15 years. She had always dreamed of buying a home, but as a single woman she was overwhelmed by the idea of doing it alone. After just a few months of working together, she was hired for a teaching position at a new school, and she bought a home of her very own, with a great big garden!
And I could go on - and on...
So I now invite YOU to join them simply by reserving your spot with me for a special FREE teleclass on Thursday, April 28 @ 1 p.m. EST.
Even if you're not sure you can be on the call LIVE ... register anyway, and I'll personally make sure that you receive a recording of the call.
Click here to receive the call-in details right away.
Here's just some of what I'll be sharing:
==> How to consistently and powerfully manage your energy and time so that your dreams gain more momentum every day.
==> How to shift from fear and doubt into an expanded belief about what's possible, even probable.
==> How to move forward with the confidence, clarity and focus of aligned action.
This is my g1ft to YOU, on behalf of your dreams: known and yet to be revealed... It is my sincere joy to share this information with you, so that you too can experience the ease, joy, and freedom of bringing your dreams to life!
"9 Simple Strategies to Unleash the
Dreams in Your Heart - and Start NOW"
Thursday, April 28 @ 1pm EST
Click here to say YES to what's possible.
(It'll take you 2 minutes to register.)
You deserve a break from "harsh reality" (in my opinion, it's overrated). Be sure to register now for all the call-in details and join me for this special, dream-propelling hour!
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
Can't wait to connect!
PS - The direct link to be sure you are on this special dream-propelling call is Have friends or colleagues that you think would like to be on this call? Great! Please forward this email to them, but don't forget to register yourself first!
April 05, 2011
Are YOU ready to join forces with me?
I know I'm not alone in this...
I've had a few unexpected, life-altering curve balls thrown into my playground lately. (And I, for sure, know I'm not alone in this!) As a planet, we are in the midst of So. Much. Change...
Over the past few weeks, I made a very big personal decision and I also learned that a near-and-dear family member has been diagnosed with (a thankfully very-treatable) cancer. Big stuff! It's moments like these that demand you stand up and pay attention, know what I mean?
Each in their own way, these snap-out-of-it experiences have served as reminders of just how precious each moment really is, and how truly important it is to pursue your dreams now not later...
The truth is, that when life be-bops along at status-quo, it's SUPER easy to put off dreaming and put off upping-the-ante on your JOY because, well... things are good enough, right?
BUT: When we come to those fork-in-the-road decisions and straight-to-the-heart reminders about how delicate and precious life really is... These are the times that we take stock of what's really important, and re-prioritize Joy (with a capital J).
So, in the face of change, I want to invite you to join me for an intentional, accelerated process, pointing your life in the focused direction of JOY. This is an opportunity to join in the shared momentum of following where your heart is leading you ... even, and especially, if you're scared and don't know exactly what's ahead.
It is my mission and Joy (with a capital J) to help YOU expand upon the subtle, powerful, creative forces that live inside of you.... contribute to an ever-expanding Culture of Dreaming.... and courageously tip the scales on the unknown to reveal possibilities beyond even your wildest imaginings.
Yes indeed. You are invited to join me in creating and living and loving life NOW, not later... Are YOU ready to join forces with me?
Coming up, is the start of our dream-accelerating 8-week telephone classroom (this means wherever you are, you can join) program. This Dream-Acceleration™ Program is a condensed version of what I've boiled down to just the most engaging, dream-actualizing parts of my Psychology training, my Coach training, my Holistic Leadership training, countless books and seminars, and an in-depth education at the school of hard-knocks...all rolled into an experience that will give YOU a jump-start to more joy and well-being, and feeling excited and invigorated about getting out of bed each day!
For a fraction of the cost of private coaching, I'll be giving you ALL my dream realization secrets, immediate energy management tools to use, and direct hands-on-how-to's so that you have a clear, proven process and are fully equipped to realize any dream you can imagine.
You will drastically reduce your learning curve, and get right to it by being part of this 8-week course where you'll learn my step-by-step Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Process. You'll walk away with everything you need to start bringing about whatever you can imagine, and being joyfully on-track, right away.
The program starts in June, but if you register now you can save - BIG. And since I'm committed to this being an intimate group so that everyone gets plenty of personal attention, I will only accept 20 participants - this is my promise.
If you are ready to join me, click here for all the details. If you review it and have questions about the program or whether is would be a good fit for you, I want you to feel free to reach out to me personally at Write "Dream-Acceleration Program" in the subject header and you'll be first on my list of replies so that we can set up a time to chat.
You'll want to register right away because, again, I will only accept 20 people and this huge tuition savings will NOT last. I truly can't wait to share this extraordinary program with you!
Together, let's celebrate new beginnings, and do NOW those things we're hoping to do "later".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. The website with all the details about how you can be one of the 20 people to join me for this dream-propelling 8-week program is Can't wait to dream with YOU!
I've had a few unexpected, life-altering curve balls thrown into my playground lately. (And I, for sure, know I'm not alone in this!) As a planet, we are in the midst of So. Much. Change...
Over the past few weeks, I made a very big personal decision and I also learned that a near-and-dear family member has been diagnosed with (a thankfully very-treatable) cancer. Big stuff! It's moments like these that demand you stand up and pay attention, know what I mean?
Each in their own way, these snap-out-of-it experiences have served as reminders of just how precious each moment really is, and how truly important it is to pursue your dreams now not later...
The truth is, that when life be-bops along at status-quo, it's SUPER easy to put off dreaming and put off upping-the-ante on your JOY because, well... things are good enough, right?
BUT: When we come to those fork-in-the-road decisions and straight-to-the-heart reminders about how delicate and precious life really is... These are the times that we take stock of what's really important, and re-prioritize Joy (with a capital J).
So, in the face of change, I want to invite you to join me for an intentional, accelerated process, pointing your life in the focused direction of JOY. This is an opportunity to join in the shared momentum of following where your heart is leading you ... even, and especially, if you're scared and don't know exactly what's ahead.
