August 27, 2010

Dreams & Money (And why you don't need another dime to begin.)

Dreams & Money
(And why you don't need another dime to begin.)

In this issue:
Meet The Dream Team
Dream Party® Deals
Article: Happiness is a Consequence

August/September 2010
Supporting, inspiring & accelerating dream manifestation since 2004.

If you think you need more money for your dreams, think again!

How many times have you said to yourself, "As soon as I have more money, I'll invest in the dreams I have for my life."

Well if that's the case, then I am so excited to be the one to tell you...that reason no longer applies! I want you to know how to really build momentum and get answers about how to go about realizing your dreams, now. And here's how, with no-strings-attached, you can do this RIGHT NOW -- and not even $1 is needed.

Do you have any idea how committed I am to YOU living your dreams? Well, it is truly my life's work... I used to think I couldn't have what I dreamed of. I took steps & leaps of faith - and now I want you to have that too. I am on a mission to make it as easy and accessible as I possibly can for you to do just that, regardless of your present circumstances.

So, on behalf of you and your deepest desires, consider this my personal Thank You for being a member of our international Create Your Life! community of brave, inspired dreamers... You are part of an ever-expanding movement toward a more joyful, inspired world.

Meet the Team & Register Now to join us for a
Special F-R.E.E Dream Team 2010 Teleclass Series!
(Sept 7 - 10)

It's simple:
Follow the link, Register with your email address,
& you'll receive the Call-in Details!

Dream Team

Teleclass Topics Include:

* 3 Creative Ways to Get Your Book Written

* How to Fall in Love This Fall

* What Most House Hunters Don't Know (& Need To)
About The Best Way to Find Their Dream Home

* How to Find Free Money In Your Life

* How to Beat the Back-to-School Blahs and
Create a Home Full of Love and Laughter

* How to Kick Start Your Social Media Strategy
in 60 Minutes: Find Your Focus Fast!

* How to Bring Your Beauty Forward Unapologetically

Meet the Team Now. Join us for one class
or the entire series! It's up to you!

Dream Party® Deals!
Dream Party 2010

SAVE 50% on Tickets to the 5th annual Rhode Island Dream Party®!
(Good Through Aug 31)

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Select # of tickets AND (before clicking the "Order Now" button) Enter Discount Code: AUGSAVINGS

Step 3: Click "Order Now" & for just shy of what you would easily pay for a movie you get 5 hours of support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams at The 5th annual Rhode Island Dream Party®.

"The ultimate Law of Attraction event!"
~ Linda Joy, Publisher of Aspire Magazine,
Sponsor for the 4th consecutive year

And for those asking...
What the heck is The Dream Party®?
Click here to read all about it. :)

Article: Happiness is a Consequence
by, Tara Sage Steeves

Joy is not frivolous. Despite all sources to the contrary, joy is not a blissful state of ignorance experienced only by the irresponsible. It is not a fleeting luxury of childhood, or the 20's. It is not privately owned by the Pollyannas, nor is it a prize awarded by the stuff-acquiring puppeteers club. Oh no, joy is not frivolous at all.

In Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert writes:

"I keep remembering one of my Guru's teaching about happiness. She says that people universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will maybe descend upon you like fine weather if you're fortunate enough. But that's not how happiness works. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it, you must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it."

Allow these words to resonate deep inside you:
You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings...
YOU have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings...
"I have to PARTICIPATE relentlessly in the manifestations of my own blessings... "

Joy is for everyone and anyone who ever wants to do something great. It is for anyone who wants to raise stable adaptable children. It's for anyone who wants to look back on life and smile. Joy is the essential component of the creation of your best life. From joy, grows more joy. From joy, all of life's precious moments become timeless.

Maybe you find yourself fighting for it. Maybe you find yourself striving for it. Maybe you find yourself insisting upon it. Maybe you're searching for it. Or maybe you are making a mighty effort to maintain it.

Where ever you are on your personal quest for a joy-full life, consider the enormous value of a continued investment in your dreams. May you always participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings, and may you seek and find the courage within to dream yourself awake.

More Great Gifts You Don't Need Your Wallet For...

along with your choice of over 70 complimentary gifts, visit

Celebrating the possibilities for your life,

Tara Sage Steeves
Dream Realization Coach,
Author, Speaker,
Founder & President
Create Your Life! & The Dream Party®

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