March 04, 2011

How to decipher a dream

Have you ever wondered this?

I just returned from a week in Florida at a gathering of 100+ heart-centered entrepreneurs and leaders (my kind of scene!) On this trip, I was reminded of something so critically important...

As you well know, dreaming isn't always obvious and straight-forward. Especially in the hustle-and-bustle of daily life, it can be very challenging to tune into the (often quiet) nudges of your dreaming heart. Believe me, I know.

It's why I'm such an advocate for setting aside the time, space, and support to connect with your dreams and desires: deep and true, yet often overlooked. I'm especially talking about those dreams that, when you look back on your life, you'll either be glad you pursued them OR still wondering what could have been...

Yet, it can be hard to tell the difference!

As a Dream Realization Coach, I'm often asked:

Tara, how can I really know when I've connected with a dream?

In other words ... How do you decipher whether it's a true dream or something else? How can you be sure it's not just your mind playing tricks on you...or that it's not somebody else's dream for you....or that it's just a great big ugly "should"?

Well, here's a fool-proof way to tell one from the other:

The voice of your dreams doesn't speak in "laters". It doesn't use words like "eventually" or "someday" or "as soon as.." or "down the road.." or "once I..."

Your dream speaks only in the NOW.

(Hint: It is the voice of fear and doubt that speaks in "laters".)

And here's what's so important about this...

Without the support to ACT on the clarity of your dreams, now, your rational mind will always jump in and convince you to wait some more...and then some more.

And, be honest: How long have you been saying "later"?

If you've been waiting for your dreams, you need to

know that your dreams are waiting.. for YOU!

The magic and the mystery of dreaming is that only once you take the leap of faith and give your deepest desires the love and attention they deserve, is the way to realize them shown to you. (And not a moment sooner.)

Ready to stop living for later? Well, in perfect time, The Dream-Acceleration™ Program starts next week and there are a few spots left! Join us and be guided through each and every step of the process. Your fears and doubts won't want to hear this, but it's true none-the-less: No dream is too small, too large, too silly, or too vague for us to get you started right away on an accelerated path to its realization.

Reserve your spot now to join & I'll send your

Welcome Packet off to you right away!

The time to start living your dreams is now.

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


PS - After you register, feel free to contact me directly to schedule a complimentary call to be sure that this program is a really good fit for you. If, after we talk, you decide that it's not, I am happy to refund your money.

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