It is my mission and Joy (with a capital J) to help YOU expand upon the subtle, powerful, creative forces that live inside of you.... contribute to an ever-expanding Culture of Dreaming.... and courageously tip the scales on the unknown to reveal possibilities beyond even your wildest imaginings.
Yes indeed. You are invited to join me in creating and living and loving life NOW, not later... Are YOU ready to join forces with me?
Coming up, is the start of our dream-accelerating 8-week telephone classroom (this means wherever you are, you can join) program. This Dream-Acceleration™ Program is a condensed version of what I've boiled down to just the most engaging, dream-actualizing parts of my Psychology training, my Coach training, my Holistic Leadership training, countless books and seminars, and an in-depth education at the school of hard-knocks...all rolled into an experience that will give YOU a jump-start to more joy and well-being, and feeling excited and invigorated about getting out of bed each day!
For a fraction of the cost of private coaching, I'll be giving you ALL my dream realization secrets, immediate energy management tools to use, and direct hands-on-how-to's so that you have a clear, proven process and are fully equipped to realize any dream you can imagine.
You will drastically reduce your learning curve, and get right to it by being part of this 8-week course where you'll learn my step-by-step Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Process. You'll walk away with everything you need to start bringing about whatever you can imagine, and being joyfully on-track, right away.
The program starts in June, but if you register now you can save - BIG. And since I'm committed to this being an intimate group so that everyone gets plenty of personal attention, I will only accept 20 participants - this is my promise.
If you are ready to join me, click here for all the details. If you review it and have questions about the program or whether is would be a good fit for you, I want you to feel free to reach out to me personally at Write "Dream-Acceleration Program" in the subject header and you'll be first on my list of replies so that we can set up a time to chat.
You'll want to register right away because, again, I will only accept 20 people and this huge tuition savings will NOT last. I truly can't wait to share this extraordinary program with you!
Together, let's celebrate new beginnings, and do NOW those things we're hoping to do "later".
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. The website with all the details about how you can be one of the 20 people to join me for this dream-propelling 8-week program is Can't wait to dream with YOU!
March 21, 2011
Are you a qualified dreamer?
Are you a qualified dreamer?
I had an awesome experience this weekend that reminded me of something so important.
I had been invited to lead a dream realization workshop for a group of women-friends who had all gathered together to celebrate not only the host's birthday - but life in general! When I arrived, they'd had a full morning of activities and were gathered together in a big circle in the living room sharing stories, and memories, and the wisdom of life's lessons. Their stories were such a powerful reminder that life really is short and so very, very precious...
Soon after we'd begun our dreaming time together, a woman in the group shared that she was so struck by how long it's been since she had given herself the time and the permission to just dream... to tune in to her heart and deepest desires for herself and her life.
It was a powerful moment - and she is certainly not alone.
Children don't ask permission to dream, and they don't question whether or not they are "qualified" to dream ... yet, somewhere along the line, far too many adults adopt the idea that dreaming is for other people.
Have you ever thought to yourself that you are somehow not qualified to dream? Have you asked: Who am I to dream? ... let alone dream BIG? Sadly, it often takes only one person to challenge you and ask "Who do you think you are?" for your dreaming to come to a full stop.
Let this message be your reminder of what your soul already knows:
That YOU not only have permission to dream - right now, exactly where you are - but that the world is calling for you to dream bigger and bolder than ever.
(Yes, YOU.)
I'm offering this reminder because forgetting can happen so easily, without even realizing it...
It's time to join forces and to unleash your dreaming self - and I have the perfect way to support you in this. It's called The Dream-Acceleration™ Program It'll be starting again soon, and it's sure to fill fast.
So, before the ego-mind jumps in and tells you all the reasons that this program is for other people, I invite you to check it out right away! AND, if you have any questions, or would like to connect one-to-one to explore if it's a good fit for you, then contact me directly and we'll set up a time for a complimentary chat.
In this program:
* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
* You'll receive step-by-step support to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
* You'll enjoy and celebrate the unique dreams of others, gain inspiration to dream even bigger and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to LIVE those dreams!
It is time, for you, to step into what's possible (and always was) and receive personalized support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. The direct link to learn more about this special program and claim your spot is Have questions? Let me know... I'd be delighted to connect with you!
I had an awesome experience this weekend that reminded me of something so important.
I had been invited to lead a dream realization workshop for a group of women-friends who had all gathered together to celebrate not only the host's birthday - but life in general! When I arrived, they'd had a full morning of activities and were gathered together in a big circle in the living room sharing stories, and memories, and the wisdom of life's lessons. Their stories were such a powerful reminder that life really is short and so very, very precious...
Soon after we'd begun our dreaming time together, a woman in the group shared that she was so struck by how long it's been since she had given herself the time and the permission to just dream... to tune in to her heart and deepest desires for herself and her life.
It was a powerful moment - and she is certainly not alone.
Children don't ask permission to dream, and they don't question whether or not they are "qualified" to dream ... yet, somewhere along the line, far too many adults adopt the idea that dreaming is for other people.
Have you ever thought to yourself that you are somehow not qualified to dream? Have you asked: Who am I to dream? ... let alone dream BIG? Sadly, it often takes only one person to challenge you and ask "Who do you think you are?" for your dreaming to come to a full stop.
Let this message be your reminder of what your soul already knows:
That YOU not only have permission to dream - right now, exactly where you are - but that the world is calling for you to dream bigger and bolder than ever.
(Yes, YOU.)
I'm offering this reminder because forgetting can happen so easily, without even realizing it...
It's time to join forces and to unleash your dreaming self - and I have the perfect way to support you in this. It's called The Dream-Acceleration™ Program It'll be starting again soon, and it's sure to fill fast.
