August 08, 2010

Just a friendly reminder...


I'm writing to give you a friendly reminder that there are just 3 spots left for this special event happening in 2 days: Networking for Dreamers + a 2-hour "Dreaming Out Loud" workshop!

Here's how the evening will go...


6:00-8:00 p.m. "DREAMING OUT LOUD" Workshop
If you are unsure of your dreams, ready to dream bigger, or just need a bit of guidance about how to bring your dreams to life...than this playful, powerful 2-hour workshop is especially for you!

You will:

* Create a list of what you truly desire.
* Be inspired to dream big and take the next steps to give birth to your dreams.
* Learn how to best access the joy and ease of manifestation.
* Gain resources and an understanding of the power in sharing and declaring your dreams.
* Identify specific steps that comfortably stretch your limits and inspire action.
* Connect with the excitement and passion of your dreams and the dreams of others.

The $5 seats for the first 20 people SOLD OUT - fast! But don't worry, it's still a deal...
Click here to claim one of the last 3 seats now for an easy $10!

It's an awesome opportunity to meet and mingle with other dreamers!

And, in addition to meeting other inspiring'll also receive guidance and tools to support you in dreaming bigger and bolder, and taking clear action to support the realization of those dreams! (Oh, yeah, and the Rise Cafe is known for their sandwiches, pastries, coffee AND air conditioning!)

Date: August 10, 2010
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: The Rise Cafe, 900 County Street, Somerset, MA

Again, be sure your spot is reserved, so here's the link to secure your seat for just $10.

Can't wait to dream with you!


P.S. Just 3 seats left - be sure to have one with your name on it!

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