Warm Summer Greetings!
Imagine if you could dream with the confidence of knowing you're on the right track, and that you have support in place to keep you moving forward, building more and more momentum around your dreams...
Well, you can! I'm truly excited to share a very special offer with you!
(It's something I've reserved for 20 people only!)
It's called the "Driven Dreamers Summer Special", and here's what it includes...


If you were to purchase every single aspect of this package separately, you'd have to shell out over $500 for this program.
That might seem like a lot. But, not in the grand scheme of things.
* If time expanded for you and you found that you do have time to pursue your dreams.
* If that feeling of "not knowing" just disappeared.
* Having the clarity of a direct path to travel.
* If when you get stuck, you could turn that into momentum.
* If you had the support of a guide holding your hand as you travel along your path.
* No longer craving a possible "someday" and instead feeling truly confident about where you are heading, and that you'll get there.
What would this be worth to you?
I used to think I couldn't have what I dreamed of. I took steps & leaps of faith - and now I want you to have that too. I'm committed to you LIVING your dreams - not just talking about it.
Here's the difference the Summer Special will make for you:
* You & I will begin creating a customized plan for your dreams.
* We're going to work on that plan together & get you really clear on your vision and your next steps.
* At the October Dream Party, you'll connect with a community of dreamers & resources that will elevate & expand what's possible for you even more.
* After The Dream Party, there will be a followup teleclass to keep you building momentum & putting you on a clear path.
At only $197, it's a summer special for a reason ---
I promise you will NEVER see this offer again.
And to help make this decision as easy as possible for you,
I'm even offering an Installment Plan.
I want to personally support you in saying yes to your dreams because I want you to experience just how possible it is to live your dreams, regardless of your present circumstances.
And, don't forget! This includes a $99 Dream Circle 2.0 savings!
FOR THE FIRST 5 TO REGISTER...I'll also send you a special 4-page assessment to support you in creating more balance and ease in your life!
Go to http://createyourlifeinc.com/summerspecial.htm to reserve your spot!
Whether you know what your dreams are, feel entirely unsure of what you dream of, or have some idea but the vision is still foggy... I believe your heart knows what it wants, and if you're ready to listen, I'm here to help.
After you register, be on the lookout for a personal email from me with all the details about the Summer Special Package AND your exclusive access to The Dream Party® Ticketholders Only page, where you'll find EVEN MORE FREE GIFTS!
PS - If you are ONLY interested in The Dream Party® and you want to opt out of all the incredible benefits of this Driven Dreamers Summer Special, then CLICK HERE to individually order tickets to the 5th Annual Rhode Island Dream Party® at the early early bird rate and receive V.I.P. status access while it lasts!
Summer sun,
Tara Sage Steeves
Dream Realization Coach,
Author, Speaker,
Founder & President
Create Your Life! & The Dream Party®
© Copyright 2010 Tara Sage Steeves. All rights reserved.
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