So, before the ego-mind jumps in and tells you all the reasons that this program is for other people, I invite you to check it out right away! AND, if you have any questions, or would like to connect one-to-one to explore if it's a good fit for you, then contact me directly and we'll set up a time for a complimentary chat.
In this program:
* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
* You'll receive step-by-step support to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
* You'll enjoy and celebrate the unique dreams of others, gain inspiration to dream even bigger and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to LIVE those dreams!
It is time, for you, to step into what's possible (and always was) and receive personalized support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
P.S. The direct link to learn more about this special program and claim your spot is Have questions? Let me know... I'd be delighted to connect with you!
March 11, 2011
Help Wanted at Create Your Life!
Is Create Your Life! looking for YOU?
Create Your Life! is growing fast and looking to add a new member to our team in the form of a Joint Venture Manager. And, heck - what better place to start looking for this person than our Create Your Life! community?
So, here are the characteristics and skills required for the position:
Systematic, Attentive to detail
Excellent Communication, Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
Self-motivated, Accountable to follow-through
Ability to prioritize, handle multiple projects, and work with deadlines
Great at follow-up and follow-through
Comfortable speaking with new people and initiating connections
Loves to nurture relationships
Passionate about expanding the reach of the Create Your Life! mission
Energetic and ready to jump right in
All work will be done from your home/work space and your own computer.
Responsibilities include:
* Research businesses, organizations, and individuals that would be aligned with Create Your Life!
* Connect and cultivate relationships with those businesses for Joint Ventures and mutual support
* Be the point-person for distributing information about Create Your Life! events/initiatives to Joint Venture organizations, as well as receiving information from partners
* Coordinate affiliate programs and communications
This is a commission-based, part-time position. Ten percent of every sale created through Joint Venture efforts is compensation.
To apply:
Please email me ( a Personal Statement/Letter that answers the following:
* What is attracting you to this position?
* What experience do you have in creating powerful connections and partnerships?
* Why you think this position would be a perfect match for you?
* Any other information that you feel would be important for me to know...
If you feel called to apply, I look forward to hearing from you!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
Create Your Life! is growing fast and looking to add a new member to our team in the form of a Joint Venture Manager. And, heck - what better place to start looking for this person than our Create Your Life! community?
So, here are the characteristics and skills required for the position:
Systematic, Attentive to detail
Excellent Communication, Interpersonal and Organizational Skills
Self-motivated, Accountable to follow-through
Ability to prioritize, handle multiple projects, and work with deadlines
Great at follow-up and follow-through
Comfortable speaking with new people and initiating connections
Loves to nurture relationships
Passionate about expanding the reach of the Create Your Life! mission
Energetic and ready to jump right in
All work will be done from your home/work space and your own computer.
Responsibilities include:
* Research businesses, organizations, and individuals that would be aligned with Create Your Life!
* Connect and cultivate relationships with those businesses for Joint Ventures and mutual support
* Be the point-person for distributing information about Create Your Life! events/initiatives to Joint Venture organizations, as well as receiving information from partners
* Coordinate affiliate programs and communications
This is a commission-based, part-time position. Ten percent of every sale created through Joint Venture efforts is compensation.
To apply:
Please email me ( a Personal Statement/Letter that answers the following:
* What is attracting you to this position?
* What experience do you have in creating powerful connections and partnerships?
* Why you think this position would be a perfect match for you?
* Any other information that you feel would be important for me to know...
If you feel called to apply, I look forward to hearing from you!
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
March 04, 2011
How to decipher a dream
Have you ever wondered this?
I just returned from a week in Florida at a gathering of 100+ heart-centered entrepreneurs and leaders (my kind of scene!) On this trip, I was reminded of something so critically important...
As you well know, dreaming isn't always obvious and straight-forward. Especially in the hustle-and-bustle of daily life, it can be very challenging to tune into the (often quiet) nudges of your dreaming heart. Believe me, I know.
It's why I'm such an advocate for setting aside the time, space, and support to connect with your dreams and desires: deep and true, yet often overlooked. I'm especially talking about those dreams that, when you look back on your life, you'll either be glad you pursued them OR still wondering what could have been...
Yet, it can be hard to tell the difference!
As a Dream Realization Coach, I'm often asked:
Tara, how can I really know when I've connected with a dream?
In other words ... How do you decipher whether it's a true dream or something else? How can you be sure it's not just your mind playing tricks on you...or that it's not somebody else's dream for you....or that it's just a great big ugly "should"?
Well, here's a fool-proof way to tell one from the other:
The voice of your dreams doesn't speak in "laters". It doesn't use words like "eventually" or "someday" or "as soon as.." or "down the road.." or "once I..."
Your dream speaks only in the NOW.
(Hint: It is the voice of fear and doubt that speaks in "laters".)
And here's what's so important about this...
Without the support to ACT on the clarity of your dreams, now, your rational mind will always jump in and convince you to wait some more...and then some more.
And, be honest: How long have you been saying "later"?
If you've been waiting for your dreams, you need to
know that your dreams are waiting.. for YOU!
The magic and the mystery of dreaming is that only once you take the leap of faith and give your deepest desires the love and attention they deserve, is the way to realize them shown to you. (And not a moment sooner.)
Ready to stop living for later? Well, in perfect time, The Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts next week and there are a few spots left! Join us and be guided through each and every step of the process. Your fears and doubts won't want to hear this, but it's true none-the-less: No dream is too small, too large, too silly, or too vague for us to get you started right away on an accelerated path to its realization.
Reserve your spot now to join & I'll send your
Welcome Packet off to you right away!
The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
I just returned from a week in Florida at a gathering of 100+ heart-centered entrepreneurs and leaders (my kind of scene!) On this trip, I was reminded of something so critically important...
As you well know, dreaming isn't always obvious and straight-forward. Especially in the hustle-and-bustle of daily life, it can be very challenging to tune into the (often quiet) nudges of your dreaming heart. Believe me, I know.
