August 19, 2010

I'm thinking you might be thinking this...

I've been thinking about you.

I want to talk to you about something really important.

I have a sense that you have a misconception about me - and that you may also have a misconception about yourself. What I'm sensing is that you might believe that in order to actualize your dreams, that you first have to be crystal clear about what your dreams are.

In other words...Maybe you believe that to work with me you have to have all the specifics, the right dates on the calendar, all the colors and materials, everything in place, and be prepared to share your dream in one tight-concise-exciting-little-sentence.

And, I don't know about you...but if someone told me that if I didn't have all the specifics clear...or that what I want for myself and my life wasn't worthy, valid, or ready enough to be pursued...or that I couldn't actually step into creating my dream life just yet...I would feel like I was somehow falling behind, or like I really didn't have it together.

So, I find myself wondering and guessing that this may be something you're feeling.

Trust me, I know what it means to feel like I don't have it together and to wonder if I am just meant to live day-to-day feeling stuck in the same-old-same-old, day after day after day, after day... What you may not know about me is that I started pursuing my own dreams from a dank basement apartment, with a heart that hurt, and tons of financial debt.

I really want to be sure to share with you that you don't have to have those specifics known, organized neatly, or perfectly formulated in your mind. You don't have to have the vision clear and all the pieces in place to begin.

This is why I created the Driven Dreamers Summer Special - so that we can begin creating together, now. So that you can gain clarity on your vision, and create momentum that gives you the accountability, support, and guidance to help you in actually LIVING the future that you desire.

I created the Summer Special as a super affordable way for you to also connect with a community of other brave dreamers who, like you, are giving themselves permission to share, explore, pursue, and jump-start their dreams.

I want you to have the gift of learning just how accessible and possible your dreams really are - from exactly where you are.

So, I want to be sure you have all the info about how this never-again "Driven Dreamer Summer Special" can support you. And, as a special bonus, it INCLUDES a V.I.P. Ticket with your name on it to the 5th annual Rhode Island Dream Party®!

Please visit for all the details.

I look forward to dreaming with you!


P.S. Tickets for the 5th annual Rhode Island Dream Party® have officially gone on sale! So even if the amazing abundance and savings of the Summer Special Package isn't for you then you will want to at least take advantage of the Early Early Bird Special Price - which includes your V.I.P. Access to Win Raffle Prizes and other bennies. Be sure to reserve your tickets now!

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