October 22, 2010

Are you feeling uncomfortable?

Are you uncomfortable?

Something really important has surfaced for me recently.

I had this experience where I was reminded of just how potent a source of motivation discomfort is. I'm not going to go into this in full detail because it is THAT uncomfortable (I'm sure you've experienced the same), but here's what I've discovered about this and how it connects to your dream...

Your dreams and goals can serve as pure and inspired motivation for action, there's no doubt about that. But, sometimes discomfort is even more of an incentive for change. Know what I mean?

It's easy to put off upping-the-ante on your JOY because, well, right now is tolerable enough... But when things send us into a tizzy of "this really isn't working for me," change happens f-a-s-t and those all-of-a-sudden priorities quickly by-pass whatever had previously been at the top of the to-do list.

Change is a fascinating phenomenon, and there's certainly no shortage of opportunities to witness this phenom taking place right now - whether on a deeply personal level or a macro-cosmic scale.

So, why am I writing to you about all this?

I'm writing because I want to invite you to join me for a process of accelerated change in the direction of JOY. I want you to join me in a process of inspired momentum - a momentum that gracefully and quickly moves you away from what feels yucky, and has you rapidly and excitedly moving toward what your heart knows YOU are here to share.

Through my work in the world, I am co-creating a movement of activity, intention, and support to help tip the scales on this uncomfortable change process, and help YOU live a life you love NOW, not later. I want you to access, expand, and share the expression of your soul, the wonder of your life, - oh yeh, AND join me in exponentially increasing the joy of the world...

How's THAT for dreaming big? :)

(More nitty-gritty details to come...but for now be assured that I am in full-swing with aligned action toward this dream here at Create Your Life headquarters.)

So, are you ready to join forces with me?

I have the perfect way to support you in this. Coming up, is the kick-off of a brand new 8-week telephone classroom (this means wherever you are, you can join) program that, for a fraction of the cost of private coaching, I'll be giving you ALL my dream realization secrets, immediate energy management tools to use, and direct hands-on-how-to's so that you have a clear, proven process and are fully equipped to realize any dream you can imagine.

This program is a condensed version of what I've boiled down to just the most engaging, dream-actualizing parts of my Psychology training, my Coach training, my Holistic Leadership training, countless books and seminars, and an in-depth education at the school of hard-knocks...all rolled into an experience that will give YOU a jump-start to more joy and well-being, and feeling excited and invigorated about getting out of bed each day. You've got dreams to realize!

You will drastically reduce your learning curve, and get right to it by being part of this 8-week crash course, where you'll learn my step-by-step Create Your Life! Dream-Acceleration™ Process. You'll walk away with everything you need to start bringing about whatever you can imagine, and being joyfully on-track, right away.

The program starts mid-November, but through October 31, you can save BIG. I also need to let you know that because I'm committed to this being an intimate group so that everyone gets plenty of personal attention from me, I will only accept 20 participants - this is my promise, and spaces are already filling.

If you're ready to join me, click here for all the details. If you review it and have questions about the program or whether is would be a good fit for you, I want you to feel free to reach out to me personally at Tara@createyourlifeinc.com. Write "Dream-Acceleration Program Question" in the subject header and you'll be first on my list of replies so we can set up time for a one-to-one chat.

I truly can't wait to coach you and to share this extraordinary Dream-Acceleration™ Program with you!

You'll want to register for this right away because, again, I will only accept 20 people into this program. And for a huge discount tuition savings, you must register by no later than October 31.

Together, let's turn discomfort into joy and new beginnings. The time to start living your dreams is NOW.

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. The website with all the details about how you can be one of the 20 people to join me for this dream-propelling 8-week program is http://createyourlifeinc.com/acceleratemydream.htm and your huge tuition discount offer expires October 31!

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