It's why I'm such an advocate for setting aside the time, space, and support to connect with your dreams and desires: deep and true, yet often overlooked. I'm especially talking about those dreams that, when you look back on your life, you'll either be glad you pursued them OR still wondering what could have been...
Yet, it can be hard to tell the difference!
As a Dream Realization Coach, I'm often asked:
Tara, how can I really know when I've connected with a dream?
In other words ... How do you decipher whether it's a true dream or something else? How can you be sure it's not just your mind playing tricks on you...or that it's not somebody else's dream for you....or that it's just a great big ugly "should"?
Well, here's a fool-proof way to tell one from the other:
The voice of your dreams doesn't speak in "laters". It doesn't use words like "eventually" or "someday" or "as soon as.." or "down the road.." or "once I..."
Your dream speaks only in the NOW.
(Hint: It is the voice of fear and doubt that speaks in "laters".)
And here's what's so important about this...
Without the support to ACT on the clarity of your dreams, now, your rational mind will always jump in and convince you to wait some more...and then some more.
And, be honest: How long have you been saying "later"?
If you've been waiting for your dreams, you need to
know that your dreams are waiting.. for YOU!
The magic and the mystery of dreaming is that only once you take the leap of faith and give your deepest desires the love and attention they deserve, is the way to realize them shown to you. (And not a moment sooner.)
Ready to stop living for later? Well, in perfect time, The Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts next week and there are a few spots left! Join us and be guided through each and every step of the process. Your fears and doubts won't want to hear this, but it's true none-the-less: No dream is too small, too large, too silly, or too vague for us to get you started right away on an accelerated path to its realization.
Reserve your spot now to join & I'll send your
Welcome Packet off to you right away!
The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
February 28, 2011
Can you relate to this?
Can you relate to this?
I'm so excited about this next group of Dream Acceleration™Program members that are coming together. They are SO inspiring! The dreams that we are going to be giving focus to, have already blown me away...
==> There's a member who is ready to attract a new place to live and step into her full independence as a woman.
==> There are partners determined to create a lifestyle of leisure where they are free to travel - land, sea, and sky!
==> There's a member who is on a mission to achieve her musical ambitions while also creating nourishing, sustainable habits that support her shining in all areas of her life.
==>There's a member eager to connect more deeply with community.
==> There's a member who has calling to be of service in a way that to some might seem really heavy, but to her is pure joy...
And, there are members who aren't necessarily fully clear on what their vision is, but they are ready for that clarity to be now.
I am so moved by these dreamers.
I truly cannot wait to support these members in stepping into their dreams - now not later. And it's interesting because ... almost every single person in this next Dream-Acceleration Program has shared that they recognize how detrimental it would be to wait.
And so, this had me thinking of you. There is no dream too small or too large that we can't get on an accelerated path for you... Why would YOU wait?
We're starting on March 7, and we have a few spots left.
Reserve your spot now and join us!
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
I'm so excited about this next group of Dream Acceleration™Program members that are coming together. They are SO inspiring! The dreams that we are going to be giving focus to, have already blown me away...
==> There's a member who is ready to attract a new place to live and step into her full independence as a woman.
==> There are partners determined to create a lifestyle of leisure where they are free to travel - land, sea, and sky!
==> There's a member who is on a mission to achieve her musical ambitions while also creating nourishing, sustainable habits that support her shining in all areas of her life.
==>There's a member eager to connect more deeply with community.
==> There's a member who has calling to be of service in a way that to some might seem really heavy, but to her is pure joy...
And, there are members who aren't necessarily fully clear on what their vision is, but they are ready for that clarity to be now.
I am so moved by these dreamers.
I truly cannot wait to support these members in stepping into their dreams - now not later. And it's interesting because ... almost every single person in this next Dream-Acceleration Program has shared that they recognize how detrimental it would be to wait.
And so, this had me thinking of you. There is no dream too small or too large that we can't get on an accelerated path for you... Why would YOU wait?
We're starting on March 7, and we have a few spots left.
Reserve your spot now and join us!
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.
February 24, 2011
Do you have dream fatigue?
Do you have dream fatigue?
I had a fascinating conversation the other day with a Dream-Acceleration™ Program member. She shared this really interesting phrase with me... she said that she has "dream fatigue".
As we coached through it, what became clear was that she was caught in this cycle of working-working-working toward her dream and feeling like she could never catch up to it .... Like no amount of effort and energy could ever be enough to actually realize the full vision and grandeur of what she so deeply desires.
And the more we talked, it became clear that she was unknowingly holding herself back ... unintentionally contributing to the deferment and sabotage of her dream, due to a main snag that I see ALL the time.
It's an assumption, and it's a pressure, that people put on themselves about what it means to receive a dream.
I can't go into the full details of this whole snag-sabotage-glitch in this email....
But, I want to speak directly to you about it. If you have felt yourself caught, snagged, and endlessly working-working-working toward YOUR dream but never reaching it....I know why...and I want to help you out of this cycle of exhaustion and discouragement.
And this is exactly what we cover in the Dream-Acceleration™ Program. So, IF you see YOURSELF in this, I want to extend a special invitation to you to claim one of the remaining seats in this extraordinary program, right away.
Here's the direct link with ALL the info:
No more living for later for you! The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - After you register, I also want to invite you to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If after we talk, you decide that it's not, know that I will happily refund your money.
I had a fascinating conversation the other day with a Dream-Acceleration™ Program member. She shared this really interesting phrase with me... she said that she has "dream fatigue".
As we coached through it, what became clear was that she was caught in this cycle of working-working-working toward her dream and feeling like she could never catch up to it .... Like no amount of effort and energy could ever be enough to actually realize the full vision and grandeur of what she so deeply desires.
