March 21, 2011

Are you a qualified dreamer?

Are you a qualified dreamer?

I had an awesome experience this weekend that reminded me of something so important.

I had been invited to lead a dream realization workshop for a group of women-friends who had all gathered together to celebrate not only the host's birthday - but life in general! When I arrived, they'd had a full morning of activities and were gathered together in a big circle in the living room sharing stories, and memories, and the wisdom of life's lessons. Their stories were such a powerful reminder that life really is short and so very, very precious...

Soon after we'd begun our dreaming time together, a woman in the group shared that she was so struck by how long it's been since she had given herself the time and the permission to just dream... to tune in to her heart and deepest desires for herself and her life.

It was a powerful moment - and she is certainly not alone.

Children don't ask permission to dream, and they don't question whether or not they are "qualified" to dream ... yet, somewhere along the line, far too many adults adopt the idea that dreaming is for other people.

Have you ever thought to yourself that you are somehow not qualified to dream? Have you asked: Who am I to dream? ... let alone dream BIG? Sadly, it often takes only one person to challenge you and ask "Who do you think you are?" for your dreaming to come to a full stop.

Let this message be your reminder of what your soul already knows:
That YOU not only have permission to dream - right now, exactly where you are - but that the world is calling for you to dream bigger and bolder than ever.
(Yes, YOU.)

I'm offering this reminder because forgetting can happen so easily, without even realizing it...

It's time to join forces and to unleash your dreaming self - and I have the perfect way to support you in this. It's called The Dream-Acceleration™ Program It'll be starting again soon, and it's sure to fill fast.

So, before the ego-mind jumps in and tells you all the reasons that this program is for other people, I invite you to check it out right away! AND, if you have any questions, or would like to connect one-to-one to explore if it's a good fit for you, then contact me directly and we'll set up a time for a complimentary chat.

In this program:

* You'll connect with your dormant dreamer and leap forward into the experience of living your dreams now!

* You'll receive step-by-step support to move forward confidently and expeditiously!

* You'll enjoy and celebrate the unique dreams of others, gain inspiration to dream even bigger and bolder, and receive the tools and courage to take action to LIVE those dreams!

It is time, for you, to step into what's possible (and always was) and receive personalized support and the incredible experience of actualizing your dreams!


May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


P.S. The direct link to learn more about this special program and claim your spot is Have questions? Let me know... I'd be delighted to connect with you!

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