February 21, 2011

Technology tells a funny joke - on me!

Joy to You!

Hardy-har-har! It's a glaring paradox that I just can't overlook...

Through the wonders of technology, folks registered for my very special freebie teleclass today from far and wide...from not just across the U.S., but also as far as Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Cool, right?

Thank you, technology. Well, sort of... Here's the catch:

Sadly, I was booted off the line of my OWN teleclass! (Funny stuff, eh?) Yet, after a 30-second or so break in the middle, I DID return and still gave every single morsel of information I had intended to, about how you can engage right away in 9-accelerated steps to realize YOUR dreams. : -)

Click here to listen to the recording now! At the end, I announce a special time-sensative (24-hour) offer that you won't want to miss. ENJOY!

If you don't have time to listen to the entire call now... click HERE to get the "cliff notes" of the 9 Accelerated Steps, AND read all about how you can join me and a special group of other driven dreamers for my upcoming Dream-Acceleration™ Program (and take advantage of a HUGE savings offer good through tomorrow, February 22 at midnight)!

If you:

√ Are feeling stuck or in the midst of a big transition

√ Are tired of saying "maybe someday"

√ Are ready to stop spending a lot of energy spinning your wheels or going much slower than you'd like

√ Are absolutely serious about living your dreams and consistently and powerfully creating accelerated momentum, feeling excited and energized about bringing your dreams to life and creating a life you love

√ And, you want to be show exactly HOW to create more joy, ease and grace in your experience

...than you'll definitely want to check out the program to decide for yourself.

Have questions? Let me know and I'll happily set up a time to talk to you personally and so we can explore and see if this program is a good fit for you.

No more living for later. The time to start living your dreams is now.

May your dreams always inspire more than they intimidate,


PS - Again, to listen to the 1-hour recording of "How to go from Dreaming to Reality in 9 Accelerated Steps" click here.

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