And the more we talked, it became clear that she was unknowingly holding herself back ... unintentionally contributing to the deferment and sabotage of her dream, due to a main snag that I see ALL the time.
It's an assumption, and it's a pressure, that people put on themselves about what it means to receive a dream.
I can't go into the full details of this whole snag-sabotage-glitch in this email....
But, I want to speak directly to you about it. If you have felt yourself caught, snagged, and endlessly working-working-working toward YOUR dream but never reaching it....I know why...and I want to help you out of this cycle of exhaustion and discouragement.
And this is exactly what we cover in the Dream-Acceleration™ Program. So, IF you see YOURSELF in this, I want to extend a special invitation to you to claim one of the remaining seats in this extraordinary program, right away.
Here's the direct link with ALL the info:
No more living for later for you! The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - After you register, I also want to invite you to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If after we talk, you decide that it's not, know that I will happily refund your money.
February 21, 2011
Technology tells a funny joke - on me!
Joy to You!
Hardy-har-har! It's a glaring paradox that I just can't overlook...
Through the wonders of technology, folks registered for my very special freebie teleclass today from far and wide...from not just across the U.S., but also as far as Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Cool, right?
Thank you, technology. Well, sort of... Here's the catch:
Sadly, I was booted off the line of my OWN teleclass! (Funny stuff, eh?) Yet, after a 30-second or so break in the middle, I DID return and still gave every single morsel of information I had intended to, about how you can engage right away in 9-accelerated steps to realize YOUR dreams. : -)
Click here to listen to the recording now! At the end, I announce a special time-sensative (24-hour) offer that you won't want to miss. ENJOY!
If you don't have time to listen to the entire call now... click HERE to get the "cliff notes" of the 9 Accelerated Steps, AND read all about how you can join me and a special group of other driven dreamers for my upcoming Dream-Acceleration™ Program (and take advantage of a HUGE savings offer good through tomorrow, February 22 at midnight)!
If you:
√ Are feeling stuck or in the midst of a big transition
√ Are tired of saying "maybe someday"
√ Are ready to stop spending a lot of energy spinning your wheels or going much slower than you'd like
√ Are absolutely serious about living your dreams and consistently and powerfully creating accelerated momentum, feeling excited and energized about bringing your dreams to life and creating a life you love
√ And, you want to be show exactly HOW to create more joy, ease and grace in your experience
...than you'll definitely want to check out the program to decide for yourself.
Have questions? Let me know and I'll happily set up a time to talk to you personally and so we can explore and see if this program is a good fit for you.
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - Again, to listen to the 1-hour recording of "How to go from Dreaming to Reality in 9 Accelerated Steps" click here.
Hardy-har-har! It's a glaring paradox that I just can't overlook...
Through the wonders of technology, folks registered for my very special freebie teleclass today from far and wide...from not just across the U.S., but also as far as Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Cool, right?
Thank you, technology. Well, sort of... Here's the catch:
Sadly, I was booted off the line of my OWN teleclass! (Funny stuff, eh?) Yet, after a 30-second or so break in the middle, I DID return and still gave every single morsel of information I had intended to, about how you can engage right away in 9-accelerated steps to realize YOUR dreams. : -)
Click here to listen to the recording now! At the end, I announce a special time-sensative (24-hour) offer that you won't want to miss. ENJOY!
If you don't have time to listen to the entire call now... click HERE to get the "cliff notes" of the 9 Accelerated Steps, AND read all about how you can join me and a special group of other driven dreamers for my upcoming Dream-Acceleration™ Program (and take advantage of a HUGE savings offer good through tomorrow, February 22 at midnight)!
If you:
√ Are feeling stuck or in the midst of a big transition
√ Are tired of saying "maybe someday"
√ Are ready to stop spending a lot of energy spinning your wheels or going much slower than you'd like
√ Are absolutely serious about living your dreams and consistently and powerfully creating accelerated momentum, feeling excited and energized about bringing your dreams to life and creating a life you love
√ And, you want to be show exactly HOW to create more joy, ease and grace in your experience
...than you'll definitely want to check out the program to decide for yourself.
Have questions? Let me know and I'll happily set up a time to talk to you personally and so we can explore and see if this program is a good fit for you.
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,
PS - Again, to listen to the 1-hour recording of "How to go from Dreaming to Reality in 9 Accelerated Steps" click here.
February 18, 2011
Because we all need reminders
Joy to You!
I'm writing to give you a friendly reminder about my very special F.R.E.E teleclass happening Monday, February 21. On this 1-hour call, I will be walking you right through 9 accelerated steps to LIVING your dreams -- not next year -- THIS YEAR.
These 9 steps will leave you feeling nurtured, energized, balanced, informed and confident - rather than scattered, resigned, unsure, and depleted. (And believe me, I'll been there...and I know that it doesn't have to stay that way!)
If you think you just don't have the time or energy for your dreams, then this call is especially for you!
==> You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
==> You'll receive a proven step-by-step process to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
==> You'll gain inspiration to dream even BIGGER and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to live those dreams!
Here's the link to reserve your spot now and receive the call-in info right away:
Realizing dreams isn't just for "other people." It's for YOU!
I really hope you'll decide to join me and many other Driven Dreamers for this exciting, dream-propelling, info-rich hour!
The time to start living your dreams is NOW.
"See" you on the call!
PS - Again, to secure your virtual seat and receive a road map to live the dreams in your heart, visit
I'm writing to give you a friendly reminder about my very special F.R.E.E teleclass happening Monday, February 21. On this 1-hour call, I will be walking you right through 9 accelerated steps to LIVING your dreams -- not next year -- THIS YEAR.
These 9 steps will leave you feeling nurtured, energized, balanced, informed and confident - rather than scattered, resigned, unsure, and depleted. (And believe me, I'll been there...and I know that it doesn't have to stay that way!)
If you think you just don't have the time or energy for your dreams, then this call is especially for you!
==> You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
==> You'll receive a proven step-by-step process to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
==> You'll gain inspiration to dream even BIGGER and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to live those dreams!
Here's the link to reserve your spot now and receive the call-in info right away:
Realizing dreams isn't just for "other people." It's for YOU!
I really hope you'll decide to join me and many other Driven Dreamers for this exciting, dream-propelling, info-rich hour!
The time to start living your dreams is NOW.
"See" you on the call!
PS - Again, to secure your virtual seat and receive a road map to live the dreams in your heart, visit
February 07, 2011
Are you worth your dreams?
Joy to You!
Something really important was shown to me this week.
I had this experience where I realized I had been putting off my own self-care in favor of, well...everything else. And I realized just how easily this can happen without even realizing it, because of one insidious action...procrastination.
So I wanted to check in with you because taking care of your dreams also means taking care of yourself! Have you ever found yourself saying:
"not now...later"
"what I need can wait"
"as soon as I have more (fill in the blank)"
"at some point"
...all while putting off your joy, nourishment, and happiness and finding yourself feeling more and more depleted and scattered?
Have you?
Then I want to share something really important with you...
It's time that we join forces and STOP - and I have the perfect way to support you in this.
Coming up, I'm offering a very special freebie teleclass that'll walk you right through 9 accelerated steps to LIVING your dreams in 2011 ... Steps that will leave you feeling nurtured, energized, balanced and confident --- rather than scattered, resigned, and with little or no energy left to dream the big dreams, let alone create the momentum needed in order to live them!
* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
* You'll receive a proven step-by-step process to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
* You'll gain inspiration to dream even BIGGER and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to live those dreams!
Here's the link to reserve your spot now so that you can be sure to receive the call-in info right away:
Let's stop waiting for later to do what we enjoy most.
The time to start living your dreams is NOW.
PS - Don't let procrastination be the reason you miss this special FREE Teleclass! To reserve your spot and give your dreams the love and attention they deserve, you'll want to register right away at
Something really important was shown to me this week.
I had this experience where I realized I had been putting off my own self-care in favor of, well...everything else. And I realized just how easily this can happen without even realizing it, because of one insidious action...procrastination.
So I wanted to check in with you because taking care of your dreams also means taking care of yourself! Have you ever found yourself saying:
"not now...later"
"what I need can wait"
"as soon as I have more (fill in the blank)"
"at some point"
...all while putting off your joy, nourishment, and happiness and finding yourself feeling more and more depleted and scattered?
Have you?
Then I want to share something really important with you...
It's time that we join forces and STOP - and I have the perfect way to support you in this.
Coming up, I'm offering a very special freebie teleclass that'll walk you right through 9 accelerated steps to LIVING your dreams in 2011 ... Steps that will leave you feeling nurtured, energized, balanced and confident --- rather than scattered, resigned, and with little or no energy left to dream the big dreams, let alone create the momentum needed in order to live them!
* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!
* You'll receive a proven step-by-step process to move forward confidently and expeditiously!
* You'll gain inspiration to dream even BIGGER and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to live those dreams!
Here's the link to reserve your spot now so that you can be sure to receive the call-in info right away:
Let's stop waiting for later to do what we enjoy most.
The time to start living your dreams is NOW.
PS - Don't let procrastination be the reason you miss this special FREE Teleclass! To reserve your spot and give your dreams the love and attention they deserve, you'll want to register right away at
January 31, 2011
Are you ready to say YES to my crazy idea?
Joy to You!
As a Dream Realization Coach, I not only ask a lot of questions, I GET asked a lot of questions.
Questions like:
* "Tara, what if I have MANY dreams...where do I begin? Do I have to pick one?"
* "Tara, what if I don't know what my dreams ARE?"
* "Tara, how in the world will I ever have TIME to pursue my dreams when I'm so far behind on everything else?"
* "Tara, is this confidential? I've never said this out loud before..." (Yes, 100%.)
I'll share with you that one of my New Year's Resolutions is to be more accessible and intimately connected to the Create Your Life! community - that means YOU! As we grow and expand our Culture of Dreaming this year, I want you to know that I am deeply committed to keeping it intimate and keeping it real no matter how fast we grow...
As a student of Holistic Leadership (this includes a Master's degree focus that I've been chipping away at these past few years, my work with several high-level mentors, and of course the ongoing evolution of my work in the world), I've learned that as our world changes, so does leadership. And far too many organizations, when they grow, lose touch with the people who first inspired them to service!
My commitment is quite the opposite. As Create Your Life! grows, my commitment is to be more connected to what's most important to YOU.
And this is not just lip service. While most would say that I'm c*r*a*z*y to put out an offer like this...I'm doing it anyway. And truth be told, it certainly won't be the first "crazy" thing I've done (or nearly the last)... and with a bit of planning I know that anything is possible. So, my commitment to you starts right now.
I'm reaching out to offer YOU a complimentary Dream Discovery private telephone coaching session with me! This 30-40 minute call alone can change the course of your year - putting you on a clear path and on the fast-track to living your dreams! You CAN go w-a-y beyond surviving this New Year, and into thriving now and beyond... I know how to help you do that.
Now, again, because you are a member of this incredible community, it would be my honor to connect with you personally. So... I am sending YOU this special invitation to have a private one-to-one conversation with me.
To schedule your complimentary time slot, you simply need to reply to this message by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, February 4th.
If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and increasing your JOY-factor as the ONLY option - then connecting for this special call with me to get clear about your next steps is for you.
First come, first served.
So, here's what you need to do (by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, February 4th) to reserve this special call:
Email me personally:
Put "Dream Discovery call" in the subject line.
Let me know you feel called to schedule this time directly with me because you are ready to seriously do what it takes to LIVE your dreams in 2011 and not let another year of "maybe somedays" pass you by.
Once I hear from you, a brief email questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and return right away and you'll be asked to send along some times that work for you to connect over the next few weeks.
I look forward to scheduling YOU!
As a Dream Realization Coach, I not only ask a lot of questions, I GET asked a lot of questions.
Questions like:
* "Tara, what if I have MANY dreams...where do I begin? Do I have to pick one?"
* "Tara, what if I don't know what my dreams ARE?"
* "Tara, how in the world will I ever have TIME to pursue my dreams when I'm so far behind on everything else?"
* "Tara, is this confidential? I've never said this out loud before..." (Yes, 100%.)
I'll share with you that one of my New Year's Resolutions is to be more accessible and intimately connected to the Create Your Life! community - that means YOU! As we grow and expand our Culture of Dreaming this year, I want you to know that I am deeply committed to keeping it intimate and keeping it real no matter how fast we grow...
As a student of Holistic Leadership (this includes a Master's degree focus that I've been chipping away at these past few years, my work with several high-level mentors, and of course the ongoing evolution of my work in the world), I've learned that as our world changes, so does leadership. And far too many organizations, when they grow, lose touch with the people who first inspired them to service!
My commitment is quite the opposite. As Create Your Life! grows, my commitment is to be more connected to what's most important to YOU.
And this is not just lip service. While most would say that I'm c*r*a*z*y to put out an offer like this...I'm doing it anyway. And truth be told, it certainly won't be the first "crazy" thing I've done (or nearly the last)... and with a bit of planning I know that anything is possible. So, my commitment to you starts right now.
I'm reaching out to offer YOU a complimentary Dream Discovery private telephone coaching session with me! This 30-40 minute call alone can change the course of your year - putting you on a clear path and on the fast-track to living your dreams! You CAN go w-a-y beyond surviving this New Year, and into thriving now and beyond... I know how to help you do that.
Now, again, because you are a member of this incredible community, it would be my honor to connect with you personally. So... I am sending YOU this special invitation to have a private one-to-one conversation with me.
To schedule your complimentary time slot, you simply need to reply to this message by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, February 4th.
If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and increasing your JOY-factor as the ONLY option - then connecting for this special call with me to get clear about your next steps is for you.
First come, first served.
So, here's what you need to do (by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, February 4th) to reserve this special call:
Email me personally:
Put "Dream Discovery call" in the subject line.
Let me know you feel called to schedule this time directly with me because you are ready to seriously do what it takes to LIVE your dreams in 2011 and not let another year of "maybe somedays" pass you by.
Once I hear from you, a brief email questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and return right away and you'll be asked to send along some times that work for you to connect over the next few weeks.
I look forward to scheduling YOU!
January 12, 2011
This is ONLY for you
Hey there!
It's Tara.
I wanted to reach out and let you know that I have some time in my schedule, and I'd love a chance to connect with you personally. Because you've registered for one or more of my special teleclasses, I'm reaching out to offer YOU a complimentary Dream Discovery private telephone session with me!
This call alone can change the course of your year - putting you on a clear path and the fast-track to living your dreams! You CAN go way beyond surviving this New Year, and into thriving now and beyond... I know how to help you do that.
Now, again, because you already showed initiative by registering for a teleclass, I am sending YOU this special invitation to have a private one-to-one conversation with me.
To schedule your complimentary time slot, you simply need to reply to this message by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, January 14th.
If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and to increasing your joy-factor as the ONLY option for you - then connecting for this special call with me to get clear about your Next Steps is for you.
Space is limited. First come, first served.
So, here's what you need to do (by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, January 14th) to reserve this special call:
Email me personally:
Put "Dream Discovery Call" in the subject line.
Let me know you feel called to schedule this time directly with me because you are ready to seriously do what it takes to LIVE your dreams in 2011 and not let another year of "maybe somedays" pass you by.
Once I hear from you, a brief email questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and return right away and you'll be asked to send along some times that will work for you to connect over the next few weeks.
I look forward to scheduling YOU!
It's Tara.
I wanted to reach out and let you know that I have some time in my schedule, and I'd love a chance to connect with you personally. Because you've registered for one or more of my special teleclasses, I'm reaching out to offer YOU a complimentary Dream Discovery private telephone session with me!
This call alone can change the course of your year - putting you on a clear path and the fast-track to living your dreams! You CAN go way beyond surviving this New Year, and into thriving now and beyond... I know how to help you do that.
Now, again, because you already showed initiative by registering for a teleclass, I am sending YOU this special invitation to have a private one-to-one conversation with me.
To schedule your complimentary time slot, you simply need to reply to this message by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, January 14th.
If you know you are SERIOUS about creating the life that you dream of and you are interested in receiving top-level practical and energetic support and are dedicated to personal success and to increasing your joy-factor as the ONLY option for you - then connecting for this special call with me to get clear about your Next Steps is for you.
Space is limited. First come, first served.
So, here's what you need to do (by no later than 5pm on FRIDAY, January 14th) to reserve this special call:
Email me personally:
Put "Dream Discovery Call" in the subject line.
Let me know you feel called to schedule this time directly with me because you are ready to seriously do what it takes to LIVE your dreams in 2011 and not let another year of "maybe somedays" pass you by.
Once I hear from you, a brief email questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and return right away and you'll be asked to send along some times that will work for you to connect over the next few weeks.
I look forward to scheduling YOU!
January 10, 2011
You won't want to miss this!
This is your friendly reminder!
Join me for a complimentary 1-hour dream-propelling 2011 kick-off call! Can't wait to share this with you! Offered at 2 times on 1/11/11... take your pick: 1 p.m. or 7 p.m. EST
Click here to register now.
(It'll take you 2 minutes.)
On this special call, I'll be sharing:
==> How to create a synergistic relationship with your dream - one of ease, flow, and teamwork.
==> How to shift from fear and doubt into an expanded belief about what's possible, even probable.
==> H
ow to move forward with the confidence, clarity and focus of aligned action.
This is my g1ft to YOU in full support of 2011 being your best year yet!
"How to Make 2011 a Happy YOU Year!"
Tuesday, January 11 @ either 1pm OR 7pm EST
Register now for the call-in details.
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
Can't wait to connect!
PS - The direct link to be sure you are on this special dream-propelling 2011 kick-off call is Have friends or colleagues that you think would like to be on this call? Great! Please forward this email to them, but don't forget to register yourself first!
Join me for a complimentary 1-hour dream-propelling 2011 kick-off call! Can't wait to share this with you! Offered at 2 times on 1/11/11... take your pick: 1 p.m. or 7 p.m. EST
Click here to register now.
(It'll take you 2 minutes.)
On this special call, I'll be sharing:
==> How to create a synergistic relationship with your dream - one of ease, flow, and teamwork.
==> How to shift from fear and doubt into an expanded belief about what's possible, even probable.
==> H
ow to move forward with the confidence, clarity and focus of aligned action.
This is my g1ft to YOU in full support of 2011 being your best year yet!
"How to Make 2011 a Happy YOU Year!"
Tuesday, January 11 @ either 1pm OR 7pm EST
Register now for the call-in details.
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
Can't wait to connect!
PS - The direct link to be sure you are on this special dream-propelling 2011 kick-off call is Have friends or colleagues that you think would like to be on this call? Great! Please forward this email to them, but don't forget to register yourself first!
January 05, 2011
Are you maybe-ing your dream?
Are you maybe-ing your dream?
Have you ever had the experience of asking for a clear answer -- and all you get is a "maybe"? -- So frustrating, right!? And when this happens more than once you begin to feel a lot like you're running in place, working hard, sweating and not getting anywhere!... And you can only run in place for so long before you completely wear out or just get off the treadmill entirely!
So, let me ask you something very important:
Have you been maybe-ing your dreams? for how long?
(Honesty can only serve you here.)
If you answered YES, you are certainly not alone.
The good news is that once you recognize this, you can decide to stop doing it and finally respond to your most inspiring - and mutually intimidating - dreams. (Especially that persistent one that just won't go away!) You can say YES...
YES... yes, I'm listening to you.
YES... yes, I will trust you enough to hear what you have to say.
YES... yes, I will stop telling you all the reasons you are unrealistic and impossible and just hear you out.
No promises about what I'll DO with it, but YES... I'm ready and willing to listen.
One more question: Will you give your dream(s) 1-hour of your time - a time that YOU get to pick?
If YES, then I celebrate YOU and extend out a warm invitation to join me for a complimentary hour of listening on Tuesday, January 11 @ either 1 p.m. or 7 p.m. EST. You pick!
Click here to register now.
(It'll take you 2 minutes.)
Listen & learn:
==> How to create a synergistic relationship with your dream - one of ease, flow, and teamwork.
==> How to shift from fear and doubt into an expanded belief about what's possible, even probable.
==> H
ow to move forward with the confidence, clarity and focus of aligned action.
Please accept this g1ft from me to YOU, on behalf of your dreams - both known and unknown. It is my joy to share this important information in full support of 2011 being your best year yet!
"How to Make 2011 a Happy YOU Year!"
Tuesday, January 11 @ either 1pm OR 7pm EST
Click here to register now.
(It'll take you 2 minutes.)
It really is time to stop saying "maybe someday," don't you think? Be sure to register now for all the call-in details and join me on Tuesday, January 11th.
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
Can't wait to connect!
PS - The direct link to be sure you are on this special dream-propelling 2011 kick-off call is Have friends or colleagues that you think would like to be on this call? Great! Please forward this email to them, but don't forget to register yourself first!
Have you ever had the experience of asking for a clear answer -- and all you get is a "maybe"? -- So frustrating, right!? And when this happens more than once you begin to feel a lot like you're running in place, working hard, sweating and not getting anywhere!... And you can only run in place for so long before you completely wear out or just get off the treadmill entirely!
So, let me ask you something very important:
Have you been maybe-ing your dreams? for how long?
(Honesty can only serve you here.)
If you answered YES, you are certainly not alone.
The good news is that once you recognize this, you can decide to stop doing it and finally respond to your most inspiring - and mutually intimidating - dreams. (Especially that persistent one that just won't go away!) You can say YES...
YES... yes, I'm listening to you.
YES... yes, I will trust you enough to hear what you have to say.
YES... yes, I will stop telling you all the reasons you are unrealistic and impossible and just hear you out.
No promises about what I'll DO with it, but YES... I'm ready and willing to listen.
One more question: Will you give your dream(s) 1-hour of your time - a time that YOU get to pick?
If YES, then I celebrate YOU and extend out a warm invitation to join me for a complimentary hour of listening on Tuesday, January 11 @ either 1 p.m. or 7 p.m. EST. You pick!
Click here to register now.
(It'll take you 2 minutes.)
Listen & learn:
==> How to create a synergistic relationship with your dream - one of ease, flow, and teamwork.
==> How to shift from fear and doubt into an expanded belief about what's possible, even probable.
==> H
ow to move forward with the confidence, clarity and focus of aligned action.
Please accept this g1ft from me to YOU, on behalf of your dreams - both known and unknown. It is my joy to share this important information in full support of 2011 being your best year yet!
"How to Make 2011 a Happy YOU Year!"
Tuesday, January 11 @ either 1pm OR 7pm EST
Click here to register now.
(It'll take you 2 minutes.)
It really is time to stop saying "maybe someday," don't you think? Be sure to register now for all the call-in details and join me on Tuesday, January 11th.
No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.
Can't wait to connect!
PS - The direct link to be sure you are on this special dream-propelling 2011 kick-off call is Have friends or colleagues that you think would like to be on this call? Great! Please forward this email to them, but don't forget to register yourself first!
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